Chapter 320 Fire and Thunder Experiment
It's useless to think too much, Wang Ge continued: "Let's start now. The bamboo slips in my hand record the five most powerful combinations of gunpowder and firecrackers. The task in the morning is to increase the weight of each type and observe how much the power can be increased. , choose the strongest. The task in the afternoon is to slightly increase or decrease the amount of sulfur, nitrate and charcoal, and then pick out the stronger one. So Liu Langjun has to work hard to record carefully."

Liu Qing cupped his fists in return.

Wang Ge continued: "Bamboo tubes are no longer used to contain gunpowder, but mud balls. There are two types of mud balls, and today only mud balls are used. Wang Langjun handles them with care. He can help you inspect the mud balls." Whether there are cracks or not, if there are cracks, it must not be used.” Don’t be idle, it’s easy to find trouble.

Sure enough, Wang Tian became interested. After checking the two, he asked, "Are you still pouring manure like when you beat Sima Chong?"

Mrs. Zou and Liu Qing pretended not to hear.

Wang Ge shook his head, and answered seriously: "Not today, the explosion is in our courtyard and there is no way to deal with it."

Unable to pretend anymore, Mrs. Zou interrupted: "Do you want to take Bai Rong away?"

"No, let it get used to it." Wang Ge stood by the side of the square pit dug last night, and got back to the topic: "This pit is four feet long, wide, and more than three feet deep. There is a chicken and a duck in it. The baffle is erected, and the boom is still used for ignition, and the boom has been improved and can be rotated around."

The improvement method is extremely rough, which is to divide the pillar into upper and lower parts, tie straw ropes at the upper end and the lower head, and cut out two "匚"-shaped pieces of wood, which are much wider than the pillars and can accommodate the bulging straw ropes. Then cut out holes slightly thicker than the pillars on the top and bottom of the wood (the hole width should not be larger than the thickness of the straw rope).After being fastened to the outside of the straw rope, the wood is fastened with hemp rope so that it can be rotated freely, and the straw rope is blocked, and the pillar cannot fall out from the two "匚" shaped wood.

There is a net bag hanging at the end of the short arm of the boom.Wang Ge said: "After filling the gunpowder, first put the mud ball in the rope net and hang it into the pit."

Liu Qing asked: "Has the lead wire been improved?" He noticed that the lead wire was no longer a fire-inch strip.

"Yes. I imitated the method of making tinder, sprinkled nitric acid frost on the paper, twisted the paper to form a lead wire, and wrapped a thin thread around it to ensure that the paper roll was stiff and would not unravel. I tried it twenty times last night. The fire strip burns slowly, and the ignition rod is kept, which is a double guarantee."

The ignition rod was at the base of the house wall, and Mrs. Zou brought it over.

Liu Qing pulled Wang Tian to sit behind the desk and asked the other party to grind, but he couldn't check the mud ball anymore, two pieces had already been checked.

Wang Ge: "To ensure safety, after the gunpowder ball enters the pit, you are not allowed to pass through the barrier. I forgot to mention just now that the wooden spoon has also been changed. The large spoon equals the original small spoon ten times, and the middle spoon equals five times."

Before the ink was sharpened, Liu Qing first used a knife to carve the change of "spoon" on the bamboo slips.

Everything is ready.

"For the first time to take gunpowder, the tools are large spoons and medium spoons. Five tablespoons of sulfur; three spoons of nitrate and one medium spoon; The amount to fill the mud ball, I tried it with dry soil in advance."

Liu Qing has a good memory, and waited for Wang Ge to finish his shorthand.

Wang Tian is not a person who can sit still, so he squatted in front of Mrs. Zou to watch her fill the medicine, and then looked at the clay pots under the wall, and understood.No wonder the mud balls are so thick. It turns out that Sister Ge lacks sulfur and nitrate, and the charcoal powder is the most in the jar.

At this time, Mrs. Zou sealed the mud ball, put it on the rope net, ignited the fuse, rotated the boom to the top of the pit, and lifted the boom to make the flaming mud ball sink to the bottom of the pit.

In the pit, the fluttering chickens and ducks quickly quieted down.

At the same time, Wang Ge, Mrs. Zou, and Liu Qing covered their ears.

Wang Tian rolled his eyes and covered his ears.

Boom... the earth shattered and splashed!
There seemed to be a sharp "ah quack" sound in the sound of the explosion, but it was hard to tell whether it was the scream of a chicken or a duck.

Under the thatched shed in the southwest corner, Bai Rong was frightened into a donkey, and was so anxious that he pulled the rein and spun around, trying to break free from the horse stake.

Stronger sulfurous gas, earthy smell, and mushy smell occupy the entire courtyard.

Outside the courtyard, Duan Yongfu pretended to scratch his head to hide his panic, and asked Tian Yongfu, "Is this the gunpowder and firecrackers you mentioned?"

Tian Yongfu: "Ang. You stay here, I'll go farther and listen to the movement." Hanging sweat, it startled him, but it was too loud.

"Are these firecrackers?" Duan Yongfu said to himself, he really wanted to go into the courtyard to have a look and learn more.

In the courtyard, all four of them stood by the pit. The shape of the pit was no longer square, and a large depression was blown out at the bottom of the pit.The bald chicken and the bald duck were already ugly, and they were even uglier when they died. They were riddled with holes and half buried by the broken soil.

Wang Tian was about to stutter: "It seems like thunder has blown down. Sister Ge, sister, is this a new firearm? What's it called?"

"I didn't name it, but Wang Langjun said it well, the sound of the explosion was like thunder, so let's call it 'Fire Thunder' for now, what do you think?"

Liu Qing praised "wonderful" first, and then said sonorously: "The "thunder" in the text of the contract means that it is like a heroic chariot marching in the sky, and its sound can be infinitely grand and can crush the evil in the world. This device is the same, it must be accompanied by light. Also! To defeat the barbarians of the barbarians requires thunder and drums, isn't it the same as the Northern Expedition is unstoppable? Good name! It seems that it should be called "Huo Lei" by nature!"

If you read a lot, you can speak.Mrs. Zou nodded: "Yeah!"

"Huolei, Huolei..." After Wang Tian repeated it twice, he pointed his hands on his chest and asked everyone for credit: "I came up with the name, hehe, I named Huolei."

Infected by his joy, Wang Ge smiled and rolled his eyes: "Yes, when the fire and thunder are completed, it must be the credit of Wang Langjun. Strike while the iron is hot, let's try the second one. I will repair the boom, and Wang Langjun will help me catch another one." Come here with a chicken or a duck." Don't worry about others, you must let Wang Tian have a job.

Liu Qing jumped into the pit, threw two dead birds out, and asked, "The hole is not small, should you fill it in?"

Wang Ge: "It has to be filled in."

Mrs. Zou brought tools and worked with Liu Qing.

Both the rope net and the boom were blown up, but Wang Ge had already prepared for it, and quickly replaced the pole arm and rope net with new ones.

After getting ready again, she read out the ratio for the second time: "Six tablespoons of sulfur; one tablespoon of nitrate, one medium spoon; two tablespoons of charcoal, one medium spoon."

The third ratio: six tablespoons of sulfur; two tablespoons of nitrate; two tablespoons of charcoal.

The fourth ratio: seven tablespoons of sulfur; two tablespoons of nitrate; one tablespoon of charcoal.

The fifth ratio: [-] tablespoons of sulfur, [-] medium spoon; [-] tablespoon of nitrate; [-] tablespoon of charcoal, [-] medium spoon.

The words are divided into two places.

Some people heard it when gunpowder and firecrackers were tested, not to mention the more violent fire and thunder, especially the fifth explosion, which was more than twice as loud as the first four.

The cao soon received the news.

Ming Tuo was in a hurry in the house. He was the first one to escape the punishment when an accident happened in the house a few days ago.

"Ah Tian," he shook his head, dissatisfied, and practiced over and over again in front of the emptiness in front of him: "Nephew, have you found out? How is the inquiry? Is it a firearm? Nephew, your father and I have a good relationship. Oh! Cough, Ah Tian..."

At this moment, Ming Tuo could not imagine that he would become the first victim in history who threw firecrackers into the cesspit.

(End of this chapter)

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