Chapter 314
These more than 30 people are not all examiners, but also examiners.Craftsmen and patrolmen have similar responsibilities, and they are scattered to their respective areas to be busy.The ten examiners had nothing to do for the time being, and walked towards the examiner's area together.

The deputy examiner who announced the rules just now, surnamed Yao, said: "The only candidate for a craftsman is Wang Ge. I guessed that Master Wang would sign up, but I didn't expect her to be the only craftsman."

Another person: "There are seven craftsmen among the top [-] in the first round. It's okay for them not to report for the second round. Sang wood is hard, and it takes a lot of strength to chisel this kind of wood. It's too difficult to compete with the men for the top ten in the second round. .”

"Heh, no matter how weak they are, is Wang Ge weaker?"

"How can it be compared like this? Craftsman Wang Ge has made great achievements, and he will not be punished if he loses. Others can't. Humans, you can't make progress with courage, and the choice is reasonable."

An examiner surnamed Ning said: "I don't agree with what you said, it's better to bet."

All the examiners were interested, Yao examiner asked: "How to gamble?"

Examiner Ning: "When Wang Ge enters the rest area, Examiner Ba and I will each send a craftsman to try and ask her if she has no special care, will she dare to come to the next competition?"

Examiner Ba is naturally a person who talks about "the choice is reasonable".

At this time, Wang Ge received the material basket.There are three more sets of mulberry wood than in the first round. It seems that the examiners have calculated that even if all twelve hours are used, the candidates can chisel at most four sets of gears.

There is an extra pair of copper calipers and copper gauges in the tool.Calipers are suitable for measuring slot width, tooth pitch, tooth height, etc., and gauges can be compared to the initial round billet and the formed dedendum circle, etc.But don't forget, this is the craftsman's exam, not the craftsman's. According to common sense, there shouldn't be any measuring tools, and it's all about basic visual skills.

As soon as he thought about it, Wang Ge understood that the extra thing was a trap!It is not used to test standards, but to test people's hearts.Once it is used, it will be used for the second or third time, not to mention delaying the process of chiseling wood, and making candidates question themselves more and more each time.

After taking out everything, she put the two "pit" back into the basket.What is the operation of the gears in the car?Just as Wang Ge got curious, the timing drum sounded.

Take it easy and start.

She has a plan to make the small ten-tooth gear first, and finish it continuously without stopping in the middle.Wang Ge knew herself, she continued to make one kind of utensil, and the more she made it, the more smoothly she made it. Correspondingly, the time spent in the state of immersion was longer, which was definitely less time-consuming than switching between two gears.

No matter whether it is a large gear or a small gear, in addition to size control, another difficulty is to eliminate gouging marks.Especially the end face, due to time constraints, it is too late to polish, and if the alveolar position is full of gouges, it will also affect the subsequent occlusion and operation.

The words are divided into two places.

County Office, Bingcao Kushe District.

The 22 knights, including Wang Tian, ​​were waiting for the battle. Except for the 12-year-old Wang Tian, ​​the ages of the others ranged from [-] to [-].The Northern Expedition had already begun, most of the knight battalion was out, and most of the recruits stayed in Xiangping. The soldiers were going to try the iron flail hammer, and it would be popularized soon. The first batch of trial soldiers must have riding skills, military strength, and youth.

Horses also need to be strong.

To be honest, it was not easy to pick out these knights in just a few days.

Closer to home.There are ten new types of flail hammers improved by Bing Cao. The differences are: the length and thickness of the handle; the length and thickness of the chain; the size of the hammer, hollow or solid; The number of hammers is also six; the number of hammers is also different, and the most suspended jabs are three.

Of course, Wang Gechuang's original form was not eliminated, and it was among them.

Bing Cao Shi's voice was loud, and he asked encouragingly, "Who dares to step forward and give it a try?"


Crack... Ginkgo leaves can be heard falling to the ground.


This sound is more obvious, who is sniffing hard?
Chief Ming was so angry that his eyes froze after he glanced at Wang Tian. Don't think about it, it must be this brat's fault!
Wang Tian exhaled slowly, inhaled suddenly, and exhaled slowly again, anyway, he let the other party scrutinize him, so as to ensure that he remained motionless.He was not stupid, he was really rare when he saw two rows of iron flail hammers on the ground at first, but he was always injured when he was practicing wood at first, if he was hit by an iron thorn hammer, he might retire immediately.

Bing Cao Shi had no choice but to shout: "Shangjia!"

Following his order, Kushe stepped out of two rows of guards along the path, grabbing a big felt, on which were 22 sets of iron armor.

"Starting tomorrow, there will be a test every ten days, a total of six times, and the first place in each martial arts competition will get a merit point." Bing Cao Shi's words made the young men very excited, and he continued: "There are ten kinds of competitions in total. There are two flail hammers of each kind. Today, we will conduct a strength contest first, and we will not rank the results, but assign the flail hammer that suits you according to your strength. Your task is to practice within one month, and two months Afterwards, compare which types of weapons are available and which types are not available."

Wang Tian raised his arm.If you practice within one month, will you exchange the flail hammer in the second month?Otherwise, how can you tell which one is good for combat?If you swap, you will definitely suffer a loss if you choose the light one at the beginning.No, if you choose heavy ones at the beginning, you will suffer a loss in the first two martial arts competitions.

The young boy was confused, and Bing Cao Shi ignored him at all, and said more solemnly: "It is not enough to do this alone! For the available flail hammers, it is necessary to test the strength and stature of the knights who use them, as well as the endurance requirements of the horses. ! The stamina of war horses includes whether you wear armor or not!"

Wang Tian was more anxious than before, and raised his arm again.No armor, what do you mean?If you try this, you will not have to wear armor during martial arts training.It's only been two months, so you have to practice armor-piercing and armor-removal?

Bing Cao Shi still ignored: "The place of practice is in the riding range of the county office. Targets of various materials have been made. Every day there are officials to record your martial arts practice. Those who are lazy and disobedient to discipline will lose their status as knights! Those who have meritorious deeds will be deducted! Well, if anyone has any questions, ask now."

Wang Tian raised his arm on tiptoe: "I, I have doubts."

Bing Cao Shi: "Since there is no question, let's compete in strength. There are two tests, corner resistance and throwing stones over distance."

Boom... Boom, pass!
Boom, burst... It was a warehouse in the distance that exploded!It was so dark that I don't know what utensils broke through and fell.

With a single sound, the whole place seemed to be attacked by the God of Thunder, causing the earth to tremble for an unknown distance.

Wang Tian and others got off their horses one after another to calm the horses. When people stood still and officials came out of various houses to look in horror, there were still earth, rocks and various debris blasted into the air at the explosion site.

boom!There was another loud bang, and a large cloud of red flames several feet high spewed out towards the sky. After the flames faded, black smoke billowed wide and drifted obliquely with the wind.

"Wow!" Coincidentally, when Wang Tian exclaimed, there was no explosion or noise.

Bing Cao Shi glared at him, Wang Tian was not only not afraid, but also ran over like an old acquaintance, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Ming, go and clean up the aftermath, is there anything I can do to help? Hey, Uncle Ming..."

Wang Tian's desire to watch the excitement with him did not come true, and they were soon taken to the riding and shooting range for a competition.

This explosion was much more serious than the last one, and even Dongyi Mansion could hear it.

Wang Ge only trembled in his heart, and continued to discard all distracting thoughts and make tools.

(End of this chapter)

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