Chapter 318 thoughts of all parties

Mrs. Zou immediately patted her heart: "It's okay to fail once, let me take it easy, don't underestimate the sound of the explosion, it's loud for some reason."

So people in later generations use firecrackers to drive away evil and filth.Wang Ge smiled, knowing that the other party was comforting her, but she was already prepared for failure, so why would she care.

Wang Ge thought about it and said: "This proves that adding a little sulfur and nitrate to the same amount of charcoal can't achieve rapid combustion, resulting in insufficient power. But the firecrackers just ran rampant... If the ground is replaced by water, it can be used in water battles." What? If gunpowder and firecrackers can be made to scurry across the water to the bottom of the enemy ship... Bang! Explode again... No, first we have to find a way to make the fuses and bamboo tubes waterproof. We must also be able to control the direction of the scurry. This step is too early Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s change the tube and continue.”

"Wait for me." Liu Qing recorded in a hurry. He felt that with the gunpowder, Wang Ge would have more ideas. If he didn't write it down at any time, what if he forgot later?Who dares to say that these ideas will not be realized in the future.

We have to wait, Mrs. Zou can no longer keep up with Wang Ge's train of thought.

After Liu Qing finished writing, he put the quotations aside, not together with the bamboo slips recorded by gunpowder.

Wang Ge: "Now take one spoonful of sulfur, two spoonfuls of nitrate, and two spoonfuls of charcoal. Put them into a two-inch bamboo tube."

At the end of the alley, Tian Yongfu was walking back, but when he heard an extremely crisp explosion, his shoulders and neck shrank uncontrollably, which was even more brittle than what he heard at the gate of the courtyard just now.What's going on?Why is it louder when you are far away?
Fortunately, there were almost no people in the official residence area during the day, so someone came out of the hospital just thinking about it. He knew the other party, and he was an official of Li Cao.

"It's Tian Yongfu, did you hear anything?"

"Does the official get a bath today?"


Bang...the two looked over at the same time, and the official said, "Is this the movement, like the one where Master Wang lives?"

"Ang, this sound is louder than before."

The more irrelevant the other party's answer was, the more official He Zhi felt that he had guessed right. "Well, Tian Yongfu, you don't know yet. When Master Wang first came to Xiangping, I changed her permanent residence status."

"I know, I know." Doesn't this job belong to you?If you want to shirk it, it won't work.

"So I'm not an outsider. Did Master Wang make some new weapons?"

Bang, chirp... It is obvious that a foreign object is flying into the sky, bang!Burst at a very high altitude.

The two raised their heads dumbfounded, and then fell back to look at each other.Tian Yongfu stammered: "This, this, don't spread rumors, I won't tell you for now."

He ran back quickly, muttering: "Shen Nong Yandi, why is this blowing up to the sky?"

Official He Zhi retreated to the yard, closed the door and muttered: "Yes, I don't want to spread rumors, alas, I shouldn't ask." Signed the secret agreement.But in fact, he didn't know as much as what was written in the secret deed.

Why do firecrackers go to heaven?It was Wang Ge's sudden whim, recalling the "Er Tijiao" from his previous life. Since there are ready-made materials, why not try it?So dig out the closed end of the two-inch tube, add a few drops of water to the sealing mud, and wet it. After stuffing the three-inch tube with gunpowder, turn it upside down and connect it to the two-inch tube with wet sealing mud.

The two-inch tube is also placed upside down, and the lead wire can be inserted into the ground.


I didn't expect to try it out, the airflow from the two-inch tube blasted the three-inch tube into the sky, and during the flight, the three-inch tube also exploded.When Tian Yongfu knocked on the gate of the courtyard, the smell had already escaped from the wall, and even the adjacent places could smell it.

Coincidentally, Duan Yongfu came here pushing a wheelbarrow. Since he couldn't buy half-dead poultry, he bought half-sized bald roosters and ducks, each in a basket. .

While unloading the truck, Mrs. Zou reminded Wang Ge: "The sound just now can be heard elsewhere."

"It doesn't matter, even ordinary firecrackers can burst into flames." Anyway, so far, she has tried firecrackers.

No matter how close I am to Mrs. Zou, it is inconvenient to say some things. After all, the other party has deep-rooted ancient ideas and is a soldier. The principle I have accepted since childhood is to follow orders.Wang Ge is different. He always thinks of revenge when he suffers a small loss, let alone a big one.

She has learned her lesson since the improvement of the rocket has only reached the first place in the county twice.

She is not a real 12-year-old girl, has she ever thought about making meritorious deeds, no one is jealous of her, no one is staring at her?Rocket credit is counted as "improvement", why?The first edition was not made by others!Someone clearly took advantage of the fact that Mrs. Duan returned home due to illness, taking advantage of the fact that no one is in charge of her meritorious service for the time being!
She asked Liu Qing to buy more sulfur, and asked all the guards to look for nitrate cream, just to let the wind out on purpose.Why didn't Wang Shuzuo ask Mrs. Zou or other officials what she was going to do as usual?It proves that Wang Shuzuo is unwilling to stand out at this time, he is avoiding other Cao's edge.

In fact, the credit is divided, Wang Ge understands, but it is a hand-held fire-breathing weapon, and it is too stingy for an improved version to only reach the first place in the county once.So at this stage, handing over the gunpowder and firecrackers to Bing Cao may not even get the reward for the first place in the county.During Mrs. Duan's absence, what if Li Cao asked her to assist Bing Cao in making gunpowder again?At that time, there will be no credit at all, and my work will be delayed.

The most important point is that she knows how powerful the gunpowder can be. Officials in this era don't know it. Don't take a year or a half. Bingcao is satisfied with making large firecrackers. Will she be able to leave Liaodong with peace of mind?
An hour later.

Bing Cao.

The soldier who inquired about the news came back, and Ming Tuo put down the military book that he hadn't read a single word of, and pretended not to care too much, and asked, "What's the matter? Did the strange noise come from Wang Ge Jiangshi's staff house?"

"Return to the officer! It should be!"

Why do you have a problem with Shu Zuo Sun Sheng, why are you so loud.

Sensing that Bing Cao Shi was dissatisfied, the soldiers said truthfully: "Mr. Wang has guards who won't let me in, and won't answer my questions. But I heard that there is a smell of paste in that alley. It belongs to the paste at the gate of Wang Jiangshi's academy Strong flavor."

"Hmm, the smell of...the smell of sulfur?"

"Return to the magistrate! I can't smell it!"

Waste!Usually, if there is a grain of flax missing from the cake, you can compete with the chef for a long time, but now you can't smell it.Ming Tuo waved his hand in annoyance, and after the soldiers saluted and left, he couldn't sit still, he walked to the door and then back to the desk. "What could it be? Improve the rocket again? What's the use of the sound? It must be of great use!"

Yes, Wang Tian is from the same town as Wang Ge and that brave man named Liu Qing, why not let Wang Tian find out.This matter should be done quietly, and it is best not to let the meritorious officer know, he is not afraid of Mrs. Duan, the lady is narrow-minded, don't wait for her to come back from leave, and misunderstand that it will be bad for him to take credit.

Li Cao.

Half an hour ago, a scattered official reported the situation to Liu Shu, the chief secretary. There was fire flying into the sky where Wang Ge lived. The scattered official pretended to be passing by. fire smell.

Liu Shu immediately relayed the incident to Zhou Yi, the chief bookkeeper, and solemnly said: "Bing Cao has been involved in accidents recently. Although Dongyi Mansion has not punished them, should we take the initiative to increase the amount of combustible materials such as sulfur and nitrate?" , Change the restraint regulations, and tighten the control? Wang Ge has made a lot of contributions, but he can’t break the law and discipline and abuse nitrates!”

(End of this chapter)

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