Chapter 289
Fortunately, there was a disturbance in the county office, which caused the people to disperse, otherwise Liu Qing would be depressed to the point of internal injury.

What happened to the county office?Wang Ge happened to hear the discussion clearly. It was a county official who went out to do errands and returned to the eastern suburbs. He found a farmer to stay overnight, but he sat up in surprise in the middle of the night, and there was an extra lady beside him.The official was scared away at that time. After dawn, the farmers came to the county office to file a complaint. They were worried that the officials would protect each other.

Later, Shi Menxia personally persuaded them to go back and wait for the news, but they didn't know that the family came back again in the evening and brought their neighbors to testify.When the scene was noisy, a drunk man picked up the Jiangu drum at the south gate and ran away. After running a few feet away, the drummer who was watching the excitement found out.

It sounds messy.Wang Ge no longer followed the township troops, and hurried back to the official house.

It was the time when the chef was serving dinner, and sure enough, only Mrs. Qian was there, with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Sister, didn't you go for dinner?"

"Don't worry, there are a lot of cobwebs in the sundry room, I'll clean it up."

"I'll help sister."

"Okay." Mrs. Qian has been muttering in her heart for a whole day, is Wang Ge really as precocious as Wang Shuzuo said?Confused, she still followed Wang Shuzuo's instructions, and said truthfully: "I have reported Sima Tao's matter to Gong Cao Shi, and she will give you justice."

Wang Ge saluted: "Then I'm relieved, thank you for the money."

"Listen...not used to it." Qian Niangzi forced a smile.There was only one cobweb in the sundry house. After cleaning it, she didn’t have to look for work. She piled the firewood on the north wall to the south wall, and said, “I went to the section where you met Sima Tao. As a witness, Bingcao settled his fault in the afternoon."

"I just saw on the street that Sima Tao and Liu Qing were paraded through the streets."

"Well, although Sima Tao made the mistake, eight of them killed three of the enemy, and Cao Cao wanted to receive the credit together. Since they all want to earn credit, of course they have to bear the fault together. Besides, they are not only punished to parade in the street. The city wall is under repair , Bing Cao punished these eight people for three months of forced labor. If you can forgive me, you can give them a reduced term or exemption from military service."

"Oh?" Wang Ge's eyes widened suddenly.

Mrs. Qian couldn't help laughing: "Is your anger smooth?"

She nodded vigorously, and said in shame: "I have been tempted by my sister, but my sister still looks at me."

"It's a good thing for you to be on your own. It's a good thing to be careful. The timing for these boys to come to Bian County is just right. If they serve three months of forced labor, they will miss the good time. So according to my estimation, they will find you soon. You apologize."

"I understand that as long as they admit their mistakes sincerely, I will not hold on to this matter."

When the two of them put down their minds, Mrs. Zou came back, her eyes were slightly swollen, and she had obviously cried.

Madam Qian asked with concern: "Did you find your younger brother?"

Wang Ge whispered: "The two elder sisters are talking, I'll go get dinner."

After she left the hospital, she heard Mrs. Zou angrily say: "Why are you staying in the suburbs of the county when you're back? You don't care about anything, this time I can't control it..."

Wang Ge was surprised: It couldn't be such a coincidence, the county magistrate who caused the trouble was Mrs. Zou's younger brother?
The chef was unloading firewood, several ox carts filled the road, and one cart of wood was waste from the craftsman's shop, it would be a pity to chop it into firewood.

Wang Ge asked Lichen not to unload the cart, she found the cook and the steward, and bought the cart of wood at the price of ordinary firewood.Who would have thought that the waste wood that could only be used as firewood would soon become a novel map!

After returning to the official residence, Mrs. Qian was still with Mrs. Zou. Fortunately, the latter no longer showed any sadness.Mrs. Zhuan and Mrs. Nan helped Wang Ge pack up the wood, sorted them by size, and threw all the small ones into the basket.

Holding the inch-wide thin wood, the special lady asked, "Do you keep this kind?"

"Keep them all, and they will be used sooner or later." Wang Ge was still in the excitement of turning waste into treasure, and explained: "The waste from the craftsman's shop is not allowed to be brought out. There are too many people in the waste yard outside, so I can't grab it."

Nan Niangzi: "Are you still going to the scrap yard? Don't go in the future, officials can't compete with the people for profit."

The special wife added: "Unless the scrap yard is full that day, and this cart of scrap is discarded by a craftsman nearby, it will be brought to the kitchen."

Wang Ge blinked his eyes, then slapped his heart twice in fear, yes, she is an official, she has to adapt to this status.Huan Zhen told Hutou a long time ago that officials should not compete with the people for profit. She remembered it, but didn't take it seriously. "Fortunately, I only went there once and didn't squeeze in at all."

The next day.

When Wang Ge came out of the county office, the four teenagers standing by the road all looked at her. "Is the girl Wang Ge, Master Craftsman?"


After a while, the four teenagers left in high spirits.Master Wang is so easy to talk, it's not like what Sima Tao said.Craftsman Wang also said that he could intercede for them, and that with a longer reduction period, they would be able to catch up with the selection of the Northern Expedition knights.

After arriving at the craftsman's shop, there were two more young men standing at the door, they were the two who were waiting for Sima Tao yesterday, they were still laughing and winking at that time.

At this moment, how could the two of them be so frivolous, they trotted over with thorns wrapped around their backs, one was in charge of pain, and the other was in charge of apologizing: "Mr. We are all from the same hometown, we saw you on the street yesterday, you really should have scolded us more..."

"It turns out that we are from the same hometown." There are people inside and outside the craftsman's shop, Wang Ge interrupted the other party's chatter, otherwise he would be ashamed of himself.


"How long have you been in Liaodong County?"

"Small half a year."

"Have you had a hard time on the road?"

"It's okay... We don't care if it's hard work or not. And my father said that young people should not be afraid of suffering, and hardship is not in vain for young people."

Well, for this sentence, Wang Ge forgives the two.

"Thank you, Master Craftsman!" They got on the horse easily with the thorns on their backs, which showed that their backs had been prepared for a long time, and there was no pain at all.

Wang Ge: "Pluck the thorns."

"Don't worry. We recited it voluntarily!"

"You two gentlemen, I mean... You can rest assured that you are killing the enemy on the front line. What you bear will never be thorns. Behind you are only thousands of farmers who grow grains and craftsmen who make weapons. Officials who keep the transportation smooth and busy. Behind you are fellow villagers. The land of the Central Plains is all fellow villagers.”

The two teenagers just watched her walk into the shop in astonishment.

"The land in the Central Plains is all from the same hometown. The land in the Central Plains is all from the same hometown!" The clumsy young man repeated this, and said shamefully: "Yes, if there are no farmers and craftsmen to support the supplies, I am afraid that the battle will be lost before it starts. gone."


Both of them ignored the "busy officials". The face of Bing Cao yesterday was really hateful!Dog officer!
"Anyway, I was really wrong. I will not go with Sima Tao in the future."

"Tear off the thorns quickly."

"Don't you think she's right?"

"It must be right! You can reason better than my grandfather, that's amazing."

In the workshop, Wang Ge was lost in thought with a copper caliper.

The female official Lu who was at the same department asked: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang? Seeing that you are frowning so tightly, why, is there something wrong with the caliper?"

"No. But it can be improved."

(End of this chapter)

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