Each Cao has a kitchen area, and you can get lunch at the beginning of noon.Gongcao's chef's courtyard is the widest, and there are not only banquets but also several dining tables in the courtyard.

Xun Xu tore up the wheat cake, dipped it in the salted bean soup and said, "Don't think the rice is bad. Do you know what people are talking about now? They say that there is going to be a war, and the grain rent will be increased soon, and even the fodder will be increased. There is also salt. So some people panicked and only dared to eat two meals a day to stockpile grain for the cold winter. Don’t say, the soup is really salty, I’ll take another cake.”

On the other side of the case, Wang Biaozhi slightly raised his eyelids: Who thinks the food is not good?Besides, if you don't go to steal Cao Cao to eat by yourself, you will come here with meritorious deeds, and you will grab the spoon from the food official to scoop so many salty beans from the bottom of the cauldron, can you not be salty?

When Xun Xu came back, he leaned forward and lowered his voice: "Have you heard that a few ship craftsmen came from Donglai County, this time is earlier than usual."


"you know?"

After Wang Biaozhi finished eating, he wiped his mouth lightly with a towel and shorted his beard, and then preached: "Dongyi Mansion is going to set up a state-level carpenter's shop. There are seven carpenter's houses, named Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Tianquan, etc. Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang are named; the five blacksmiths are named after Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu respectively."

Xun Xu pursed his lips: "It's amazing. Kuipiao, Wuyin, haha, these names alone are above the county office's craftsman."

There are currently only 24 carpenter shops in the county office, named after the extension of the [-] solar terms.There are currently ten blacksmith shops in the county office, named after Lu Shunyan of the Twelve Laws.

"It should be." Wang Biaozhi is a frank person, and his words are not pretending, but he agrees with them from the bottom of his heart.State governance should be stronger than county governance.

"Sima Tao has an idea?"

"Yeah. He can exchange four meritorious points for finding out the four spy thieves. I told the five sense organs to give him all the merits he deserves."

Xun Xu was surprised, with writing all over his face: Is this your idea?

There was no one around the two of them, so Wang Biaozhi said calmly, "Sima Tao interrogated five people in total, and one of them was wronged. This man is quite capable of lobbying. , Feng Shi found Wuguan and asked if he could use money to ransom him. This is the case, the news spread on the same day, you often patrol restaurants and restaurants, is it not easy to hear about it?"

Xun Xu's cakes were tasteless, the more he thought about it, the tighter his brows became. "Is it possible...from the time the criminal was released from prison to lobbying the Feng family, it was all within Sima Tao's plan?"


Wang Biaozhi sent someone to investigate the dungeon, and found the following clues: Sima Tao learned from chatting with the jailer that the officials were busy recently and there were many complaints. , and the implementation of improved pesticide spraying vehicles; the jailer said that the two thunder explosions were caused by the soldiers. Afterwards, after being induced by Sima Tao, the jailer boasted even more. I have seen the soldiers Cao Shi come and go to the house", and "I heard that the meritorious Cao Shi has returned" and so on.

There are always smart people who can straighten the main line in a pile of chaotic threads.So the most powerful lobbyist was Sima Tao. Even if he cleared his charges and left the prison, he was still under control.

It's a pity that Wang Biaozhi's speculation was also sorted out layer by layer based on the clues found by his subordinates. At most, he would wait for Gong Cao Shi to come back and warn the five sense organs to restrain the jailer from lying.As for Sima Tao, what's wrong?

Xun Xu was very depressed. In the whole incident, he became a pawn in spreading the word. "It's all tricks that can't be put on the face! Just give merit to such villains like this?"

"Let's go, talk while walking." The two entered the corridor, the sun shone through the short trees on the right, casting light and shadow on them, and as they walked, the light and darkness kept changing. "Whether he is a villain or not is up to us. But meritorious service is earned by him with his own ability, so it should be given to him. Just imagine, if I deduct his meritorious service based on my own preferences today, I will deduct others' meritorious deeds in the future, maybe Which dynasty will detain you Xun Xiuxuan, ha ha."

"Shuhu! You are not this kind of person."

"I hope that Xiuxuan will not forget his original intention. To be an official or an official, you must strictly discipline yourself and never take a wrong step. When others make mistakes, I will stop them with the right way, so that the evil ways will have nowhere to hide, instead of using evil to cure evil. , to help the traitor to find a wider path of evil."

not yet.

Wang Ge and the others brushed out some residual sulfur from the clay pots that were emptied in the morning with a horsehair brush. The amount of nitrate used was small, mainly due to the lack of sulfur. The experiment in the afternoon was still enough, and tomorrow's would definitely not be enough.

"According to the original plan." Wang Ge made a decision.The materials can be placed slowly, and the test steps must not be omitted or sloppy. "The strongest fire thunder in the morning is obviously the fifth gunpowder ratio. I have slightly adjusted this ratio. Instead of using the middle spoon, I changed the middle spoon to a small spoon."

She first scooped up the sulfur seven times with a big spoon, poured it on the clean paper, and then scooped up a full spoonful of nitrate. "Originally one medium spoonful of sulfur was needed, that is, five teaspoons, and now one teaspoon is added; the nitrate remains the same. Charcoal originally required one tablespoon, one medium spoonful, and I will not change its quantity, but change it to slightly larger charcoal .”

Powdered charcoal is not used.

After all three kinds are placed on the paper, wrap up the four corners of the paper and gently circle around to make the sulfur powder and nitric acid cream fully adhere to the charcoal.She explained the move: "I want to see if the formed charcoal can support combustion better than charcoal powder. Sister Zou, I will put it in the clay ball later, and put the paper together, so as to reduce the loss of the powder." After speaking, continue to shake. Paper.

Mrs. Zou knew that she was not as careful as Wang Ge in her work, so she didn't rush to do it.

Wang Tian saw that everyone's face was covered with yellow and gray, especially Wang Ge was even more haggard.The young man felt very uncomfortable, so he came to Wang Ge with his lips pouted, and said truthfully: "Bing Cao Shi asked me to come. He wanted me to inquire about the news and see what new firearms you made. He wanted to take your credit... to make up for the crime." , Hmph, when I...don't understand."

Mrs. Zou didn't even cough twice to stop Wang Tian from finishing speaking.

After the shaking was almost over, Wang Ge handed the paper bag to Mrs. Zou, and comforted Wang Tian: "I didn't say that I took the credit. You can see that I lack sulfur and nitrate here. How can Zhengchou ask someone to ask Bing Cao Shi? Luckily." You are here. And you have to change to a wider place to try the second kind of mud ball, and I have to ask the officer if you can provide a testing ground?"

Mrs. Zou "concentrated on" sealing the clay ball, feeling guilty.A Ge must have known about the gunpowder, firecrackers and fire thunder she had used, and Toda Yongfu told Wang Shuzuo.Otherwise, with Gongcao's care for Age, it is impossible for Bingcao to see Huo Lei first.

Wang Tian immediately felt relieved: "It's not too late, I can't help here, why don't you go back to the soldiers to ask for sulfur, yes, and ask for a trial ground! But, hehe, I'll go empty-handed..."

"You can't empty your hands." Wang Ge filled a bamboo tube according to the current gunpowder ratio. This bamboo tube is not the previous one, it is five inches long.She installed the fuse, filled it with mud, and instructed: "It's the same as lighting a firecracker. No matter how weak the firecracker is, you can't hold it in your hand, and you must avoid sparks on the road."

Liu Qing sent Wang Tian out of the hospital, worried: "Don't take it to play elsewhere, go directly to Bingcao."

"Don't worry, brother, I'll handle the matter." Wang Tian smiled brightly.

"Wait!" Wang Ge remembered the news that happened repeatedly in his previous life, chased it out, and added: "Don't forget to throw it in the latrine."

Tianshu, Tianxuan, etc.: Big Dipper.The movement of the Big Dipper is the basis for the changes of the 24 solar terms.

Gongshangjiao (jué) Zheng (zhǐ) Yu: Five tones in rhythm.

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