Chapter 316 Winning the Chief of the County

breaking Dawn.

Maoshi, sunrise.

The inspector put out all the braziers, the sun took over the fire, and the contest was about to end.

Wang Ge has overcome all the difficulties, and just started to shovel one side of the end face first, her hammering and shoveling movements, as well as her concentration, still seem to be chiseling the fourth gear. Take it seriously.

Of course, it must be endless.

Three drum sounds in succession, four quarters of Maozheng!The county race is over.

Yao examiner stood in the center of the production area ahead of time.It is not easy to be an examiner. He is getting old, staying up late until his eyes are bloodshot, and his voice is as loud as possible so that the candidates in the corner can hear his words clearly: "It is not time to post the list in the afternoon, and I want to finish the chiseled work. It is allowed to stay in the examination room to complete, but all chiseling after the timing drum will not be counted in the competition score. It is stated in advance that the punishment after the tenth place in the county examination is... to make wooden gears in Lichun carpenter, and the service period is three Month, the first period is tomorrow."

Lichun ranks first among the 24 solar terms, and the carpenter's shop named after "Lichun" is the largest among all the carpenter's shops in the county office.

The meaning of the examiner's words is obvious, if you don't have the confidence to break into the top ten, pack your bags quickly.

It has to be said that the "morality inspection" is too important in the examination of junior craftsmen, and all the unfinished candidates choose to stay in the original place and finish making the gears in their hands.Master Huang rarely squeezed out smile lines on his face, everyone is sincere, so why not worry about the lack of craftsmanship!

Candidates first moved the prepared gears to the examiner's area. The big gears were heavy, and Wang Geli was so tired that he moved them together like others, his face flushed.Master Jingzhe and a patrolman came to help her at the same time, she smiled embarrassedly, so she was not polite.

Outside the examination room, Mrs. Zou and other guards stopped when they saw more than a dozen candidates coming out. There were no more candidates, so they rushed to one person for questioning.

Let's talk about the examiners, who are about to inspect the gears handed in.At this time, you have to use measuring tools, because everyone believes in their own visual inspection skills, and there will be no objections based on the tools.

Examiner Yao remembered this, and laughed angrily, "During the first assessment, the examinee who left first was about the same age as Master Wang Ge. Do you know what kind of gear she chiseled?"

Examiner Ning: "Haha, I've seen it. The shape is square or round, the depth of the alveolar is different, and the end surface is concave or convex. Whoever touches it is the one who touches it. The inspection craftsman threw it into the waste pile at that time. Didn't go to Dongyi Mansion."

At this time, all the craftsmen and officials lifted the four large gears made by the first examinee to the measuring table.

There is no need to use tools to measure whether the end face of the pinion is flat, but visual inspection is enough. If the large gear is not good, an ink fountain and a special measuring case must be used.Because the ordinary case cannot be guaranteed to be accurate and straight, and the width is not enough.

There is still room for measuring the four large gears on the pendulum. After the end face is measured, the teeth and grooves are measured.When measuring the width of the alveolar, the onlooker Lichun craftsman came up with an idea. He had seen the Jingzhe craftsman used a new kind of caliper, which was made of wood and refined the functions of the commonly used copper caliper. Isn't the claw just convenient for measuring the width of the tooth slot?

The supervisors of the official craftsman's shop are all extremely cautious. The Lichun craftsman didn't say a word, and planned to tell the other party in private that he could copy it for his own convenience.

Wang Ge is close to the Dongyi mansion that he is leaving, and he is in good spirits.

The score list posted before the second quarter was still viewed by Tian Yongfu.Live up to the hard work, Wang Ge's name is the highest.

"Haha! Number one, number one!" Tian Yongfu laughed heartily, arousing a lot of envy.

Of course, there is also jealousy: "This Mr. Wang Ge Jiang looks too old."

This remark was heard by the craftsman nearby, who immediately chased him away: "Where did the wicked come from, get out! No one knows that Carpenter Wang is a little girl!"

"Carpenter Wang brought new plows and bellows to Liaodong. We are all very grateful. Why do you want to ruin her reputation on purpose?"

The man resentfully said, "Humph, Xinli, hum, bellows. Who knows if she really came up with it or stole it from someone else? Kuaiji County is thousands of miles away, so why can't lies be told?"

Tian Yongfu followed the sound to find the person, and kicked the other person like a donkey.

"Shameless!" He grabbed the man's ears and lifted him up, causing blood to flow from the side of the man's face, screaming and punching.

With the other hand, Tian Yongfu grabbed the opponent's disorganized right wrist and clasped it hard in the opposite direction.

The man's face turned pale with pain: "Don't, don't, forgive me, I don't dare anymore, just relax, relax."

"Hmph!" Tian Yongfu shoved and reprimanded: "If you have no guts, just keep your mouth shut."

Don't look at Tian Yongfu's rough appearance, but he is careful. Beating up this husband can indeed vent his anger, but he will be bullied by the soldiers and even cause trouble for Wang Ge.

In the distance, there are three men who have been watching the excitement on the list.The one standing in the middle is named Bu, the one on the left is named Fu, and the one on the right is named Qi.All three are less than 20 years old, and they are junior carpenters in Guangping County, Sizhou. The purpose of coming to Liaodong is the same as that of Wang Ge.

Cloth craftsman: "There are often gear-carving competitions in Sizhou. Bian County... Heh, even if it is as prosperous as Xiangping City, skillful county competitions are rare. In total, less than a hundred people signed up for the second competition. If you change to Sizhou, There's no way that's going to happen."

Master Craftsman smiled and said, "After entering Pingzhou, have we seen a good official road? It can be seen that Jili cars are rarely used."

Carpenter Qi: "Even if there is, I can't remember it."

Cloth craftsman: "Let's go, here we are, let's take a look at the list. There will be such competitions in the future, and I hope the three of us will be on the list." I am confident from the bottom of my heart, if I meet Wang Ge in the skillful county competition in the future, he will definitely step on her head again and again!
Shen time.

Wang Ge made up his mind, and after hearing the good news, his heart was truly relieved.This time the top ten results are still subdivided. Her size standard is the first, and the number of gears is tied for second with many candidates. After the comprehensive evaluation, she was named the first.The original No.1 in the first game came behind her and became No.2.

"68 games." She murmured about the remaining number of first places.

Mrs. Zou said with relief: "I asked Wang Shuzuo, the improvement of the sight is only a credit, at least it must be worth the first place in the county."

Wang Ge was overjoyed: "If the firearm is hit twice and the sight is hit once, the difference is only 65."

"I think a firearm is good for three times."

"Okay, 64."

Wang Ge wanted to do too many things, and he only dared to say a few words when joking.The wooden city template is only a little bit, and the improvement of the caliper is a long way.

The "degree" of the Jin Dynasty inherited the standard of the Han Dynasty, and there were only five degrees of "yin, zhang, chi, cun, and fen".She is now able to draw the standard one-half centimeter distance, and it is still too early to draw one-tenth centimeter distance. The further you go, the more difficult it is to draw line segments.

It's useless to think too much, let's finish drilling the arrow bamboo tube first.

"Sister Lao, please tell the guards. Do me a favor. If there is nitrate frost on the wall of someone's house or outside the neighbor's house, scrape it off for me. Try to scrape as little soil as possible. Be careful when collecting, and don't let the nitrate frost accumulate. Frost meets Mars."

"it is good."

"Sister has another job, help me buy a big chicken coop, and buy some half-dead chickens, ducks are also fine."

Mrs. Zou looked at the two baskets of bamboo tubes, and she had a premonition that there was some big secret. She was excited and had to lower her voice cautiously and asked, "Why do you buy half-dead chickens and ducks?"

"The price is cheap."

(End of this chapter)

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