Let's talk about the county office.

County magistrate Huan did not expect that after the unhappy outing, the Ji family began to inquire about Wang Ge.The ancestors of the Ji family belonged to a famous family in Danyang, and the branch in Tuyi County was moved here during the reign of Emperor Huan. Although the Ji family is not as prosperous as before, the famous family is still a famous family. Nanshan student Ji Yuanzhi.

Didn't the Ji family always have a good relationship with the Deng family in Linhai County?For this reason, the Deng family sent their daughter Deng Wei to Nanshan Guanshu to study.

So it has to be found out, is it the younger generation of the Ji family who asked about Wang Ge's situation on their own initiative, or the elders of the Ji family have this intention?
Please see the history of the door: "County magistrate, a letter from Huan Lang, he went to Weiting."

County magistrate Huan was taken aback.

Huan Zhen was recommended by Dongyi Mansion for meritorious service and allowed to enter the Yamen Army's pre-soldier camp.Perhaps it is the reason why the Chinese army will distribute its troops to the states and counties. In October, the pre-death battalion will formally train troops.

It's not short or long before October, and Huan Zhen came here in a hurry. The reason he said was to take Wang Yun to Luoyang to meet Zhang Jiying, the son of the state, but why didn't he leave quickly?Can Mr. Yuan of Qinghe Village not let Wang Yun go?
When Huan Zhen came to the county office that day, he left without standing still. He thought he was going to Wu County to check the property, so why did he go back for a few days?To go to Weiting, one must either go to Cheng Tingchang to reminisce about the old days, or to go to Wang... According to Qinghe Zhuangxiu's custom, Wang Yun will not be able to return home until tomorrow.

On the contrary, the date for Wang Ge's return is today.

Feeling suspicious, the more the magistrate Huan analyzed, the more he felt that the nephew's actions were abnormal.

Weiting riding shooting range.

Wang Ge galloped in circles with Huan Zhen, chasing chickens and ducks, and shooting balls with a slingshot.It was too difficult, she punched so many dirt holes on the ground, the tired chickens and ducks were too lazy to run away, so she still hit the ground.

As the sun was setting, Wang Peng came to call them home for dinner. Huan Zhen pretended to hold A Peng's hand and lifted A Peng onto the horse.

"Ah... oh?" Wang Peng was not afraid of riding a horse, but it was the first time he saw Huan Langjun smiling at him, and he couldn't believe that the other party was willing to play with him.

Both the younger brothers noticed the change, and Wang Ge noticed it even more.

Huan Zhen: "I have already taught you the key to how to use the slingshot, and the rest depends on hard work. This time I will leave with Anong, and I will ask someone who is safe to take him home. After entering the pre-soldier camp, I will have a lot of experience. For a long time..."

Wang Ge understood what he meant, and it was really a long time since we met him again.She took Apeng down and signaled her second brother to go home first, then she bowed to thank each other, and said sincerely: "Mr. It won't get any lighter over time."

"I can rest assured that."

Wang Ge lowered his head slightly, Huan Zhen could only see the top of her hair and the tip of her nose, but could not detect her reaction to this sentence.He said again: "The matter of the water jade has been settled, and I will let you know the result of the test." His father presented the piece of water jade that was ground into a double convex circle, together with the picture she drew, into the palace.

Some people think the road is long, while others think the road is short.

When Wang Ge breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his backyard, Huan Zhen seemed to be talking to himself, as if reassuring her: "I do things just like you do. There must be a beginning and an end." Talk to her alone.

Huan Zhen was the same as at noon, he just sat in Wang's house and went to the pavilion office.

It was late at night, but he still drank, sang and danced with Cheng Tingchang.When the reed pavilion was built, it was as large as a house and a well, as small as a car and a seedling. His first feat.

Wang Ge didn't go to bed either, he buried his head in writing, preparing a gift for Master Zhang.It was too late to carve ghostly crafted wooden balls. In order to express that she had stepped into the road of craftsman, she drew pictures of her improvements other than the secret agreement one by one, marking the names and functions of the utensils, and drew them on the paper.Starting from Huozhezi, she continued to draw Quyuanli, Fengzhuan Overturned Car, and Raft Hull. This can be regarded as a summary of her journey from a craftsman to a middle craftsman.

I can't finish painting in one night.

At noon the next day, Wang Yun returned home.Gathering for a short time and parting for a long time, the next time I go home will be midwinter, but fortunately the Wang family is used to it.

Tie Feng and Tie Lei returned to Luoyang with Huan Zhen, and Gao Ming, Gao Yue, Feng Yi, and Feng Zhi were all left to Wang Ge. It should be mentioned that Gao Ming and Feng Yi, a guest girl, are husband and wife.

Huan Zhen and Wang Yun didn't know that as soon as they left Tuyi County, a Meng family in Xunxi Township invited a local matchmaker to Wang's house to say goodbye.

The matchmaker said: This man's surname is Meng Tong, he is nineteen years old, and he is studying at Qinghezhuang University. Although his family background is not rich, it is enough for Meng Tong to study.

This is to inform the Wang family, don't worry about letting Wang Ge offer his husband to study in the future.

He also said: The Meng family admires Wang Ge's talent, and will never trap Wang Ge in the inner house in the future, and the Meng family has a private school in the village, even if Wang Yun does not continue to study in Qinghezhuang, he can still enter the private school without interrupting his studies.

The fly in the ointment is: Meng Tong got married when he was 16 years old, and within three months, the bride died of illness.

Nowadays, it is basically like this for people with a little status to talk about marriage. They invite a matchmaker three or even four times.In this way, both families are prepared and will not be embarrassed.It's not like the Peng family in Shanyin last time. They came directly to the door without consulting, and they carried so many cars in a public manner, which made people talk about the Wang family for a long time.

Wang Ge was not at home, although the old couple and Wang Dalang were reluctant to be a matchmaker, they did not immediately refuse, and gave the matchmaker five liters of grain as thanks for their strength, saying that they would consider it for half a month.

It stands to reason that Meng Tong himself is a good match for Wang Ge, who is a master craftsman.The status of a scholar is high, but Meng Tong is nearly [-] years old. If he is well-known and has been recommended by officials, can the matchmaker not talk about it?It can be seen that it is unlikely that this man will become an official.

Wang Dalang: "Our family is not as good as the Meng family now, and soon after Master Agejin, the Meng family will not be as good as ours."

Jia Yu was the least willing: "He has lost his wife, so he should ask a widow to propose marriage. How dare he come to our house."

Wang Weng: "Tsk! It's all up to our family whether you want it or not. They didn't force it, and it's not that they didn't understand what they said. Also, in the future, when the matchmaker comes, as long as the person you mention is not bad, you are not allowed to insult the matchmaker. Dalang, I mean let Erlang go to the shop and tell Age about this matter. She has a lot of knowledge and thinks far ahead, and she may have more considerations in marriage."

Knowing a daughter is like a father.Knowing a son is like a father.

Wang Dalang's confidant daughter is afraid that Age will find a husband who is not as good as her in everything for the sake of her own family.Marriage is related to a lifetime, how could A Ge like a son who lacks talent?

Wang Weng Zhizi was worried that Dalang's narrow thinking would end up adding to Age's troubles because of his love for his daughter, making her embarrassing in marriage for the sake of filial piety, and eventually hindering her career advancement.

The third day of August.

Wang Erlang rushed to the Zhigan Craftsman's House, but his niece smiled and said "I see", as if it had nothing to do with her, and took him to watch the craftsman's house, taste wild fruits, and drink bamboo tea.

The next day, Wang Erlang happily carried several big bags of wild melons, wild dates, wild millets, wild persimmons, and two cages of small hares back to the Wei Pavilion.Wang Weng frowned and asked, "When did your niece come back?"

"She's very busy there. She's building a house, so she won't be back soon." Wang Erlang shook his head.

"Then what did she say about the Meng family?"

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