Of course, the result is that the cowshed must be repaired before leaving Gesheng Station.Because of the delay, the two young men Huan and Wen swung their whips faster, never daring to delay the return time of the pre-death battalion.

With their faces covered with scarves, snow particles hit their eyes, and the cold wind scraped their hands holding reins and whips like scales.

How can an angry horse be afraid of the wind!

The sons simply took off their face scarves, shouted and walked through the nearby wild forest, and screamed across the muddy ravine!So what if the future is difficult and dangerous, as long as they make it through, they will become Tao!

The fifteenth day of the first month.

Luoyang, Zhongshu Lingfu.

Today is the Lantern Festival, the court will give a day off, and Wen Taizhen is in the mansion.The servant reported that Zhonglang was back, but the one who was carried back by the real son of Tingwei's family was very weak.

Wen Taizhen walked worriedly, and asked the slaves, "Are they injured?"

"There are bloodstains all over my body. I have already gone to a gold sore doctor and a broken injury doctor."

Wen Shizhi's elder brother, Wen Fangzhi, came first, and outside the house, he heard the Jinshang doctor wondering: "Isn't this human blood?"

Then the second brother hurriedly "keep down".

When Wen Fangzhi entered the room, he saw his second brother lying on his back straight and motionless, with his mouth slightly open and his brows slightly wrinkled.Huan Zhen held his second younger brother's hand and put it next to his cheek, with a look of concern and guilt that even his second younger brother couldn't bear to look at.

What a pair of brothers and sisters.Still have time to practice this set on the road?

Wen Fangzhi sat on the side of his second brother's feet and scratched the soles of his feet lightly.

"Hee." Wen Shizhi gritted his lips and tucked his feet tightly with the quilt. "Brother, spare me, help me first, and I'll tell you all about it later."

Hearing movement outside, Huan Zhen quickly dragged Wen Shizhi down: "Lie down. Shizhi! Shizhi? You wake up, how are the two doctors doing? He's just too tired, right?"

The doctors all looked at Wen Fangzhi: yes, or is it wrong?

Zhong Shuling came in.


"Uncle Wen."

Wen Taizhen nodded to the eldest son, motioned for Huanzhen to sit down, and first asked about Huanzhen's situation.

Physician with golden sores: "Return to Zhongshuling, Mr. Huanlang is all right."

"Then this whole body of blood?"

Huan Zhen explained: "We took a shortcut and met a wolf, not my own blood." In this sentence, I didn't lie to the elders, I did meet a wolf, and the wolf ran away.

The blood is of the hare.Huan Zhen continued: "Already entered the city, Shi's younger brother fell off his horse, and I can't wake him up no matter what..."

This is the code.

"Father." Wen Shizhi opened his eyes and made a weak voice, grabbing at Father, "Father, don't blame Huan Zhen, it was Ah Zhen who saved my son."

Huan Zhen supported his partner behind him: "Don't say that, if it's difficult for me, you will save me."

Wen Shizhi: "Father, ahem, you always teach me that you have to repay kindness and repay kindness with kindness. Ahem, that Tingwei's son saved your son, do you have to save Huan Tingwei too?" Your son?"

Wen Fangzhi was about to be teased to death by his second brother, so he whispered to his slave: "Go outside the mansion and have a look, if Lieutenant Huan Ting arrives, bring Lieutenant Ting over here." These troublemakers knew they had no time, so they made up such a show parody.

Wen Tai is really relieved, as long as Erlang is safe, the rest is easy to talk about.He comforted Huan Zhen: "Don't worry, you will return to the barracks tomorrow. When your father comes over, I will tell him not to let him beat you."

Huan Zhen saluted and asked: "I'm not afraid of being beaten. If Uncle Wen loves me, can you persuade my father to ask the Wang family for a matchmaker again."

Wen Taizhen was silent for a few breaths, and asked Zhong Lang, "Where did Ah Zhen save you?"

"The city gate."

"Oh. Zhen, put the Shikizhi back."

At this time, a voice shouted in the courtyard: "Where is Huan Zhen's evil obstacle?"

Then came the persuasive voice of the house slave: "Ting Wei, don't worry, don't worry, the real son is weak, and he can't bear to be beaten again."

Wen Taizhen stood up with a smile, and walked in side by side with Huan Maolun.That incompetent evil obstinately kowtowed to the ground, and his son knew that he had come to take refuge in Zhongshuling's mansion, and he didn't even plan to go home for the Lantern Festival!

Holding back his breath, Huan Maolun asked, "Tell me, where did you go?"

Wen Shizhi coughed twice in pain, and replied for Huan Zhen: "I revisited the old place and went to Tuyi County."

"Heh." Huan Maolun laughed angrily.

Huan Zhen untied the cloth wrap on his back, pushed forward, and explained: "Shuiyu mirror has been accomplished, and I thought I should tell Master Wang. Fortunately, she gave me another thing, called the star board."

Huan Maolun opened the wooden box, and inside was a bunch of wooden boards threaded with ropes. What is the connection with "Zhixing Xing"?
Wen Tai really knew about the Shuiyu mirror, he mentioned the string of wooden boards, and signaled his friend to ask the business first.So Huan Maolun asked, "How do you use these boards?"

"It may be possible to calculate the height of the stars to assist the navigation of sea ships."



In the mid-spring month of the fifth year of Longxi, a hulk ship was blown up by a mine along the Caishi beach of Nanshan River, and the water battle of the Great Jin Dynasty also opened the prelude to the firearms.This place is far away from the countryside, and even fishermen who heard the noise thought it was thunder.

It is customary this month to wash old winter clothes and old silks. It is best not to wash white ones with grass ash, otherwise the color will turn yellow.It is necessary to mash the adzuki beans into powder, sieve it once and throw it into warm water, and then put the cloth into it. The cloth washed by this method is very soft without further pounding.

The Jiangsi set aside two large automatic laundry buckets to soak and launder the clothes of the surrounding villagers for free, and by the way, promote the new agricultural tool "Yangma" for transplanting and pulling rice seedlings to the villagers.This agricultural tool is shaped like a small boat, with both ends upturned. There are places for putting seedlings in the front and back of the seedling horse. People ride on it to plant and pull out seedlings, and use their feet to move the seedling horse to move, which can avoid non-stop work. The pain of bowing and bending.

This agricultural tool was made by a junior carpenter surnamed Shen in Shanyin County. He won the first place in the county competition for making seedlings.

Every farmer who grows rice at home can receive a rice seedling for each household.

In this way, the virtuous names of Zhiqian Craftsman Si and Wang Zhuli spread to the farther Xunxi Township.

On an auspicious day in the last ten days, Wang Ge officially worshiped Ge Hong as his teacher. He knew that Ge Hong was also proficient in Confucianism in addition to medicine. He collected more than ten boxes of books from hundreds of schools and brought them to the camp.From then on, Wang Ge resumed his studies, and was taught riding and archery by uncle Fan Si and Shan Rong.

When the farm work was busy, Huan Tianxi came to the Wang family for the third time to ask for a matchmaker.This time it was a coincidence that Wang Gexiumu caught up with him to go home.

oops!Guanshi Huan immediately understood why the young master liked the young lady Wang.

Wang Ge is holding a bow and carrying a sieve, and has a white horse and white clothes. When he dismounts and walks, he has the majesty of a female general. Although his face is immature, his eyebrows and eyes are calm after experiencing the ups and downs of the world.

"Wang Zhunzong." Guan Huan is pleasing to the eye, and his words are also pleasing to the eye.

"Is Mr. Huan Lang doing well in the barracks?" She asked calmly.

The story of Ting Wei's son's promise to her has already spread, and the hypocritical avoidance will only make the rumors go wrong.

Huan Tianxi replied immediately: "He is already the commander of the pre-death battalion."

Wang Ge nodded.

Coincidences followed.A man wearing official clothes and driving a donkey cart came towards the gate of Wang's courtyard, and asked with a smile, "Is this the Zhigan Jiangsi Wang's official's house?"

Wang Weng stepped forward: "Yes."

The man took down the big cage from the car, and there was a live goose inside.He stood at the entrance of the courtyard, saluted, and explained the purpose of his visit: "I am a matchmaker in Juzhang County, entrusted by the Liang family in the county, to be a matchmaker for the son Liang Yong, and I want to marry the girl Wang Ge."

Live geese are regarded as the most precious and thoughtful gift among matchmakers.

Huan Tianxi stepped forward to look at the wild goose, and said in surprise, "The wild goose's wings are hurt, it's not a good omen!" (End of this chapter)

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