I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 404 1 Paper Transfer Order to Luoyang

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the sun and the moon move forward.

When the spring was bright and beautiful in February, Wang Ge accepted Huan Zhen's proposal.

On March [-]th, the results of the national examination were released, and Wang Ge was promoted to Master Master, becoming the youngest master in Dajin.At this time, the county office and even the officials of the county office knew that Wang Zongjiang would not stay in Tuyi County for a long time.

Huan's family and Wang's family are far away from each other, and it's already scorching summer when they arrive at Nazheng and send for employment.

Extravagance was banned in the Great Jin Dynasty, but the amount of hired cars and the cumbersome gifts still surpassed imagination in the eyes of ordinary people.Gold cakes, land deeds, copper coins, beautiful pearls, silk and fine kudzu, five grains and grains, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, bronze mirrors, desks, tableware, lacquer boxes, cattle, sheep, livestock, chickens, geese, and poultry... Only the Wang Ge family can't think of it. , there is no Huan family who is not willing to give it.

There are five house deeds, two in Tuyi County, two in Shanyin County, and one in the capital Luoyang.There are more shops, all in Yangzhou.

All the land deeds were attached to the deeds of the tenants, and all the tenants arrived with the hire car. The Huan family also sent 30 stewards and [-] child servants.

Huan Zhen's land deeds and house deeds from the village were not included in the dowry.

After the date of October [-] was set for the welcome, Wang Peng, Wang Shu, and Wang Ai dropped out of school, Wang Ge's family moved to the county seat, and Weiting's house and land were handed over to tenant farmers.The house in Ge Teng Lane is leased, and the two mansions bought by Huan Zhen will not be moved.

Immediately afterwards, Wang He was transferred to the county capital Ting as a Ting official, and the date of his marriage to Yushuang was also set, in the spring of the next year.

At the beginning of July, Huan Shi was transferred to Shanyin as the magistrate, and Xie Yi took over the post of magistrate of Tuyi County.Wang Ge's transfer order came at the same time, and she had to work in the Leihuo Camp before October [-]th. Her position was "Fire Equipment Order", and she was in charge of fire equipment and weapons.

This meant that Wang Ge had to leave home early.It is more than 2000 miles from Tuyi County to Luoyang. If Huan Zhen came to Tuyi County to welcome her relatives according to the original plan, then she would not have time to go to Leihuoying.

There is a martial arts competition in the pre-death camp, this time the martial arts competition is extraordinary, Huan Zhen couldn't get away from it.However, Huan Tingwei immediately sent Tie Feng and Tie Lei to Wang's house after hearing the news of Wang Ge's transfer.

It was the rainy season, and the dowry cart was not moving fast. The old couple and Wang Dalang did not hesitate on this matter, and decided to let Wang Ge leave in the middle of the month.Coincidentally, this time Gao Ming and Gao Yue were all brought back to Luoyang, and the four of them naturally followed Wang Ge.

After the schedule was set, it was time to discuss the matter of sending off the relatives. Wang Ge had a direct brother, so of course the one who sent off the relatives could not let Wang Erlang live in this house.Coincidentally, Master Yuan was going to Beijing to meet friends, so Xu Wangyun agreed to go with him all the way during his vacation, so as not to delay the journey to teach his disciples.

Wang Ai was sensible, and didn't want her eldest sister to feel sorry for her when she was about to leave home. She took the initiative to say: "I will stay with my father, and I am also reluctant to part with my eldest mother."

But Wang Dalang said to the eldest daughter: "If I can take Aai with me, let her go too. Life is so good, if I can't take care of myself, am I really a useless person? Hehe." The smile on his face was not forced , Pan bitter.

Jia Yu gently pushed Aai to Age: "Go. There is no need to farm the land anymore. What are you doing at home when it's time to see the outside world?"

On the eve of his departure, Wang Erlang felt unspeakably blocked.

The house in the county is really big, and it is divided into a front yard and a back yard.The camphor trees in the backyard are really strong, and the walls are covered with petunias.Brother is right, life is so good that I dare not dream of doing it a few years ago.But these are all earned by Hu Bao. He should be the pillar of the family, but in the end, his niece is forced to wander in the wind and rain.

Alas, Age, who snatched his life from the tiger's mouth, won't be able to see him again for several years after leaving this time?
"What is Second Uncle thinking?" Wang Ge came over.

"I used to think that being an official is good, but now I know that no matter what I do, I can't help it. You said that..." Wang Erlang pointed in the direction and complained softly: "What do you think, you are sent to the barracks just after you get married."

Wang Ge also whispered: "It's the opposite, Luoyang is over there." The second uncle is really the mother of Tie Sui, and there is no distinction between east, west, south, and north when changing places.

She still maintained her low voice, observed the other person's expression and said, "Tell me something, I heard recently that someone can live one or two lives again, how scary it is."

Wang Erlang: "Tsk! Don't listen to such nonsense, you have to get up early and hurry, go to sleep."

Wang Ge now has his own house. After laying down and thinking about it, judging from the second uncle's reaction just now, he really doesn't remember the rebirth. No wonder after she returned home from Pingzhou, she felt that the second uncle was always cheerful and never before. gloomy changes.

How can a person forget that he has been reborn if he has not been injured?What kind of opportunity did you forget?
What about her?
Will he forget Wang Nanxing and Lin Xia because of some kind of opportunity?

In the early morning, Wang Ge was awakened by the light of a knife in his dream, and wept farewell to his elders with his younger siblings.Wang Ge hugged Ah Mai nostalgicly again, and set off.

There are ten dowry carts, three of which are books and medicinal herbs given to her by Master Ge, two of which are dowry and clothes given to her by Huan Shi’s wife Lu Xun, and the rest are made by her aunt. Bedding, clothes for the four seasons, and a small part are the money and utensils she saved.

There are Tie Feng, Tie Lei, and Gao Ming in charge of the chariot, Gao Yue, Feng Yi, and Feng Zhi as guest girls, A Xin, A Lu, A Lou, and A Chu as apprentices, and ten tenants who are good at driving chariots.

The Wang family is an ordinary family of craftsmen, and even if Wang Ge puts all his efforts into adding dowry, it won't show much, so there is no need to swell his face for appearance.Moreover, Huan Tianxi has conveyed Mrs. Kong's meaning clearly, and all the betrothal gifts are to thank the Wang family for raising Wang Ge, so there is no need to add it to the dowry.

A group of people first went to Qinghe Village to pick up Master Yuan. The master took only three servants and an ox cart, and took a shortcut out of Duyi County. Explain Confucianism.

Encountering a good scene, the team slowed down. Outside the green mountains and the Guo, the wilderness and the winding river, all made Wang Ge sigh, the land of the Great Jin Dynasty is so lush!Then work hard, the territory of the Central Plains can only be expanded, how can the barbarians be coveted!Leihuoying is very different from Yeshan's fire storage. If the court trusts her and gives her a chance, then she will continue to study firearms and weapons, and like General Xun Guan, she will become a model of women in the world.

September twenty.

Wang Ge and his party finally came to Luoyang.Tie Feng went to Tingwei's Mansion to report first, and Tie Lei escorted the cart into the city to go to the new house.

The four Wang Ge sisters and Master Yuan were not in a hurry, they drove lightly, and only entered Xuanyang Gate after visiting Luoshui and Taixue.Master Yuan had his own destination. After entering the city, he took his servants to the north.

According to the deed of the betrothal gift, the new house is in the east of Tongtuo Street.Tongtuo Street is the central axis street of Luoyang City. What Wang Ge didn't know was that this street was also the earliest capital axis street in the history of our country!It connects to the Changhe Gate on the south wall of the imperial palace in the north and extends to the Xuanyang Gate in the south.The big city of Luoyang is to the west of this street.

It's a pity that I don't have time to visit the big city today, so I came to Taolan Lane where the new house is located. As the name suggests, this place is named because of the many peach trees.

The house is not much larger than the one in Ge Teng Lane, but every inch of land in the capital is expensive, let alone in the most prosperous place.The tenant slave has finished unloading the car, and the empty car is temporarily pulled to the Tingwei Mansion for storage, and it will be pulled back to carry the dowry on the day of the wedding.

According to the etiquette before marriage, it is best for Wang Ge to stay in the house to wait for marriage, and not to meet his uncle, let alone Huan Zhen.But the next day Mrs. Kong asked her maid to pick up the four sisters and brothers to meet at the restaurant, and told Wang Ge that as long as he didn't come back late at night, he didn't have to strictly abide by the other old rules. (end of this chapter)

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