Chapter 315 Difficult persistence (thanks to the sixth leader)
She must win the first place in this competition, and after she wins this time, she is only short of the first place in the county 68 times.For this reason, she sleeps enough and eats enough in advance, just to make small standard gears without stopping.

Soon, all candidates returned to normal.The sound of chiseling wood continued throughout the venue, and the noise of hammering and chiseling and shoveling wood became much quieter after reaching the examiner's area. As time passed, more examiners came to patrol the venue one after another.

When examiner Ning arrived at Wang Ge's place, she had already made the first ten-tooth gear and was polishing the shovel to restore its sharpness.The remaining three small pieces of wood have been hewn into round blanks, two of which are stacked on top of the four large pieces of wood, and one is placed on the tool stool.After sharpening the spatula, she chiseled the end of the second piece of wood like no one else.

Ning examiner looked at the material basket, there were only calipers and gauges in it, he nodded his head lightly, yes.

Just now he saw a few examinees using gauges to make a perfect circle, but in fact, the craftsman could not make a mistake using measuring instruments.For example, some craftsmen are old and their eyesight is blurred; or the inner depth and inner diameter of special utensils are straight, and it is impossible to have a good angle when visually observing them. In order to avoid errors, they have to rely on rulers and gauges to assist them; At the same time, in order to demonstrate the standard distance by inch, you have to use measuring tools, after all, there is no proof.

It can be used in the county competition with only twelve hours, and it is not advisable.Because the advantages of measuring tools will make candidates gradually rely on them, every time they use calipers and gauges, the immersion state of candidates will be interrupted.So, not to mention making four sets of gears, three sets of gears are also difficult.


A small number of candidates couldn't resist their hunger and entered the rest area.

Examiner Yao came back from his tour and reported to the examiner in a low voice: "Don't worry, Master, Wang Ge's left and right hands are both good, so he can resist fatigue."

Master Huang gave a soft "hmm".

Examiner Yao secretly envied that the masters must have discerning eyes and could be cherished by Master Huang. It can be seen that Wang Gezhi's talent is not the kind of short-term contention, so he asked him to pay attention to her through the field tour. Won the first place in the county once and injured the wrist.

Not yet.

The guard who inquired about the explosion came back. As Huang Zongshi expected, he was still a soldier of the county office. He didn't hear that there were no casualties.

not correct.

Three of the craftsmen who didn't rest at noon went to the rest area.Wang Ge had chiseled the second ten-tooth gear, and was just in time to go to the latrine.Passing through the rest area, she found that several pottery stoves were not extinguished, and the hut was not close to the place to eat. At a glance, she knew that it was a cesspit that had just been dug.

Deliberately toss the candidates.She picked up a cake on the way back, took a bite and put it in the basket.


It has been five hours since she set off from the county office, and Wang Ge can't stand it anymore by switching hands to chisel wood. Carving mulberry wood for a long time is indeed a bit beyond the limit for her.

Can't rest.After planning to chisel the four small gears, it must be completed. She walked forward and backward around the tool stool, moved her wrist, and then took out the wheat cake and ate half of it.

It's ok, come on Wang Ge!She cheered herself up and continued to work.

At the end of Shen Shi, she finished chiseling the third pinion.If she calculates this way, she will definitely not be able to complete the four sets of gears. Is it useful to get rid of this thought from her mind?It's just annoying.

Examiner Ba walked past Wang Ge and secretly praised that it is not difficult for the little craftsman to fight with many craftsmen, and it is not difficult to fight for basic skills, but it is difficult to fight for strength.He went to the rest area to find an acquaintance craftsman, gave a few words to test Wang Ge, and left.But he didn't know that it was useless to find any craftsman, and he had no chance to win or lose in the bet with Ning Kaoguan.

Unity time.

For ordinary people, sunset is equivalent to the end of the day, and their physical strength is basically exhausted, so there are obviously more candidates in the rest area than at noon.The number of pottery stoves has also increased, and each cauldron is steaming hot. When the fire is high, the lid of the boiling soup is lifted, and the aroma of stewed meat wrapped in peppercorns and soybeans bursts out, thicker and farther away. Who can hold back their appetite?
At two o'clock in the unitary hour, more than a dozen inspectors carried the examiner's food case and went to the examiner's area through the production area. Wang Ge swallowed, and his stomach groaned in disbelief.What's so great, who hasn't eaten meat!She still has half a piece of wheat cake, which is steamed with new wheat flour, and the crust has hardened, taking a big bite and chewing slowly, it is also delicious.

She mentally sketched the big gear and its various data.Yes, all the pinions have been finished, as expected, one in less time than the other.

How many cakes to eat is also in the plan, Wang Ge still has some left, hurry up to go to the toilet and come back, put the new wood on the tool stool, and continue to fight!

The examination room is the craftsman's battlefield.

boom!The wooden hammer struck the chisel and sank.

After a slight "click", the broken wood was shoveled off, the chisel blade was lifted slightly, and the top of the handle was hit again.Only when the two movements are combined can a side arc be shoveled out.With a circumference of [-] feet [-] inches [-] minutes and a half, how many edge arcs do you need to shovel out to shovel out the round rough blank?

Wang Ge didn't know, so he didn't have the heart to count this.A good craftsman can do two rounds of shoveling and a little trimming, but a poor craftsman and inattentive mind may not be able to shovel for a day, and it may even damage the rough billet.

According to my own plan, the rough blanks of the four large pieces of wood should be completed within an hour.

very daunting.This time she changed hands without waiting for the wrist and knuckles to feel uncomfortable.

Bang, bang.

Bang, bang.

bang, bang...

Gradually, the rhythm of the alternate hand is also fixed, blending into the overall state of immersion.

The braziers were lit one by one, and the daylight and firelight switched. Wang Ge only frowned and moved closer to the wood, adapting, without any other reaction.She didn't even know when the full-fledged candidates would return to the production area.

Hai time.

Wang Ge ate the rest of the wheat cake and looked around to relieve his sore eyes.I'm so thirsty, but I can bear it, as long as I don't hold back, I won't enter the rest area.She saw the chief craftsman of the Jingzhe Craftsmanship, everyone called him "Jingzhe Craftsman", but she didn't expect that the other party was also among the craftsmen inspecting this exam.

Wang Ge didn't know that the craftsman had been paying attention to her, because he was entrusted by the examiner Ning to test her words after she entered the rest area, and asked her the reward of "if she didn't lose the county competition, she would not be punished", would she dare to come? Take this county competition.


Craftsman Jingzhe met Ning examiner who was patrolling the field. The former shook his head, but the latter understood that Wang Ge continued to make wood and never really took a break.

Hai hour is over.

The first time the child passes, the child is passing.

Ugly first time... Ugly is two moments...Three moments...


Some candidates just wanted to lie down on the tool stool to take a breath, but fell asleep suddenly.

Some candidates slept in the rest area for an hour and just returned.

Some candidates have lost their eyesight and must use measuring tools.

The first candidate in the first round, like Wang Ge, has never stopped. This candidate can fight harder than her, and he doesn't even eat or drink, but his mental and physical strength have reached the limit, and he can no longer control the precise distance, let alone half inch.

Before dawn, the hardest time really comes!
Wang Ge has also reached her limit. She is not made of iron. She is walking towards the rest area, her feet dragging as if she doesn't know how to make a wrong step.

The coldness of the autumn night adds to the coolness.

"Ha..." The sleepiness almost disappeared immediately.

Another scoop.

"Huh." She threw away the ladle and hurried back, huh?Seeing Master Jingzhe again, she first bowed to him.

"Let's go." He watched the talented little craftsman go away, thinking of Ning and Ba examiner's bet, he didn't take it seriously, and smiled.What is there to bet on?

If she didn't rely on rewards, would she dare to participate in this competition?Oh, nothing if!
What if!
No matter how good the rewards were, no matter how envious others were, they were all earned by Wang Ge with his own abilities. Since he earned them, they belonged to her!Talent, rewards, youth, tenacity, together, is the complete Wang Ge.

 Thank you to all the book friends who voted for Wukong this month, and got me from the top [-] on the monthly ticket list to the top [-], haha.Special thanks to the new leader Zi Kexin for the reward, and also thanks to old friends such as Baihua Xiaoyue, Chen Xiangrudian, and Yi Ying for their continuous support.

(End of this chapter)

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