Chapter 356 Family Letter
October eleven.

The wind and snow stopped for a day.

Sima Tao finally "traveled" from the dungeon in Liaodong County to the dungeon in Gaoxian County.Going down the earthen ladder, he took a deep breath of the familiar smell, which turned from fishy to mildewy, and soon all kinds of stench hit his face.

"Huh..." He exhaled slowly.

This place is dirtier and dilapidated than the prison of the Liaodong County Office. Each basement is not small, and the entire front wall is made of rough wooden fences, so the inside can be seen at a glance, crowded with unkempt criminals, all rotten.

"They're all pending trial?" He asked the leading jailer.

"Back to Mr. Sima Lang, there are few jailers in this county, and the spies are hard-spoken. To tell you the truth, the spies caught last year have not yet been tried."

"I'm here to help you." Sima Tao was already handsome, but his slight smile made others feel that this young man was clear and straightforward.

Sure enough, the jailer relaxed his vigilance, thinking, it's not as difficult to get along with as the prison history said, it's just that he is too young, can he handle the case?
In fact, the magistrate of Ouyang County informed the jailer and prison history that Sima Tao's temperament is changeable. Don't offend him for a short stay.In addition, all prison officials should be warned not to talk with this son about things that have nothing to do with the trial, so as not to cause trouble.

The county magistrate of Ouyang couldn't directly tell his two subordinates that Sima Tao was cunning, witty and cunning. He not only deceived criminals, but also deceived prison officials. In the end, he insisted on the words "so as not to cause trouble", which was enough to remind him.

Liaodong County had to pick up people who were sent here, so the jailer led Sima Tao to get the records of the criminals who assassinated Wang Ge, and the prison history took this moment to remind the guards.

Prison history was very busy all day long, so he simply warned the prison guards in the most understandable sense: "Sima Tao is a member of the royal family, and he is not easy to get along with. Keep your mouth shut during this time, so as not to cause trouble."

One is "disaster" and the other is "trouble". The meanings are very different!

The words are divided into two parts.

Duan Yongfu brought good news to Wang Ge.Because of the three types of car overturning improvements (those involving secret agreements cannot be counted), the number of "mechanical masters" has been set, and Wang Shuzuo asked her to write a letter home.

"Guardian Lao Duan is on his way again." Wang Ge was so excited that he thought he would have to wait for a while.

"Wuzi Zhongdong, Age asks if his eldest parents are safe? Are my father and second uncle safe? I am all right in Pingzhou..." After writing this, Wang Ge shook his head, crumpled the paper and threw it into the brazier.In her situation, working alone in a foreign land thousands of miles away, it is obviously a lie to only report that she is safe, but it makes the elders worry.

rewrite.The beginning is equivalent to a template and does not need to be changed. "I have completed hundreds of county chiefs, and it is difficult for me to adapt to the cold in Pingzhou. Fortunately, I met Zou Niangzi and other friends, and I have meritorious Cao Shi, Shuzuo and other officials to take care of me. I receive firewood and cow dung for warmth every month according to my official salary, so I don't get frostbite. .In addition to saving salaries, rewards, mats, and furs, it is inconvenient to describe them one by one.”

Alas, if you add spaces to ask questions about your relatives, it will fill up two pages.

Next, it's time to mention the bean sprouts.Wang Ge discovered that when Duan Gong and Cao Shi were recuperating, there were bean sprouts from black beans in the medicinal diet that the other party ate!
At that time Wang Ge was dumbfounded! ! !

Only then did I know that "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" has long recorded the method of sprouting black beans.It is called "soy bean yellow roll" in the book, and it is listed as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of damp arthralgia, spasms and knee pain.

In other words, although no one has yet promoted soybeans, mung beans, and peas as common dishes, the concept of sprouting beans has appeared long ago.

So the traveler should really not be self-righteous. What you don’t see around you doesn’t mean you don’t have it. It’s just that the existing living environment prevents you from achieving more insight.

As she wrote down the method of growing bean sprouts in detail, she muttered that even if the eldest mother believed in her, she believed that Shu (soybean), Lu (mung bean), and pea soaked in water can grow several times the sprouts, she probably would not be willing to make sprouts as vegetables.

why?One is that the soybeans that are often planted are one of the five grains for rent, and the rest can be saved as money to buy cloth and farm tools. One liter of new soybeans can be exchanged for one and a half to two liters of old grain. In the eyes of self-cultivating farmers, soybeans It is money; secondly, poor people can’t afford to eat bean sprouts without meat, so they can only boil them in plain water, and they have to eat as much as half a liter of coarse grains to satisfy their hunger; and then, like Wang Ge’s family, they rely on radishes dug from wild mountains for vegetables in cold winter, or sun-dried radishes in summer. Dried wild vegetable leaves are boiled, which is enough to survive the winter.

After seeing Wang Ge writing five pieces of paper, Mrs. Zou began to revise, delete, and transcribe into three pieces.It's okay to have two more sheets of paper in the family letter, and there is no more weight. The two missing sheets are for fear of causing trouble to Wang Shuzuo.

Duan Yongfu refused to stay overnight, and took the letter and left as soon as he was warm enough. Wang Ge sent him to the gate of the city guiltily. If he knew it, he would have handed it over to him tomorrow.

A night of north wind.

The next day.

Wang Louche's achievements came out, and Wang Ge was the head of the county.It is equivalent to getting one merit point, and the cumulative merit value is three.

It was also on this day that Tingzhen and Xintingurn were reported from Gaoxian's official office to Xuantu County's office.

On October [-]th, she participated in the ruler-making assessment.

Participated in the regulatory assessment the next day, but did not enter the top ten.This is the first time Wang Ge has failed the county examination since he became a craftsman, and he was so angry that he ground his teeth while sleeping.

On October [-]th, the result of making the ruler was released, ranking first in the county.The cumulative merit value is four.

In the late afternoon, the dungeon.

Daoxi was dragged to the execution room and tied tightly to the punishment stake. One warder stayed behind while the other two left.

Daoxi lowered his head and waited, knowing that the interrogation required at least two jailers to be present.

Squeak... Sima Tao pushed open the door.

"The criminal Daoxi?"

The jailer bowed his back: "It's Daoxi."

Daoxi remained motionless, and saw a pair of feet walking to the brazier on the side. The soles of the boots were dirty with scabbed blood spots.Then he heard the jailer go to close the door.

"Oh, you're a fool again." Sima Tao complained, "A maidservant who doesn't have iron arms and bones, why are all of them so stupid that they can't kill her? Huh?"

Daoxi kept her breathing calm, and quickly analyzed in her heart: What do you mean?Is this person also a jailer?Judging from the number of people being tortured recently, there should be an increase of two or three prison guards. Could it be him?Does vertical maid refer to Wang Ge?Why didn't the other jailer respond when this person said this?
"I'm asking you."

Daoxi turned her eyes, as if she didn't hear it.

The jailer groaned and said, "The craftsman is a great talent, of course, there are many guards around."

Daoxi frowned: Are you asking the jailer? !The questioner must not be a jailer, but a jailer or prison history?Listen to the voice young...

Sima Tao took a step forward holding the fire hook, and drew it to the connection between Daoxi's left arm and chest.

"Woo!" Slave!Daoxi's half body was in severe pain, the pain was so painful that she was about to lose consciousness, but she couldn't lose it!
Sima Tao's face was more ferocious than the one being beaten, and he was full of resentment. He threw the iron hook back, and the jailer jumped away with a wolf howl, almost being smashed.

"Phew... I'll come back for interrogation in a while." Sima Tao smiled apologetically at the jailer, and slammed the door out of the execution room.

Then the jailer shook his chin and scolded in a low voice: "Rat." It's only been a few days, and the interrogator has changed his face, it's too scary!The bad thing is that this guy is really good at interrogation. The spy who assassinated Wang Ge on the next day confessed. It was the 29th of last month. Report to the spy caravan in Goguryeo.

Daoxi has been lurking in Feng's house for many years, watching his words and demeanor, and the jailer's fear and disgust for this crazy boy is not like a disguise.He endured the pain and asked, "Who is such a young officer?"

 Prison officials, prison history: low-level officials of ancient prisons.

(End of this chapter)

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