But because of this, he hated Wang Ge even more!A carpenter, a lowly servant girl, has repeatedly ruined his future and ruined his reputation. Now the other party can transfer him away from the county as soon as they want, and use him as a sharp claw for revenge on the enemy.

This proves that Dongyi Xiaowei's Mansion also values ​​Wang Ge!
"Ah..." Qi Sha Ye!Shumaid Wang Ge, I will never let you go in this life, the humiliation I have suffered will definitely be tens... thousands (forget it, the vow is too big to be fulfilled), and I will return it to you twice!


When Wang Ge was in a daze, she heard someone calling "Xing Nan", and she responded "Hey", her vision changed from blurred to clear.

Mrs. Zou stuffed the quilt behind her waist, touched her forehead, and said comfortingly, "It's okay. Aman, bring me the porridge."

Ah Xin brought warm water, wiped Wang Ge's face and hands, and tied up his turban.After rinsing his mouth with warm water, Wang Ge felt better, and asked, "What did you hear in a daze just now...going south?"

Mrs. Special: "Kong Shuzuo sent someone here, explaining the county competition for improving the nest car in Rizeng, and asked if I would go to the official pottery shop today to see the burning urn. I will go for you. Your sister Zou said that the road is difficult, and asked I ride carefully. The official is waiting outside, and Age rests at ease, and I will tell you in detail when I come back." With the last sentence, she had already opened the curtain and left.

When Aman came in with a food table, the voices of Mrs. Nan and Wang Tian could be heard in the courtyard. Later, Mrs. Nan entered the room with a long wooden box. "Pang Xiaolang asked Tian's guards to bring Age an apology."

Since it was brought in, it must have been inspected without any problems.Wang Ge opened the lid of the box and smiled. There were sawdust as a cushion inside, five strangely shaped stones and two pieces of jagged bark.

The stones are black, brown and white.Each of the two black stones has stretched patterns; one of the two brown stones is close to a perfect circle, and the other is close to a triangle; the white stone has a narrow upper arc and a wider lower arc, much like clouds.

The two pieces of bark are not big, and both of them can be seen as the naturally formed outlines when they are broken and peeled off.One piece is like the word "wood", and the other piece...Wang Ge turned the bark upside down, and the inner wall was mysteriously formed. The lines formed a flying rabbit running, which was lifelike. I don't know if it was caused by mold spots or dust seeping into the cracks.

Mrs. Zou: "I heard that when Pang Xiaolang was learning how to make wood with Xiang Jiangshi, he could pick among the scraps for a day. I finally understand what he picked. Didn't they come to Gaoxian Road to pick these?"

Definitely is.Wang Ge thought of the basket of pebbles he had picked up from Ye Shanhe. In the eyes of others, they were just pebbles, but in her eyes, each pebble contained the imagination of her and Adi.

"Sister Lao asked Guard Tian to convey it to me. I will accept this gift. Also, Daoxi is Daoxi, and Mr. Pang Lang is Mr. Pang Lang."

Nan Niangzi nodded: "Okay."

The next day, the flybridge improvement list came out, with Wang Ge at the top of the list.

So far, the Baichang county capital has been completed!
On the ninth day of October, Wang Ge recovered and started the first county competition to earn merit points.She had only accumulated two meritorious service points in the espionage war before, not to mention not being as good as Liu Qing and Wang Tian, ​​even Sima Tao was probably not as good as him.

But it doesn't matter, the previous credit for making the bellows was reported to the imperial court by Dongyi Mansion, and the meritorious service must be indispensable.Wang Shuzuo also informed that for any meritorious service reported to the imperial court, a copy of the record will be kept in custody, a copy will be reported to the government office, and a copy of the county of household registration.

Could that go wrong?Certainly, just like the county chief’s statistics are wrong, anyone who feels that the value of meritorious service is wrong can only go to the above-mentioned office to appeal, check, and correct.

Due to the limited time, Wang Ge felt that the low-level officials could do this very well.

Closer to home.

The candidates for the improvement of the nest car were the same as the last assessment for the improvement of the fly bridge, and there were exactly 20 candidates. Several of the candidates were familiar with each other. Wang Ge was suspicious. Could it be that the Gaoxian County Office specially transferred craftsmen from the government office to make up the number?
who cares.

The "Wanglou Car" painted by Lin Xia in the previous life only appeared in the Song Dynasty, and the basis for improvement was the "Loulu Car" that existed in the Han Dynasty.

That is to say, during the period from the Han to the Tang Dynasty, no matter whether the nest carts were called building carts or building oar carts, almost only the "nest platform" components were changed to increase the width and defense, and the exchange was for the growth of troops. Double consumption, difficult transportation and frequent maintenance.

Therefore, the watchtower carts in the Song Dynasty are more like the first version of the nest carts in the Spring and Autumn Period described by Kong Shuzuo.

From heaviness to simplicity.

Of the twenty candidates, only Wang Ge chose the model maker.Bang bang bang... The wooden hammer chiseled, and the excess wood was removed inch by inch.

Four wheels.The shaft passes through the thick shaft made of a square prism, so the two horizontal shafts are equivalent to the beams that stabilize the two shafts.In the middle of the two shafts, the upper part of the shaft is placed horizontally on the middle beam, which is also in the shape of a square prism.Then wedge wooden pillars at both ends and pass through the middle beam and shaft.

Therefore, there are three horizontal frames of the two shafts, two are wheel axles, and one is the center beam.

These are all the structures of the watchtower base.

Wang Ge's throat was itchy, he gagged his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed a few times, and began to dig into the watchtower, which is the nest platform.The overall structure of the watchtower has no roof, and the surroundings are sealed. In addition to leaving a hole in the middle of the bottom, there is also another side hole.When the real thing is to be built, the partial hole can be drilled in and out for one person.

Then chisel the vertical pillars.

The vertical pillar is the structure connecting the car base and the watchtower.Dig a horizontal hole at the bottom of the column (according to the mould) to pass through the shaft.The shaft is horizontally installed on the top of the two wooden pillars of the car base structure, and the diameter of the shaft should be significantly smaller than the diameter of the passing hole to ensure free rotation after passing through.But it should not be too small, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure the strength of the shaft member.

The shaft is in the inner and outer wedge stoppers of the column holes on both sides.

The bottom of the pillar is wedged against both sides of the center of the shaft.

Then there is the pillar top.Wedge the hole left in the middle of the bottom of the nest car structure into the top of the column so that the top of the column is higher than the height of the watchtower wall.When building the actual watchtower car, there must be another way to strengthen the watchtower to prevent the watchtower from falling. It is too cold, so Wang Ge does not demand the stability of the mold.

She carves an arc-shaped piece of thin wood, the edge of which is slightly wider than the perimeter of the watchtower, and wedged into the top of the column, which is equivalent to adding a suspended roof with sloping eaves to the watchtower.With this design, soldiers can report the military situation through this gap in the air, and they can also shoot the enemy with arrows, but it is difficult for the enemy to shoot and kill people in the watchtower from a long distance.

The final step!

On the vertical pillars, hemp ropes are wrapped at equal distances to form a protruding joint, which is used to allow soldiers to grasp and step on the joints of the rope to climb to the watchtower at the top.

At the last joint of the rope and the vacant place at the bottom of the watchtower, the three strands of rope are tied crosswise, and six rope ends are thrown out.

Because the pillar is driven by the horizontal axis that can roll below, and the watchtower is folded obliquely on both sides.The six ropes are stretched outward three or three times, and tightly tied to the six piles on the ground, which can fix the pillars and watchtowers from tilting, and also stabilize the wooden wheels from shifting.

When you don’t need to climb high and look far, loosen the rope, you can lower the pillars (with the watchtower), which is convenient for driving and transportation. In case of rain or snow, you can also use tarpaulins to protect the wood from erosion.

Only changing the principle of lifting and lowering the nest car to climbing reduces the loss of wood, reduces the number of windlass and winch components, and reduces the coordination of troops.

This is the real weapon improvement!

Not only for heavy duty, but for mechanical use, and only for shocking appearance!

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