The young man surnamed Liu was angry that he was being scolded for no reason, so he hurriedly chased him, regardless of whether others wanted to sit with him or not, he found an empty space at the Qinghezhuang students' banquet, and when Wang Ge stopped talking, he taunted: "What do you say?" Those girls are indeed admirable, but why do they get weirder the more I listen to them? Oh, I know where the weirdness is. When you talk about many dangerous situations, it seems that you are there, and you are as brave and witty as them. Oh, so ...Did you merge yourself into them? So that when others praise those girls in the future, you will be replaced by an irrelevant you!"

It's too insidious! "Hey..." Xie Ju and Bian Zun gritted their teeth and looked at Wang Ge: Hurry up and scold him!

Wang Ge responded easily: "Student Liu, right? I need to confirm before returning to you. How do you know I wasn't there?"

"Hmph, of course I know."

"You were in Pingzhou last year?"

"not yet."

"Then how do you know...I was not there when I was in Pingzhou last year?"

"You can guess it, but do you still need to see it with your own eyes?"

"Then guess... which is the vanguard battalion that attacked Mount Marutsu?"

"You know?"

"I know. Everyone in Xiangping City knows it! It's the Wandu Mountain garrison camp! The knight camp led by Taishou Xun himself! Guess again...the Goguryeo nobles escaped from the tunnel, how did our army capture them accurately?"

"What, did you catch it?" Some students were fascinated and nervous, and couldn't help asking.

"It's me... I have modified the listening equipment. Several scouts can be carried around and placed outside the mountain city to listen to the movement of the tunnel. Liu Xuezi, you continue to guess, why did the lady who shoots the falcon shoot the falcon? Who attracted the falcon? Who do you want to kill?" Wang Ge stared angrily, and asked each sentence louder and louder.

"You, you..." How do you guess?Liu Xuezi's brains were urging his mouth, his mouth was urging his brains, he was already embarrassed, and his cheeks were shaking like chaff.

Many people got goosebumps when they heard it, and even the masters who were playing and watching chess in the pavilion stopped and looked at the two facing each other.

"You don't know. You don't know everything, so why do you guess? Where do you have the face and the courage to guess?" Wang Ge's voice slowed down, "If there are other people who are thick-skinned like you, there will be some The good effect of the pile is to pull everyone to Pingzhou to build the city wall! Using your thick skin to strengthen the defense is also considered as your best for the country and the people, instead of sitting here brazenly eating and drinking, talking about me Right and wrong, slander my credit."

Before Liu Xuezi finished speaking, he covered his face and ran away, almost colliding with the impatient screaming boy.

"Hey?" The screaming boy didn't stop calling the other party, forget it, he will find a chance to relax when he returns to Xuezhuang, he has already figured out a way, and he will make Wang Ge make a fool of himself in public!But seeing him stepping forward, he hurried into the restaurant, and saw the craftsman sitting with Ji Yuanzhi and Miss Zhuge.Hmph, that's okay, how proud this servant girl is now, how embarrassing she will be soon!

He first found an empty seat to sit down, which was just looking directly at Wang Ge, and he didn't bother to move around: "Miss Wang is young and promising. I heard that she was admitted as a craftsman two years ago. Is it primary school or university?"

The courtyard was suddenly silent, and the talking and laughing stopped.

Gathering the full attention of the crowd, it was the first time for the screaming boy to experience the feeling of self-satisfaction.

Xie Ju, sitting on Wang Ge's left, passed her a piece of rice cake to Bian Xi: "This is fragrant."

Bian Zun gave Xie Ju a cup of fruit drink: "Try this."

Wang Ge looked at the provocateur calmly: "Elementary school."

The boy exclaimed: "Elementary school, can that girl compose poems now? Or can she only recite "Pian" and "Chapter"?"

Disdain flashed in Wang Ge's eyes, this kind of disdain for someone who has been strong for a long time made Ji Yuanzhi's heart skip a beat. "It seems that you are familiar with poetry. Since you want to compare it to poetry, I have to draw up a topic and write it within five numbers. It is not necessary to write the whole poem. Dare to compare?"

The students present were stunned!I have only heard of Cao Zijian composing poems in seven steps, but not in five counts.It's okay to count slowly, but if you count fast...

The screaming boy blinked his eyes, it shouldn't be like this, why did he become passive again? "Then if I can't do it, and you can't do it, how do you count?"

"You win. For the sake of fairness, I will add another one. I will make a question, and I will do it first."

This is what you asked for! "good!"

"Taking birds as the theme, all the birds fly high and all the lonely clouds are alone in the day, one, two, three, four, five."

Pfft... I don't know who didn't hold back their laughter.What a wonderful girl, those who are slow to breathe can't take one breath, so she writes questions, composes poems, and counts in one go.

Sweat dripped from the forehead of the screaming boy, but he didn't dare to wipe it, because it would make him feel guilty.If he dared to provoke, he would have prepared poems long ago, especially the poem with the theme of "bird", but no matter how conceited he was, he knew that the poems he had prepared could not compare to these two lines of craftsman and maidservant.what to do?To do or not to do it?

Unexpectedly, Wang Ge didn't give him a chance at all: "You didn't say anything after five counts, and you lost this round. Listen well, the topic is still the birds, the spring is gone, the flowers are still people come and the birds are not surprised. One, two, three, four, five."

Sweat soaked into the boy's eyes, and he couldn't open them without wiping them. "Jiang Kuo..."

"It's timed out, and it doesn't count if you make it. I'll give you another chance, and continue to use the bird as the theme to feel the love and hate the bird. One, two, three, four, five."

"Jiang, Jiang..." Out of the corner of his eye, he didn't dare to look around, not at all, but it was useless!He knew that everyone must be watching him, laughing at him, and despising him.It's over, it's over, what should I do?He can't compare it, and speaking the prepared poems will only increase the laughing stock.He swallowed, and his lips twitched: "You steal poetry!"

Wang Ge guessed that this guy would say so, and then asked: "Who stole it?" None of Li Bai, Wang Wei, and Du Fu were born.
"How do I know?!"

As soon as these words came out, the people of Qinghezhuang lost all face. Just now the young man surnamed Liu was nothing, and this student is like this.

Wang Ge: "If you don't know, just look for it. If you can't find the source of my stolen poems, and you can't return to Qinghezhuang to study, how about it?"


Master Zuo came out of the pavilion angrily, his voice was so loud that his neck was jumping: "Because she is my Nanshan disciple!"

Guo Fuzi stood shoulder to shoulder: "Since Wang Ge is an official student of Nanshan Guanshu, how can I allow people to slander the notoriety of stealing poems! Since she does not rely on her family background, does not rely on others, but only on her own ability, she is already a master craftsman! Are you qualified? You Qinghe Is this how Zhuang teaches his disciples?! If you don’t expel this Zhuzi, how can I return the name of Qingzheng, a disciple of Nanshan?!”

Xie Ju, Bian Xun, Ji Yuanzhi, and Miss Zhuge stood up first: "Return my Nanshan disciple Qingzheng's name!"

All the disciples of Nanshan glared, and their passionate voice pierced the clouds and cracked stones: "Return the name of Qingzheng, my disciple of Nanshan!!"

An outing, no one expected this result, Xie's Louchuan threw the disciples of Qinghe Village on Caishi Beach, and swam back if he had the ability!
From master to disciple, the two universities almost turned against each other.

Although some unhappiness happened, Wang Ge also met many well-behaved students. His daughters included Zhuge Wenbiao and Deng Wei, and his sons included Ji Yuanzhi and Sun Chuo.

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