Recipe, Shining.The son is home, it is suitable for his family.

On October [-]th, Huan Zhen, younger brothers Huan Yun, Huan Huo, good friends Wen Shizhi, Liu Bo, and the young companions from the pre-survival camp walked through Tongtuo Street to meet their relatives in Taolan Lane.

After urging makeup, Huan Zhen welcomes his bride, Wang Ge, into the ox cart, pays homage to his parents at dusk, and then goes to the new residence. The couple eat together in prison, and have sex together.After putting down the 卺, Wang Ge's gaze shifted from the red silk in the 卺jian to Huan Zhen, he was still staring at the 卺, and she looked at the layout of the new room and the burning honey candle.

The sense of unreality along the way is slowly becoming real.

When his eyes turned back, Huan Zhen was staring at her. "There is a banquet in the front yard, I have to deal with it for a while."

"Don't get drunk." She ordered with lowered eyes.

"Don't worry." Huan Zhen tentatively stretched out his hand to touch her face.Wang Ge didn't hide, his uneasiness eased, and he smiled and showed her the powder on his fingertips: "I'll wash it off with you before going."

"it is good."

He first helped Wang Ge remove the jade and gold hairpins from his bun, and every time he put them on the table, Wang Ge felt very distressed, and put the hairpins into the makeup box one by one.

The last gold hairpin inlaid with mother-of-pearl, Huan Zhen flung it away deliberately, hearing Wang Ge's gasp, he laughed out loud, and just about to speak, he moved away half an inch from her ear.This distance allows you to see her small ears more clearly, and then he looked at her neck again, and then he moved closer, even closer than before, and said, "It's good to have what you like. If you like anything else, everything will be fine in the future." tell me."

"En." Wang Ge responded softly. "Husband, leave early and return early."

With the door slightly closed, after Wang Ge asked Ah Xin to go out, her heart was finally quiet and she could stay by herself for a while.Sitting at the end of the bed, she touched the silky silk mattress, before her thoughts came up, the silk surface was scraped up by her hands first.

The bed curtain is made of fine kudzu, forget it, let's pinch the sachet hanging on the side of the tent.

After pinching a few times, she leaned against the suitcase and said to herself, "I'm married."

This is... Married, the past life is getting farther and farther away, and it really becomes a dream.

Since coming to Luoyang, Wang Ge has called Mrs. Kong several times. She should not be called Mrs. Kong, but Jungu. From what Jungu told her, Wang Ge can almost conclude that Chengdi Sima You is a time traveler.First, the rapid promotion of the stirrups and horseshoes, then the modification of the salt drying technique, the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions, and the delineation of the site of the Yin Ruins.

Of course, Jun Gu didn't mention too much about Chengdi.

Therefore, Wang Ge was puzzled. Regardless of whether Sima You was under the forest, if Sima You was a time traveler, why did he only bring the promotion of these technologies and civilizations?What else?

It's a mystery to be solved, and a new mystery to be revealed.

When the door rang, Wang Ge sat down immediately. It turned out that what Huan Zhen said "to deal with it for a while" was really a moment!
It was cold at night now, and he brought in a chill.Sitting next to Wang Ge, he waited a few breaths before speaking: "Wedding clothes are heavy, so you don't have to wear them all the time."

What should be faced must be faced.Wang Ge stood up.

After Huan Zhen got up with a puzzled expression, Wang Ge took a small step forward to help him untie his wedding dress.He smiled, grabbed her hand and put it back in front of her, and told him gently: "Our family doesn't have these rules, and we don't have to do this in front of the elders in the future."

Layer after layer of wedding dresses is really cumbersome.The two took turns to change their pajamas behind the screen. When she came out, Huan Zhen was already lying on the outside of the bed. "There's one thing I can't make up my mind about."

At this time, it is better to have something to talk about than nothing to talk about.Wang Ge crawled inside from the end of the bed, and after laying down on the pillow, he asked, "What's the matter?"

He turned sideways: "You should know that after the martial arts competition, I was selected by the Yueqi Battalion. Just a few days before I went to meet my relatives, there was news from the Leihuo Battalion and the Flail Battalion that they would recruit soldiers from each battalion. Tell me, I Which camp should I go to?"

"Have you asked your uncle?"

"They never cared about me."

Huan Zhen's hesitation must have been carefully considered not to stay in the Yueqi Battalion, and he felt that the newly built Second Battalion had more prospects for recruits.She said: "Let's go to Leihuo Camp. To tell you the truth, my husband, I thought about this possibility before."

"You want to protect me?" He moved closer, only resting on the side of the pillow.

Wang Ge didn't hide, and answered him seriously: "Yes. I want to protect you until you don't need my protection, and then you protect me."

"Heh." He held her hand on his heart and lay down on his back. "Age, do you and I are very similar sometimes." His hands were also very rough, and while she was replying to his words, he pinched every finger of hers.

"Yeah." Wang Ge smiled, if she didn't feel this way, she wouldn't have married him.

Huan Zhen lay heavily on his side, looking at her. "But there are too many people with similar personalities in the world. Are they all suitable to be a couple? Can those who are suitable to be a couple meet like us? Age, we want to be together for a long time."

Wang Ge's palms were still covered by him over his heart, and he moved "bang bang" with his longing.

In the afternoon of the next day, a group of female cavalry from Leihuo Camp came to Tingwei Mansion.

On the morning of October [-]th, Huan Zhen accompanied Wang Ge to Taolan Lane first, and then took Wang Peng, Wang Yun, and Wang Ai to see her off at Daxia Gate in the north of the city.

"Don't worry, my father will make arrangements to send Anong and the others back to Duyi County before the end of the year." Huan Zhen actually said all these words last night.

Wang Yun: "Sister, you only need to do your duty with all your heart, don't worry about us."

Wang Peng and Wang Ai followed and said, "Eldest sister, don't worry about us."

Wang Ge was very relieved, but there are disadvantages when the child grows up, so she could only hug Aai and apologized: "When I got home, I told my elder parents and my father that after I saved up the return date, I will definitely go home with my husband to visit them. "

"Ge Tongmen..." Several riders and a carriage rushed towards this side.

It's Brother Sima Nan!
The little girl showed a stately appearance early on, she got off the carriage neatly, and was happy first: "Finally caught up."

Then she complained to Chao Wangyun and pouted: "Huh." If it hadn't happened by chance that he heard that the first son of Tingwei's family had married the daughter of Zongjiang from Kuaiji County, she would have missed it with Tongmen Ge.

Wang Yun is so smart, how can he not guess why Sima Nandi is angry?He immediately explained: "We just arrived in Luoyang, and I delivered the gift my sister prepared for you to your house. At that time, the steward told us that you were out."

"I, I..." The little girl was stunned, and as she got older, people gave gifts almost every day, and she just went out to play in the city because she became more and more bored.It seems that the management needs to be changed, and the severity of the gifts will not be distinguished.

Wang Ge: "Brother Nan, the friendship between you and me doesn't matter whether we get along. A Peng, A Yung, A Ai, the elder sister can't see you off, and I will take care of each other on the way back, especially A Ai. Husband," she said nervously. Holding Huanzhen's hand, "I'll be waiting for you at Leihuo Camp."

Without further delay, she mounted her horse and came to the cavalry.Nodding to Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Nan, the former made a gesture: "Let's go!"

Seeing Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Nan yesterday, and knowing that they were transferred to Leihuoying, Wang Ge was really surprised.The former partners rode their horses and swung their whips to Mang Mountain together. They were as handsome and heroic as they were on horseback.

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