Chapter 399 Cut off, Ge Sheng

Behind the bamboo clump, Wang Ge looked at it for a while, and secretly praised this method as wonderful.

As long as the spy is a county soldier, there will be clues, and they will be interrogated one by one after narrowing down to a certain range.Even if the other party did not participate in the food delivery mission, he would be brought out of the water by repeated accusations.Also, doing so not only cuts out spies, but also exposes all the scum who are not worthy of soldiers.

It's a pity that she has to go down the mountain immediately, and she can't finish watching this good show.Li Gao couldn't get away, so General Ge asked his uncle Fan Si to see her off.

Fortunately, the five county soldiers who stayed in Jiangsi did not cause any trouble.Craftsman Lu reported that the officials at Linshui Pavilion came last night and took away all the mountain goods and fish sauce, and the warehouse for storing grain has not been moved.

In the early morning of the next day, all the machinery that could be stopped in the Zhiqian Craftsman's Shop was stopped, and only three craftsmen were left on duty, and the rest of the craftsmen returned home, on the eighth day of the first lunar month.The three craftsmen who were on duty on New Year's Eve returned home on the ninth day of the first lunar month, and returned to the craftsman's shop on the nineteenth day.

In the afternoon, soldiers from more than [-] counties went down the mountain, and after a few brief words with the waiting soldiers from five counties, they all drove away with empty vehicles.Wang Ge asked Guard Shen to see him off, and told him not to inquire about anything.She felt that the spies should have been found out, and there would be many county soldiers involved.

On the morning of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, she also left the craftsman's house, first went to Potian to worship her mother, and then brought Wang Zhu back to Weiting.During the Chinese New Year, it would be uncomfortable to have outsiders at home, and it would be difficult to live there. Wang Ge asked Shen Huwei, Gao Ming and other four people, and A Xin and other four craftsmen and apprentices to all stay at the pavilion office.If she doesn't look for them, they don't have to come here for now.

Wang Yun and Wang He came back yesterday, and after Wang Ge returned home, they were truly reunited.The new clothes that have been cut cannot be worn until tomorrow morning, but you can try them on first!The Wang family has few houses, and the girls live in the wing room. Laughter penetrates the door and wall. After a while, Jia Yu thinks it is noisy and goes to work in the kitchen.Soon, the bride Zhou Jiaoniang also came out to help Auntie.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang chops the meat with the drum knife, cooks the lamb with pancakes.

Wang Peng shouted outside the house: "We're going to light firecrackers."

Wang Ge: "Wait for us." She, Wang Shu, and Wang Ai quickly changed back to their old clothes, but there must be no time to wipe off the pink makeup on their faces... The three of them knew it, but there was no time to wipe it off.When I came out of the house, I was greeted with amazing praise!
Even Wang Weng, who was holding Ah Mai, was all smiles, and repeatedly praised "it looks good".

Wang Ai ran to Wang Dalang and asked Father to touch the yellow flower on her forehead: "Father, this is called Huahuang, it is petal-shaped, and the yellow color is so beautiful."

Bronze mirrors, ivory combs, all kinds of makeup and flowers, fake buns, silk ribbons and other makeup items were all gifts from Sima Nandi to Wang Ge sisters when Wang Xun was in Luoyang.Taking advantage of the New Year and Wang Yun's saying that if the makeup is not used, it will rot when it gets hot, just like the original chilblain ointment.

Wang Ge and his brothers and sisters carried firewood to the side of the road, where a barrier of wind and earth had been built in advance, and they drew grass to light firewood, and threw emerald green short bamboo stalks onto the firewood.

Snapped!The first crack was so fast.

"The firecrackers are ringing, oh, the firecrackers are ringing." Wang Ai jumped up and clapped his hands.

The Zhao family next door also came out with firewood.The poor and the rich will have a good year, and the firecrackers are set off in advance, hoping that the sound of the firecrackers will scare away evil spirits and expel bad luck earlier.

"My lord." Zhao Dalang once went to the wild mountains as a Taoist explorer. He brought his two children over and begged: "My lord, can you tie a wormwood bag for my little son and daughter so that they can touch your hair?" luck?"

Wang Ge responded with a smile.

Both children were sensible, so they saluted and thanked her first, and then thanked her after fastening the sachet.

Wang Ge said: "Jiangsi operates fish sauce, and it has to travel frequently to the county and township. After the year, it recruits a cart driver. Every urn of soy sauce transported to the county will be given a liter of old grain, and it will be halved when it is transported to the township. The livestock cart is provided by the craftsman. If you wish..."

Zhao Dalang didn't dare to interrupt her and kept nodding.He is willing, of course he is willing to do it!He didn't think it was too far away, and he was willing to go to the county, and he could earn several buckets of food by sending the sauce. As for the work in the field after the spring, the child was almost seven years old, and he basically knew how to do it.

New Year's Eve to.

It was Ah Mai’s loud cry that woke up the whole family. Jia Yu let out the chickens and geese to run around the courtyard. Wang Ge and Wang Shu went into the stove to boil rice water. With the heat from the stove, continue to boil water and wash off the dirt, and put on new clothes.Ladies put hairpins and combs, and Wang Weng and his sons wore new headscarves or hairpins.

It's useless for Jia Yu to hide, and she is pressed in front of the bronze mirror by the bride and grandchildren. Wang Ge has makeup experience in her previous life, and she really dresses up her eldest mother by more than a few years.

Breakfast is in a hurry, and lunch is rich.When Wang Erlang was almost full, he dipped his chopsticks in rice wine and put it on Ah Mai's small mouth. The bride saw him and punched him.Wang Erlang whispered something in the bride's ear, the young couple was affectionate, and the old couple saw it, so of course they were happy for Erlang.

Supper is the most important thing. Zhou Jiaoniang is the best cooker. Wang Ge and the others help her. Zhou follows Wang Ge's instructions and fry the meatballs in lard before cooking.

clang clang...

clang clang...

Xu Shi heard too much sound of sharpening knives and drums in the past two days. After the New Year's Eve, Wang Ge fell into a strange dream again.Ever since she found the stone with Song fonts on the wild mountain, it seemed to complete the memory of her previous life, but she didn't expect that after such a long time, she would be enveloped in a thick gray fog again.

I'm dreaming, it's a dream...

Are you on the other side of the fog?Lin Xia, let me see you again.Falling off the bottom of the cliff, did it hurt at the time?

I already know that the drumbeat I dreamed about before was actually the sound of your exhausted heartbeat as you carried Wang Nanxing up the mountain.

"Why did I say Wang Nanxing? I'm not just..." In the dream, Wang Ge murmured confusedly, a sense of panic and strangeness cut off from her previous life began to oppress her, and because she couldn't hear her own voice in the dream, she felt more and more suffocated.

Why did I say Wang Nanxing?
Am I not Wang Nanxing?
Under the forest, under the forest are you there?

Suddenly, the fog above the head disappeared.

A giant hand came down from the sky and grabbed her. She was farther and farther away from the gray mist. When she reached a certain distance, Wang Ge was horrified!
What is gray is not fog!
It was instead layers of sawdust and bamboo shreds, which were contained in a rectangular wooden box, and she was taken out of the wooden box by this giant palm.

what happened?

Her body was so stiff that she couldn't struggle, and soon, she descended rapidly, and then stopped on the long black stone, being polished back and forth like a knife.

Zheng, clang...

Zheng, clang...

Zheng, clang...

Why are you still awake?It's going to hurt her to death!Just when the pain was almost unbearable, Wang Ge was lifted away from the black stone by the giant palm and stayed on the top of a bamboo stalk.

With the sound of "huh", she was lifted towards the sky by the giant palm, and Zhan Feng quickly fell down.

Click!The whole body split into the bamboo gap.

Wang Ge tilted his head, finally scared out of the dream.

In Lujiang County, the wild pavilion where Huanzhen and Wenshi stayed was named "Ge Sheng".There are many deserted tombs around this pavilion, all of which were left by the war in the early days, and most of them are not worshipped.

After Huan Zhen waited for the pavilion officials to burn the firecrackers and Wen Shizhi fell asleep, he practiced martial arts over and over again in the courtyard alone.

When sweating profusely, he sat on the spot, looked up at the moon, and slowly recited "Ge Sheng".

"Ge Sheng Meng Chu... Ge Sheng Meng Ji... summer day, winter night, after a hundred years, return to its residence..."

After getting tired, Huan Zhen began to practice the sword.

The iron light shines on the moon, and the sound of drinking blood resounds between chopping and chopping.

The sword is like a man, full of tiger and leopard strength, expressing his ambition to grow up and charge the battlefield.In this ambition, he looks forward to Wang Ge's company.Even if the goal is set, it must be achieved no matter how difficult it is. Wang Ge, he is married!It's not like the words and sentences in "Ge Sheng", which leave no regrets and no sadness.

Sorrow is useless!
Click!The blade hacked into the posts of the cowshed.

(End of this chapter)

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