Chapter 288
At the same time, the Carpenter's Office of the County Department.

The craftsmen here are all hired from neighboring counties, especially Donglai County. Every year, there are two Tianjin Passes in Ye County and Huang County, and a large number of craftsmen are carried by sea boats to Tajin County in Liaodong County.Their lowest rank is middle-level craftsmen, and on the basis of standard wages, they enjoy double subsidies from Dongyi Prefecture and Liaodong County.

Wang Ge's task is to check whether the error of the wood and mold made by the craftsman is within the allowable range.Because they are all weapons, spot checks by craftsmen and officials alone are not enough. While Liaodong County pays high wages to craftsmen, it also has extremely strict requirements on them. Among craftsmen, five people should be used as "teams" to communicate with each other. Inspecting the joint guarantee, one person made a mistake, and five people were punished together.

After patrolling around the wood shop, more than an hour passed.Wang Ge is an ordinary craftsman in Zhangmu District, and there are few female craftsmen and officials. Even she has a total of four female officials.The rest of the ordinary craftsmen and officials are all ten people.

Sitting in his seat, the wood on the desk is several palm-sized pieces of camphor wood, picked from the waste pile.The wooden box on the left hand side is full of tools, which are provided by the shop and can only be used in the shop and cannot be taken away.The tools on the right, together with the trunks, are her own.

She opened the box, took out the chisel, and began to carve wooden balls.

Traveling through so many years, if you want to restore the level of Guigongqiu in your previous life, you have to hone it layer by layer.Ghost work means that the concentric balls can be rotated layer by layer, and that the hollow patterns on each layer of balls are carved with extraordinary craftsmanship.

So before cutting the knife, the layout of the small space has been designed, such as which pattern to carve and what it wants to imply.These are not only related to the regular size, but all have to be drawn.Then, leave a few large holes of the same specification, several small holes, and hollow out points for the patterns; whether the small holes are for the beauty of the pattern requirements, or for digging out the inner sphere, which is practical; on the outer sphere, The pattern can be engraved in several layers, how thick the highest point is from the hole wall, and how thick the hole wall is; the patterns of each layer of balls are the same, or they are different, or form a twisted spiral when they are rotated to be concentric.

In addition, when carving ghost balls with wood, the texture of the wood must be taken into account in the step of drawing the pattern.

In short, the pattern of the ghost ball can be cumbersome, but it must coexist with elegance and coordination. It cannot be dazzling at first glance, and then the more you look at it, the more dizzy and nauseating it becomes.The ghostly crafted balls carved by Wang Nanxing in the previous life in the first few years all had this shortcoming.

Of course, the current Wang Ge is far away from Wang Nanxing.The immediate thing to pick up is the engraving of the outer balls, and the perfect separation of the concentric balls.

The tools of the craftsman's office are complete, including flat chisels, arc chisels, and oblique chisels, and even copper calipers that are surprising to future generations.But if she wants to pick out the inner sphere, she has to use the curved chisels she brought from her hometown. There are twenty chisels in total. The angles and the length and width of the chisel blades are different. wantonly built.

Whenever the fine sawdust sticks to her hands, it will be blown away.Wang Ge imagined them as little Sima Tao, and screamed at her the moment they were blown away: " wait!"

The craftsman's shop has very little free time, and Wang Ge had to make a second inspection after he had been carving for a while.Time passed by walking and inspecting time after time.At the beginning of the year, the ministry of the day ends.The three female officials in the same office were very envious of Wang Ge, they had never made any contribution to the county office, they had to work for two more hours before they could rest, and they had to live in the office.

The colorful glow of the setting sun adds a bit of splendor to the bustling market.

Wang Ge carried corn to the shop this morning, in order to add some vegetables to eat on the way back.The merchant who sold salted beans asked her if she wanted the leftover salted rabbit meat and stewed pigtails, and he could make some stewed soup for free.

Wang Ge smiled and shook his head: "Uncle, all I want is salted mustard greens and salted beans."

"Unfortunately, the mustard greens are gone. Fresh mustard greens will come out after a while. Last year's pickled ones were all sold out."

Wang Ge continued shopping with a small urn of salted beans in his arms, and asked anyone he was interested in.

"How much is the mink fur?"

"How do you sell sheep felt?"

"This copper mask is interesting. Why is it double-sided? Didn't it come from the local area? No wonder."

Just like when she first entered Xiangzhou, she was eager to get familiar with the land, and re-perceived the people and things she met, so as to soothe her impetuous and anxious emotions for a day.

In fact, Wang Ge knew early on that Duan Gong, Cao Shi or Wang Shuzuo would definitely arrange eyeliners by her side, which is not a bad thing.

The four ladies have all lived in that courtyard long ago, who is the eyeliner?After a few days of observation, she found that Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Nan who always snore while sleeping are similar in personality, outgoing and enthusiastic.Mrs. Zou and Mrs. Qian are prudent. The former is because of her age and experience, but Mrs. Qian is only in her early twenties, so her prudence should be innate, and she has an excellent memory.

The reason why she was sure that the eyeliner was Qian Niangzi was because of the position of the mat last night.Mrs. Qian was next to Mrs. Zou, the former was on the outermost side, but the two switched positions last night. Given their usual personalities, Mrs. Qian must have taken the initiative to discuss it with Mrs. Zou.

Then, when Mrs. Qian said she wanted to ask the officer to protect Wang Ge, she dared to say that the officer would agree before asking for instructions, which showed that Mrs. Qian was confident that her mission was to protect Wang Ge!

It's eyeliner, so perform the duties of eyeliner.

Mrs. Qian is a smart person, so she must have known that she was being used, but there was no way, it was Wang Ge who wanted to use people's hearts, it was the world that had been whipping her, making her become a scheming person.

There is nothing wrong with deliberate and deliberate, only by deliberate and deliberate can one survive, to tear the wings from one's back, to support a family of young and old, and not to be pinched and humiliated by the children of a family like Sima Tao!
"Give way... Make way..." The two rows of spearmen behind shouted while blocking the way. "Fellow folks, these eight people killed the enemy in the outskirts of the county. Although they made great achievements, they used their heads to scare the people on the way back, so they walked around the county office for an hour to show their punishment."

The people who had thrown out the leaves and dirt hurriedly covered their faces.Killing the enemy is a great achievement, although it scares the people, it is enough to overcome.

But Sima Tao and Liu Qing were used to being proud, they just felt that the surrounding eyes were like raindrops converging into a flood, hitting their faces incessantly.And every time the spearmen state the reasons for their mistakes, they have to follow up with a sentence: "I will know my mistakes, and I will not scare the people in the future."

A lot of people were laughing, and some booed them to be louder.

Ah... how embarrassing!

Especially Sima Tao, because he was at the forefront.Suddenly, he bit his cheek hard, and his forehead was bruised.

Enemy's road is narrow, and the servant girl is also on the side of the road!
Wang Ge yelled exaggeratedly: "Wow! Look, this gentleman is really tall. He looks like a rice bag and can be eaten!" She said and compared the height of the other party.

Among the noisy voices, as long as you don't pay special attention, her shouting is actually not eye-catching.She shouted to Liu Qing again: "Your Majesty is a smart man, don't go with a villain anymore. Remember my words, repeated defeats and repeated battles are brave, repeated battles and repeated defeats are stupid."

Liu Qing really wanted to bump Wang Ge to death!Fortunately, he still has the nickname of "Shanyin Little Zhuge", and he lost to a little girl twice!In the afternoon, after waiting for the number of meritorious service to be announced, he set off for the Buxianshan garrison camp.Unexpectedly, more than a dozen farmers flocked to the county office to report. They said: "Yesterday evening in the suburbs of the county, a knight frightened innocent people with a dead head. The other party was a delicate little girl!"


The people are idle, regardless of the crops, come to the county office to sue this?Why don't you come this morning?Ah.

The number of meritorious service is not enough to cover the crime, so let's parade for an hour today.What does it mean first, it means that there will be punishment next!Ah.

After coming to Liaodong County for less than a month, what contribution did Wang Ge make to make the county office so motivating for her?Also in less than a month, as for myself, I was implicated by Sima Tao and paraded in the streets!
God, it's impossible not to admit bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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