The whole turmoil was nothing to Magistrate Huan. After returning to the county office, he kept thinking about what Wang Yue said about the fire storage.There are three mountains in the wild mountains, across the two townships of Wuzhi and Xunxi, and the location of the warehouse needs to be determined before August. It will be completed in Mengxia next year, and the Chinese army will be officially stationed.

He is definitely worried about letting the subordinate officials survey the terrain, but it is difficult for him to spare time, because this month the officials of the townships and kiosks will be assessed, and the grain rent will be collected next month, followed by the case household comparison.

It's all unstoppable!Also, why did the imperial court recruit Wang Ge as one of the chief officials of the Huoyiku?

In every military treasury, the number of chief officials should be at least two.According to the usual practice, a craftsman is recruited as the main official, and the rank must be a master.It was unprecedented for Wang Ge to be recruited as a quasi-grandmaster, so the recommendation of the master master represents His Majesty's intention?
Yesterday Wang Yue didn't reveal any more information to him, only said that it was confidential, and he would know when the Chinese army entered the wild mountain.The fire warehouse...Wang Yue's prudence...Wang Ge...Many documents in Dongyi Mansion that don't mention the content...

Huan Shi thought, did he think he paid enough attention to Wang Ge's talent?Could it be that she made some amazing weapons related to fire equipment in Pingzhou?
Nanshan Riverside.

The sun was scorching hot, and the craftsmen were chiseling wooden wheels, brackets, shafts, pestles, and mortars according to Wang Ge's instructions, referring to the patterns and molds.

Bamboo rafts and bamboo hulls are ready-made, and the rafts do not need any modification, and the bamboo hulls are not changed much, only need to replace the crosspieces passing through the upper mill with six wooden spokes (equivalent to wooden gears).Therefore, after two water-wooden wheels are dug out, the raft can be tested first.

Fishing boats are not used as the carrier of pestle and rice paddle, in order to avoid piling at the bottom of the water.The weight of the bamboo raft is light, and it is enough to lay a short pile on the bank and then use three ropes to hold the raft to prevent the raft from being washed away by the water.

Each vertical water-wood wheel has six boards. The width of each wheel board is five inches, and the thickness is five minutes. The wheel diameter is tentatively set at two feet and five inches. Adjust the diameter and length of the Mizuki wheel.

In the afternoon, the sky changed.Dark clouds and thunder rolled in. The craftsmen dragged the raft into the shallow pit dug in advance, and Wang Ge, his guards, and apprentices ran to the nearest Wang's craftsman.

The wind and rain came too fast, within half a moment, the sky and the earth were covered in darkness, and even the Nanshan Mountain on the opposite bank disappeared from sight.No one expected that from the beginning of this rain, there will be no sunny days in Tuyi County.

On July 23, the slanting rain was like silk. Wang Ge returned to the Wei Pavilion covered in mud. It was as bad as she had feared.There is water everywhere in the courtyard of my house, and the way in and out of the house is padded with more than a dozen stones.

She got off her horse and ordered Zhao Li and his guards: "Dig a canal outside the courtyard."

No one expected that Wang Ge would come back today, so when they entered the door of the main house, Wang Weng, Jia Yu, and Zhou Shi were all stunned.

Wang Dalang felt something in his heart: "Is it... Tiger Treasure?"

"It's the elder sister. My elder sister is back." Wang Ai came to him.Wang Ge held Yaomei's hand, frowned and looked at the room. The grass stalks were under the mat. Although there was no rain leak, the room was full of damp and overturned the roof beams.

"Where's my second uncle, Ah Shu, and Ah Peng?"

The eyelids of Jia Yu, Zhou Shi, and Wang Ai were all swollen, and they looked like they had just cried.Wang Ai spoke sharply, and immediately said: "Second uncle went back to the village this morning. My second brother was taken to the pavilion office by brother He Cong. There is food in the pavilion office. Brother He Cong said that he could not bring us all there, and he would bring us all in one day." One..." At this point, she broke down in tears and insisted on finishing, "Sister Shu, Shu Cong, let's weave and weave straw sandals."

During these words, Wang Ge noticed that Zhou's complexion turned yellow, and he was a different person when he left home with her.She pulled Aai back to sit beside Father: "Father, please tell me about the situation at home."

Wang Weng sighed: "Oh, it's been so many years since there was a catastrophic rain. Our house is fine, but the rest of the house leaked from the rain... Alas! Your second uncle went back to the village before, and the slope fields were only planted in May. Millet, cough...cough cough..."

The old man became anxious and his face swelled from coughing.Wang Ge hurriedly stroked his elder father's back, and Zhou was about to get up, but was pushed down by Jia Yu. After pouring water for her husband, Jia Yu took over and said in a crying voice: "The millet, garlic and turnips that are only planted in Potian, In the first year, your younger brother thought about all kinds of stubble, and you were all drowned, oh... Hu Bao, how can this be done, ah... it will kill you, this is..."

Wang Ge hugged his eldest mother, his heart ached, and his eldest mother lost weight again. "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, father, mother, father, it's okay. Don't worry about the second aunt, really, I'm here."

Wang Weng's eyes were choked up and his throat was choked up. He turned his body away and turned his back to his family, not wanting them to see him as a pillar of incompetence.

Wang Ge said calmly and quickly: "Listen to me. Our family doesn't have to worry about famine. I'm not lying. I did the math before I came here. Now I can receive six hu grains per month. I’m back, I’m in a hurry to go home, the grain truck is behind, and I’ll be there in an hour. Ah He’s monthly salary is one hu and five buckets, usually I don’t eat at home, and Ah He goes to the pavilion to eat from time to time. The food I eat is the same as usual. And for a maximum of two months, my salary will be more."

The food shortage panic prevented the family from asking her what the last sentence meant.Jia Yu sobbed and counted with her fingers, and asked, "Really? Is it enough to eat?"

Wang Weng turned around, sad and embarrassed, hesitant to speak.

As a human being for two generations, Wang Ge couldn't understand the mind of his elders: "Father, I remember what you taught me, and I always remember it. You said... the prosperity of the long house is the right way, and it is the right way to accommodate other houses to rely on. During this kind of natural disaster, I will not abandon the three houses. When I came back this time, I bought three extra carts of food. When I go to Yeshanjiang tomorrow, I will give it to Brother Zhu Cong. One cart will be kept by him, and two carts will be given to the two tenant farmers. If our family can survive this rain disaster, I guarantee that Sanfang will not suffer too much! Father, rest assured."

Jia Yu didn't need her husband to explain, she wiped her nose neatly: "I'll take the money right now."

"No. I earn money by making rulers for craftsmen, so I don't need to touch my savings."

The whole family showed expressions of disbelief and asked in unison: "Really?"

"When did I lie to you?"

Wang Dalang's clenched hands loosened. During this period of time, he got up earlier and went to bed later, thinking about making more Shau Kei, and it would be fine if he could get half a liter of grain.

Zhou covered her face and finally dared to cry.In this disaster, it's not that her natal family didn't help her, they really couldn't help her.Her family has no land, and she lives by slaughtering with drum knives. It rains one after another. She sees her uncle and husband worrying about nothing, and she can't do anything. She feels guilty and restless every day, and sometimes she even feels that it's not the right time to conceive this child. .

Wang Ai wiped Zhou's tears sensiblely.

Wang Weng was the first to react: "When the rain stops, I will send food to A Zhu. There is no rush for a day or two."

Why can't she be in a hurry, if she came from the county office, wouldn't she know that the grain just harvested by the people is afraid of being soaked by the rain, and they wish they could pay the rent in advance, and how many days the family can store grain?

But don't be blunt at this time.Wang Ge explained: "Today is not a holiday. The county is building a new workshop in Yeshanjiang. The wood and bamboo materials are all stocked up. I will be the chief official. I will work in Yeshanjiang in the future and bring food to Azhu along the way. .”

Recruitment (zhēng): refers to the recruitment of talents by the imperial court.

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