Chapter 379 Wang Ge's Resentment

"My niece said... woo, hee hee..."

"Woo" is to predict that I will be beaten, so I cry for myself first.Today was the first time Wang Er was beaten since he got married. The old couple drove him to the pavilion and did not relieve their anger.

Wang Ge did this on purpose.Recalling the cause of Lin Xia's death, she was so sad that she couldn't relax all day long and had nowhere to talk, she was almost suffocated.It's strange, she felt much better after teasing Second Uncle once.

As for the Meng family...Wang Ge does not want to help the poor if he does not marry a powerful family. Regardless of his own ability or family background, Meng Tong is weaker than her who will become a master craftsman. After the second uncle returns, the elder parents and father must understand Her heart.Of course, the second uncle has already been beaten.

At Sishi the next day, County magistrate Huan and Bing Cao Shi led the soldiers from the village. Ren Tingchang and the four pavilion officials who came last time were also in the team.The county officials all wore brown jackets, and some of the township soldiers carried bags, some carried arrows, and some held axes.Bing Cao Shi called together the people who had been recruited to explore the mountain during this period, and ordered them to bring bedding and wheat cakes, and start climbing the current mountain at noon to determine the logging route.

Wang Ge didn't know about the fire storehouse, so he took advantage of the county magistrate's absence, and quickly flattered him: "This mountain is almost sunny, so I'll just go up the mountain, and the county magistrate..."

"Yes. You go too, the craftsman's shop is under the supervision of Linshuiting for the time being."

"Yes." She turned around and entered the shed, changed into a brown coat, and brought an extra pair of straw sandals tied around her waist.When she went up the mountain, the guards, craftsmen and apprentices were also busy preparing, and they all had to follow.

At the beginning of climbing, the number of people seemed to be large, but when they climbed to the mountains, they were all hidden in the lush greenery, and they were not visible at all.Mrs. Luo looked back frequently unwillingly, the gentleman came again, and this time she didn't even have a chance to meet, so she was sent up the mountain again.

Coming to Zhiqian Craftsman's House, it was indeed the same as Mrs. Luo thought at first, it could save food.But every time you go down the mountain, you must pick a basket of wild fruits and medicinal materials, or catch a hare, and the harvest beyond the basket is your own.Who can carry two baskets when climbing a mountain?Mrs. Luo spits, she should spit on Wang Ge.

Wang Ge's physical strength is very good, but there are many guards, so she doesn't need to carry supplies, so she, county magistrate Huan, and soldier Cao Shi are at ease, enjoying the scenery while climbing the mountain.

The persimmon trees are bright yellow, the jujubes are red, and there are clusters of purple-black round fruits reaching the knees. Wang Nanxing called them wild grapes in his previous life, and the unnamed wild flowers are even more colorful. They compete with the weeds to grow. It is hard to say whose vitality is stronger. powerful.

All the explored roads are marked at intervals, either by tying hemp ropes to the branches, or by surrounding stones under the trees.

Wang Ge knew all kinds of bamboo, wood, and grass, and pointed them out to County Magistrate Huan one by one. Too much talk is annoying.

The mountain where vines intertwined became steeper and steeper, and the leader walking in the front was a villager from Xunxi. He stopped and shouted back: "The cliff above is flat in the past."

Countless mountain birds were startled by the human voice, and after finding no danger, they resettled in the treetops.

Magistrate Huan gave Wang Ge a sideways glance.

"County magistrate."

This discerning look almost made Huan Shi laugh.He said: "Test you a question. You don't need to write the whole poem with birds within five numbers."

"The reeds are green, and the white birds are frost!"

"Then the theme of the mountain is..."

"The reeds are green, and the mountain dew is frost."

"Hahaha." Huan Shi laughed, and asked quite casually, "So it was really stealing poetry that day?"

"How dare I. The first assassination I encountered in Xiangping City was when spies used Qin Ji to lure eagles and falcons to attack. During that time, I saw that birds were evil. In order to overcome the fear, I often sang songs with birds with the guards. Over time, I saved three It’s not a complete poem.” After explaining, Wang Ge added: “If you ask me to compose the complete poem, I will be exposed.”

"The student who bet with you on poetry is called Liang Yong. He dropped out of school after returning to Qinghe Village. The Liang family intends to invite a matchmaker."

"This Liang family and the An Ding Liang family..."

"It's the same clan."

The Liang family of Anding flourished in Han Dynasty, and they are still a famous family. Liang Yong lost so much face in Caishitan, it seems that the Liang family wants to regain Liang Yong's face.It's a bad move, please a matchmaker?Heh, this is for those who really wish Wang Ge to see!Who dares to fight with Liang's children?

The Wang Ge family is not stupid, how could they agree to the Liang family, because there is only one way to agree, and they are abandoned!However, if the Liang family was rejected once, the Liang family would ask for a matchmaker twice, and then a third time... until she was dragged past the age of 20 and betrothed by the government.

Are you afraid?Huan Shi sighed: "Changyu, who is engaged in history, has written to Liang, and wait for the result of the discussion. But you must remember this lesson in the future!"

"Yes." Wang Ge lowered his head, as if obeying, with resentment in his heart!I have earned so much credit through hard work, but because of a youthful vindictiveness, I am faced with helpless teasing.So much credit is not worth the random fingers of the wealthy family!
An Ding Liang, right?
Stabilize the Liang family! !
As soon as it was dark, Huan Shi ordered the mountain climbing to be stopped, no fires could be lit in the mountains, and the villagers cut trees and planted fences to prevent wild animals from attacking.Everyone can't leave the gathering place. They drink mountain springs when they are thirsty, eat wild fruits or wheat cakes when they are hungry, and continue climbing after dawn.

After Wang Ge ate half a piece of wheat cake, he sat in a daze, and Ah Xin paid for it with his back.The night owl passed by in the middle of the moon, like a silhouette, another one passed by. "Ah Xin, one day people will fly into the air, higher than Ye Xiao. Do you believe it?"

"As long as it is said by the chief official, I will believe it."

Wang Ge smiled: I also believe that one day, it won't be too far away!

The morning light in the mountains is full of vitality, and a pine tree leans out from the tens of feet high cliff, which makes people sigh the wonder of the creation of heaven and earth.Go up the cliff and reach the flat terrain that the leader said.Although this place belongs to the south of the mountain, the sunlight will be blocked by the cliff before noon. Perhaps for this reason, the trees are sparse.

Bing Cao Shi: "It's such a wide place."

The magistrate of Huan County: "Explore again." This place is not far enough from the bottom of the mountain, and the Jianhuo warehouse is easy to be detected.

Looking back from this open area, the cliffs are not as stunning as they were just now, and there are more strange-shaped rocks around them.

"There are words on this stone!" Gao Yue kept walking in front of Wang Ge, and the stone with words protruded from the ground as high as half a person.

It should be washed by the rain in the previous period, Wang Ge fixed his eyes, and the words engraved on it were all very clear: Don't return to me, worry deeply.

Times New Roman!
The county magistrate Huan came over and told her and the soldier Cao Shi: "These two sentences come from Beifeng's "Beat the Drum", which means that soldiers can't go home for a long time, and they are worried."

Mrs. Luo didn't know when she approached: "My father and mother said that a long time ago, a nobleman came to the wild mountain to teach the people of the two villages how to sing and how to recognize herbs."

The two townships refer to Wuzhi Township and Xunxi Township.

The magistrate of Huan County continued, and Bing Cao Shi and others hurriedly followed.

Wang Ge deliberately slowed down, rubbing his eyes in an uncomfortable manner.After letting go, her eyes were red and tearful, she smiled wryly: "I don't know what grass seeds flew into my eyes. It's so uncomfortable."

So sad.

Besides her, who else in this world can write in Song Dynasty?

In his previous life, Lin Xia said that he and Wang Nanxing were destined by heaven, and their name was included in a poem called "Beating the Drum".

Wang Ge rubbed his eyes again and adjusted his breathing.Only now did she understand that Emperor Cheng Simayou had set aside one more county in Kuaiji County, and "Tuyi County" meant one more county.

There are three townships in this county: Wuzhi, Hefang, and Xunxi, which means "I don't know, where, and looking for people".

Is the nobleman who traveled to the wild mountains a long time ago the same person who carved the words on the stone?Is it Sima You?Is it... under the forest?

(End of this chapter)

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