Chapter 380

August fourteenth.

Several days have passed since the trip to explore the mountains. Wang Ge resumed his busy schedule as a chief official. When he was tired, he looked up at the peak and felt that the mountains were the undergrowth, the trees were the undergrowth, and the wind blowing from the valley was the undergrowth.

Sometimes she shed tears unknowingly, rejoicing that she had come to the place where he had been decades ago.Unfortunately it was too late.

But thinking about it again, her and his footprints overlap after all, and she would like to regard this overlap as a reunion.

It was in this kind of depression and sadness that Wang Ge made a small breakthrough in his ruler-controlling skills. He accurately divided each division into five on a ruler, and got closer to the state of the highest master "controlling hair".

So far, she still doesn't know that there is a division of realms in ruler skills. After realizing her progress, she plans to prepare in advance for "one hundred rules and one thousand sharpening".

The process of master craftsman master Jinzong craftsman is called "boil" master craftsman?She wanted to break the convention, not only chose the "thousand grind" that lasted the longest, but also made a thousand rulers!

And each ruler is engraved with double-sided line segments!The minimum scale on the front is still divided, and the minimum scale on the back is... double centimeters! !

There are strict standards for the material of the plain ruler, with a horizontal length of eleven inches, a vertical width of one inch, and a section thickness of one minute.The starting line is also strict, starting from half an inch.To strengthen self-challenge, she carved the double hair first.There is almost no sound under the knife, and the speed is one knife per breath. The engraving method is still from bottom to top, and when it reaches a longer inch line, it is also flowing.

Flip over.

From difficult to simple, the speed is increased to two knives per breath, and the wrist strength should be kept as equal as possible.Wang Ge turned his desire to find out whether Lin Xia was Sima You, and his resentment against the pressure of the An Ding Liang family into motivation.When it is manifested in the ruler making, even the strength of the knife is so harsh that it is equal!
Rule into.

Ah Xin and Ah Lu are responsible for checking whether each ruler is exactly the same.The cutting speed is basically the same as the checking speed. Only in terms of speed comparison, Wang Ge Yuan surpassed the rulers of the same level recruited by the supervisor.

August seventeenth.

The officials of Linshuiting brought the second batch of servants and concubines who built the Jiangsi. This time there were 50 people, and they were still dispatched by the county office.According to the handover procedure, Wang Ge had to check the number of people and match the place of origin of the criminals one by one. Unexpectedly, among the ministers were the four street thugs that Sima Tao had brought to harm her.

Bu Dalang has the best memory among the rogues, and he looks at her with flattering facial features like a withered flower.

Wang Ge asked: "There were seven of you back then, right?" There were ten people in total, and three of them were killed by the apprentice Qi Langjun and the pavilion officials.

"Return to the chief official, three of them died on the way to Sizhou, and all the scourges died! The rest of us are all good people, hehe."

The other three rascals did not stand together, but their voices were all in unison: "We are all good people."

Dead less!Wang Ge finished counting the people with a cold face, and asked Carpenter Lu to take away the concubines and distribute the work. She invited Ting Zhang Ren to the banquet outside the stove shed, poured water soaked in cypress powder, and said: "Recently, the craftsman I picked a lot of goji berries and wild jujubes, and the cypresses have been dried, picked out the good ones and put them in bags, and the next time the pavilion chief comes, I have to return the empty carts to me.”

"Haha, I won't be courteous to the chief official. Oh, relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, although the craftsman's shop is built here, it is actually better than the county." He went to the county office to pick up criminals this time, and heard people talking about Wang Ge's background. , Low seniority, was dismissed by the county office to find a temporary building in a remote place, and replaced it with other middle-class craftsmen.In addition, other government offices and craftsmen have several inspection craftsmen, but Zhigan Craftsman has only Wang Ge as the chief official until now.

"I think so too." Wang Ge asked Ah Xin to fetch two rulers and put them in a shallow box. "The head of the pavilion took good care of my family in the past, especially about my younger brother Wang Zhu. The gift of thanks seems distant. This is a ruler made by me, which is different from the rulers sold by ordinary craftsmen. I hope the head of the pavilion will not dislike it. I will definitely accept it. Down."

Ren Suzhi's joy was not feigned, he had his own sources of information, and knew that Wang Ge's craftsman was exceptionally talented, and the rulers she made should be more standard than those available in the market.After returning to the pavilion, he discovered that the two rulers had engraved lines on both sides, and the side with fine line segments was so fine that he counted with his fingers back and forth, but he still quickly counted randomly.

God!If the line segments on these two rulers are all accurate, it can be passed down to the family!
As the sun was setting in the evening, several commoners went down the mountain one after another, and suddenly there were fifty servants and concubines in the craftsman's house, carrying wood and carts back and forth, which shocked Zhao Dalang from Weiting, thinking that he had gone the wrong way down the mountain.

Mrs. Luo had a unique idea, and first wondered if there was such a broad-backed gentleman among the people who brought these criminals.She was busy with work in every corner by unloading wild fruits, moving firewood, and pushing carts, but she didn't see anyone, and she knew that even if Mr. Broad Back came, he left before she went down the mountain.

What dissuaded her absurd idea was that after the task of exploring the mountain was over, the craftsman's shop would give the agreed amount of grain, and she had to leave the craftsman's shop after receiving the grain tomorrow morning.Lady Luo plucked up her courage and wanted to ask Wang Ge who Ming Kuanbei was, but before she got close, she was frightened away by the power of the guards.

On August 24, Wang Ge hurried back to the county office, ordering Gao Yue and several townships to drive ten ox carts bravely, first to Wang Zhuna to unload a load of mountain goods, and to carry the rest back to Weiting.

After Wang Ge went to the county office to report this month's affairs, he took his salary and reported it to rest and return home.The salaries of different states and counties are different, and the types of salaries of officials and officials in the same place are also different.In Tuyi County, only the county magistrate, chief bookkeeper, and chief clerk’s salary is the new grain, and the county magistrate’s salary is mostly japonica rice; all the subordinate officials, Cao officials, and pavilion chiefs are the five grains produced last year; Old grain from a year ago, but only millet and wheat.

Therefore, even if the family couldn't eat up Wang Ge's salary every month, it still couldn't pay the Narita rent.

The township officials came to Weiting yesterday. When collecting rent, they compared the population of the people in Weiting, important property and livestock with those of last year.Wang Ge took the initiative to go to the pavilion office to find the township official to register, and by the way, he gave Cheng Tingchang the three carts of special products picked from the wild mountains.

Human relationship is also a kind of knowledge.

This time, Wang Ge also brought back wood and bamboo stalks from the wild mountains. In addition to carving blocks of wood for his younger siblings, he also made a toy for Apeng called "Picture of Promotion" and a kind of toy for Aai. The toy is called "Colorful Clothes Puppet".

The first written record of how to play the map of promotion was found in the "Southern New Book" written by Qian Yi in the Song Dynasty.

The meaning of this passage is that a number one scholar named Li He in the Tang Dynasty invented the game of rolling dice to make people familiar with the official system of the three provinces.Specifically: first draw a grid on a piece of paper, with different official positions written in the grids of different sizes, and then roll the dice, according to the numbers and colors on the dice, advance and retreat different grids on the grid of official positions, advancing is promotion , Retire as demotion.

In the Ming Dynasty, the selection of dice was called the "Picture of Promotion". In 2006, among the first batch of "Zhuxian Town Woodblock New Year Pictures" included in the national intangible cultural heritage list, the picture of promotion was included.

The name "Caiyi Puppet" was given by Wang Ge. It was originally a children's toy "Mohele" popular in the Song Dynasty.To put it simply, it is a doll that can change clothes and jewelry. The doll can be made of clay, wood carving, bone carving, or more expensive materials. Provoke and turn.

Toys such as "Mohele" are included in the Qixi Intangible Cultural Heritage project, but modern children only know Barbie dolls that play the same way. How many people have heard of "Mohele"?

(End of this chapter)

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