Chapter 285 Order of Merit

On the tenth day of July, even in Liaodong, the midsummer sun is hot enough.Wang Ge, as an examiner of the artisan boy examination, is conscientiously patrolling the examination room and assisting the chief examiner to select talented candidates from the candidates.

Now she is an official of the craftsman's office of the county office, and she is also the youngest craftsman in Pingzhou.

Only Pingzhou and Liangzhou are special. There are three artisan boy exams every year, in March, May and July.Craftsmen cannot be older than nine years old, and there are no other restrictions. If you have not passed the test once, you can continue to participate next time.Wang Ge was also told that candidates only need to make straw sandals or rub out a coil of straw rope.

She had thought that there would be a large number of candidates, but there were more than a thousand artisans in Xiangping County participating, which was far beyond her expectations.The youngest examinee is only five years old, all of them are dressed in gray and old clothes, and they are basically kneading straw ropes, and it is rare to weave straw sandals.

Alas, if Ah Shu took the exam here, not to mention the craftsman boy, it is estimated that all the craftsmen passed the exam.Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The border county starts from the quasi-craftsman exam, and the difficulty is equal to that of other counties. If you don't practice the basic skills in the best years, you can't pass the quasi-craftsman exam, and the previous level will be abolished. .

It took Wang Ge a long time to patrol the examination room, and he found that there were really many foreign craftsmen.

In Pingzhou, no matter what ethnicity or tribe, as long as they become the household registration of self-cultivating farmers of the imperial court, their living security will be the same as that of Han people.Year after year, the people of the Han family have also accepted this point.This is a good thing. In the future, various benevolent decrees of the imperial court will be spread along with the benefited people of other races, attracting people from farther afield.

There are rest areas for examiners in all four directions of the examination room. Wang Ge couldn't help but feel happy when he was eating lunch.The year before last, she was still in the examination of Jiang Tong, and she received a lot of stares because of her age, but now, she has become the youngest examiner.With so many envious eyes cast on her, these people must guess that she has suffered a lot, but what kind of hardship she has endured and how she has endured each time, only she can understand.

Faintly, the sound of the zither came from the sky, she followed the sound and looked into the distance, it was a wooden kite tied with a bamboo flute.When she handed the model map to the county office that day, she didn't dare to mention the name "kite", she just said that she occasionally thought of it, and wanted travelers to be able to tell how far they were to reach the post by the sound of the wooden kite when they were walking at night.As for whether the wooden kite can make a sound after the bamboo flute is tied, how loud is the sound, and how far can it be transmitted?All have to be tested now.

Therefore, Wang Ge knew that in addition to not operating wooden kites privately, the imperial court did not allow ordinary craftsmen to make them.The craftsmen who made this object are all descendants of Mohism, and they are called "Tianzhi".

That day, Wang Shuzuo and a Tianzhizhong craftsman took her to watch three kinds of special wooden kites at close range: the first type, a kite array composed of several wooden kites; It is used in windy weather; the last one shocked Wang Ge, it has no traction line, and it is also lifted by the power of the machine.

On the same day that Wang Ge increased his knowledge, Dongyi Mansion received an urgent official document, and the court issued a new order, which not only affected thousands of people with lofty ideals in the Great Jin Dynasty, but also affected Wang Ge's future life and plans. .

This new order is: Order of Merit.

"It's better for Master Wang to become famous at a young age." One examiner talked with another examiner, raising his voice deliberately.

Wang Ge stopped his trance and hurried to eat.She is an examiner for the first time, so she cannot be told that she is lazy.

Another examiner smiled wryly: "Who doesn't want to fight for the future when they are young? Isn't it because they lack the ability to fight for it?"

A sound of "boom" is not as good as the sound of a drum, and a craftsman in the nearest area has been eliminated.

The examiner continued what he had just said: "Look, you can't even twist a straw rope."

Wang Ge finished eating and left quickly.The high-pitched examiner was even more upset: "No matter what we say, she is much older than her, and she doesn't greet us when she comes and goes, quite arrogant."

She pretended not to hear that there were more than a dozen examiners in the rest area, all of whom were junior craftsmen. It is estimated that few of them were double juniors. It stands to reason that she has high qualifications, so why did she take the initiative to greet them.

Wang Ge continued to think about the "Meritorious Order" while watching the craftsmen's assessment.Five years later, the imperial court will start a long-distance voyage by sea, and anyone who has achieved the required number of meritorious service can get a quota for the long-distance voyage, and this quota is only for personal use.Those who have no intention of voyage are not allowed to participate in the meritorious order, so as to avoid unnecessary statistical tasks for county officials.

The methods for a carpenter to obtain merit points include: improving weapons and agricultural tools; serving as an examiner for craftsman competitions; The first place in the state competition is counted as three meritorious figures; the first place in the national competition is counted as ten meritorious figures.

There are many subdivisions in it, which is very cumbersome.

First of all, let's talk about "improving military equipment and agricultural equipment".How much meritorious service can be converted has to be assessed by the supervisor.Take Qu Yuanli as an example, it has been reported to the imperial court by Kuaiji County, and Liaodong County rewarded Wang Ge with "twenty times the first place in the county", which cannot be converted into the number of meritorious service, because one merit cannot be rewarded repeatedly.

Flying chariots and kites just in time for the official document of the meritorious decree.If Wang Ge wanted to exchange them for the number of successes, Dongyi Mansion had to report to the imperial court. After returning the supervisor to assess her results, Dongyi Mansion would reward her with the number of first places corresponding to the strength of her results.

Don't think it's just as simple as reversing the procedure. After the general supervisor returns the results to Liaodong County, how can he receive so much credit when the iron is hot?Maybe, at that time, there will only be rewards for merit points, and she will no longer be rewarded for the first place in the county.

The second is the "serving as an examiner".There is no limit to the region, but only the four items of craftsman boy, craftsman, quasi-craftsman test, and craftsman competition can be exchanged for a number of meritorious service.This can only be earned up to three times.A junior craftsman is only qualified to be an examiner in the craftsman competition. Fortunately, there is no age requirement for this. After she becomes a middle craftsman, she will definitely be able to earn these three merit points.

Then there is the item "Woodware for sale".limited area.The utensils sold by junior craftsmen at the woodware shop in the same county office can be exchanged for a number of merits if the accumulated value reaches a hundred guan. The wooden utensils need to be sold to thousands of guan before they can be exchanged.Craftsmen with a higher level are not allowed to participate in this event.

Finally, there is the "County, State, and National Competition" item.It is not limited to regions, and the minimum level requirement is an associate craftsman.Don't think that this is the icing on the cake for the craftsman, but it will make the snow worse!This means that junior craftsmen who are particularly outstanding in a certain field, or those who have won the first place a hundred times, will repeatedly participate in the county competitions they are good at in order to exchange merits.

Fortunately, middle craftsmen can only participate in state-level competitions, and are not allowed to cover lower-level competitions.

Closer to home, Wang Ge didn't hesitate for long that day, so he chose to exchange the flying car and kite for the number of the first place in the county seven times.But these days her heart is in a mess, and she can't tell if it's regret or regret.

The reason why the yin and yang craftsman targeted her just now is very simple, that is, there are two grades of meritorious service.One is before the age of 19, and the other is from 60 to 18 years old.Once more than [-] years, the opponent becomes a mature craftsman with countless experiences, how can he compete with others?

Wang Ge wanted to go to sea, and wanted to see the glory of shipping in this era. In particular, Wang Shuzuo said that two meritorious tripods had been cast in the capital, and the names of those who were outstanding in the two ranks would be engraved on them. Leave a name on the golden tripod, and the merits will be passed down for thousands of years"!
This is the supreme glory, and every time she thinks of it, her heart is excited.

But why did she come to Bianjun?She didn't dare to aim too high, didn't dare to stretch her ambitions, no matter how beautiful the scenery on the top of the distant mountain was, she had to cross the mountain ahead first.In the past two years, you must collect the first place in the hundreds of county competitions and win the middle craftsman!

(End of this chapter)

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