Chapter 319 Adding a Skillful Competition
Zhou Yi frowned and said, "She is a military master, and also has the identity of a Sili apprentice soldier. Today, who wants to have a quarrel with her because of such trivial things?"

This is too much to deal with, Liu Shu immediately asked: "But if you let it go, what if other craftsmen follow her example?"

"How many military masters are there? Besides, as long as they can match Wang Geli's achievements, the county office will allow him to follow suit." Zhou Yi emphasized the word "military master".

Liu Shu choked up his anger, what does Fox Zhou mean?With a dignified righteousness, it seems that he has become a villain, aiming at Wang Ge!Xun Taishou is in an important defensive area, and it will be difficult to return to Xiangping in the near future. During this period, as the rear, shouldn't stability be the most important thing?Wang Ge is indeed a talented craftsman, but he can make too much trouble. Every time he makes a new weapon, the officials under him have to die in a hurry. He doesn't believe that Fox Zhou can't hear the complaints of all the officials.

The most serious is the two incidents of soldiers, so many people died!Although most of them were fake Taoist priests who were caught a few days ago, those fake Taoist priests only sold saltpeter privately, which is not a capital crime, but fortunately, there was no bones left within a few days of being detained in Bingcao.

There are also many guards inside and outside Wangge's official residence, so what if someone dies?He is also thinking about Wang Ge's safety and future!

meritorious service.

The thief Cao Zhongshi Xun Xu rushed to Wang Biaozhi's house excitedly. Before he could sit still, he hurriedly said: "Shuhu, I heard that some self-proclaimed free and easy people in Sizhou were all dismissed by the officials as soon as they became popular. Arrested to do field service, especially in the capital city, Hongnong, and Hedong, no one can intercede. Haha, I also heard that there was a young man from other places who was naturally pale. He just entered Sizhou and was surrounded by ten town soldiers The gang of soldiers are all counting on capturing him for meritorious service, the young man can't explain it, haha, do you know what happened later? You can't even think of it!"

"Well. Who saved it?"

"You are not interesting at all." Xun Xu answered, "Sili is the little girl of Sima Daoji. I heard that after this incident, the decree to arrest Shi Fen Erlang was revoked."

"Thief Cao is not idle, Xiuxuan rarely comes, tell me, what else have you heard?"

Xun Xu's eyes paused on the half-dried official document, knowing that the other party was indeed busy, so he said bluntly: "Earlier, Wang Ge detained Sima Tao in the dungeon as a Sili disciple. I heard that this brave man is good at interrogating spies. It is estimated that others also know that after finding the five sense organs, they don't know whether to simply please the royal family, or sell the captain and general, or..."

"For Wang Ge."

"That's what you said. If Sima Tao really came out while Duan Gong and Cao Shi were away, can Wang Ge arrest him again?"

It's okay to catch it once, but it's too bad to catch it twice.

Xiangping City reused Wang Ge, knowing that Sima Tao was not a rebel, so he had to temporarily detain him. Officials from the Dongyi Mansion to the Shuzuo level of the county office could see through this confrontation.When Sima Tao's family letter arrives, that's when he gets out of prison.

Let it go now, let it go.

Wang Biaozhi got up and bowed solemnly to Xun Xu: "I am Xie Xiuxuan on behalf of the master craftsman Wang."

"I, like you, cherish the talents of the king's craftsman." Xun Xu returned the gift.

After Wang Biaozhi sent the other party out, he sighed.Duan Gong and Cao Shi have only left for a few days, and everyone's thoughts have been revealed.Wang Ge is a talented craftsman. When she came to Bian County, she won the crucial time of the past two years. If she was thrown into the muddy waters and fought openly and secretly all day long, her talent and ambition would be dragged down and buried.

He sat back at the desk, put the official documents just now in the corner of the desk, took out a new piece of vellum paper from the box, and wrote according to his current mood: chopping columns and beams is called a carpenter, chiseling an ax to build, from 匚 to jin.Adhere to the rules, measure the radius, hide the ingenuity in your heart, and cut wood to win nature.Ingenuity is wisdom, natural craftsmanship is wisdom, they should take advantage of the situation and advance together, how can they be separated...

A memorandum changed the competition pattern of Pingzhou craftsmen.Since Meng Dongyue, starting from Xiangping County, gradually increased the county-level and state-level competitions for skillful skills, and finally paralleled Tiangong skills in a few years, attracting more craftsmen to come and go.The painstaking works of countless ingenious craftsmen are continuously exported to foreign races in exchange for wealth, adding strength to the great cause of the Northern Expedition and the integration of Chinese national culture.

Let's not talk about it later.

Duan Yongfu brought the chickens and ducks over, his hands were busy, his mouth was not idle, and he talked about a county competition that he heard in Shiting just now: improving the water peg.

Wang Ge's heart moved. In his previous life, Wang Nan traveled to the mountains and went to the countryside. He had seen a rice mill, but unfortunately he had never seen a water mill.At that time, she deliberately checked the information of the water reel, and the earliest written record appeared in the "Xin Lun" written by Huan Tan in the Han Dynasty. Later, Du Yu improved this device and made it a "connected machine reel". It is called "Silian Dui".

Du Yu also invented the "Water Turning Mill". Until the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Zu Chongzhi combined the Water Drum and the Water Mill and invented the "Shui Dian Mill".

Wang Ge only remembered these materials, and blamed himself for being too impetuous in learning knowledge in his previous life. He was complacent when he knew everything, and he didn't know why.

Then she signed up for this county competition?Of course, if you sign up, you won't be punished if you lose. What you hesitated just now is a matter of time.She has to allocate part of her energy to make and improve the water hammer molder, and she can't compete with the idea of ​​pretending to be a number. Since the competition, she has to prepare in advance and take it seriously.

According to Duan Yongfu, the county competition is still divided into the first round and the second round, both of which are model-making machines. After all, each water reel consumes a lot of wood and the production cycle is long.The quasi-craftsman class can also participate, so there must be a large number of people. The first date is scheduled for September [-]th.

There are several registration locations and competition locations. The closest registration location to the county office is the county office, and the competition location is Nandangqu in the suburbs of the county.Wang Ge's status is special, so there is no need to go in person to register, Duan Yongfu can just take her bamboo card to the county office to register.

In the evening of the next day, the gunpowder and firecracker ratio test was over.

According to Wang Ge's request, Tian Yongfu and his guards brought a cart full of clay and gravel.After dark, Mrs. Zhuan and Mrs. Nan went back to the official house. The two were responsible for breaking the stones into pieces, and then digging a big pit in the courtyard.Wang Ge and Zou Niangzi made clay balls.

There are two types of mud balls, one with only mud and the other mixed with sharp broken stones.

Cluck, cluck, cluck... Quack, quack... The chickens and ducks were divided into four cages, and the courtyard was full of calls.

Mrs. Zou's heart softened, and she asked, "Do you really want to try them?"

Wang Ge said regretfully: "Don't look at the quantity, if you are bombarded with gunpowder, you may not be able to pick out much good meat."

Mrs. Zou was startled: "Ang, yes."

"Pfft, haha." Mrs. Bo and Mrs. Nan were amused.

On the tenth day of September, the second step of the gunpowder test was carried out.

Wang Tian came with Liu Qing in the morning, and the latter was not afraid of losing Wang Tian's face, bluntly saying that the other party was thick-skinned and would not be able to drive him away.

Wang Ge quickly said: "It's okay, Wang Langjun is not an outsider."

She could guess the reason, knowing that Liu Qing could guess it too.Wang Tian practiced iron shackles and hammers in the army, and there was a martial arts competition every ten days, how could he have time to come to her at such an urgent time?And he has been pouted since he entered the courtyard, obviously reluctant, he must have been ordered by the official.

 Shuhu: Wang Biaozhi's words.In the "Book of Jin" written in the Tang Dynasty, it was written as "Shu Wu" because of avoiding the taboo of "Li Hu".According to Xun Xu, the word found in "Sou Shen Hou Ji" is "Xiu Xuan".

  Ketou: Refers to not wearing a crown.

  Memorial: An official document for lower-level officials to speak to their superiors.

  Chupi Paper: In 2008, Chupi Paper was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

  斫 (zhuó) cut pillars and beams: 斫, means to chop with a knife and axe.

  From 匚 (fāng) from jin: the word "craftsman" is explained in the text, from 匚 to jin. "匚" means a device for receiving things; the original meaning of "jin" refers to woodworking tools of the crank type, and together they are "craftsman".Because the original meaning of carpenter refers to carpentry.

  Water 碓: 碓 sound duì.A device for hydraulically pounding rice.

(End of this chapter)

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