Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 156 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 9

Chapter 156 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 9
It was the first time she had asked him this question.

Look at her clear eyes.

He was silent.

Shen Chen suddenly felt that there was no meaning at all.

She chuckled lightly.


When Gu Yuan was about to avoid her gaze, Shen Chen directly hooked his neck and bit his thin lips viciously.

Soft, like jelly.

Gu Yuan struggled in her arms, he pushed Shen Chen, but how could the delicate young master resist Shen Chen.Realizing what the softness in his hand was inadvertently touched because of struggling, the tip of his ear burned.

Due to the lack of oxygen, Gu Yuan's brain became dizzy, and the extent of his struggle became smaller and smaller.

I do not know how long it has been.

His mouth was full of sweet blood, when Gu Yuan felt that he was about to suffocate.

Shen Chen let go of him.

His face was blushing, his eyes were misty and full of tears, looking at him made people just want to bully him severely.

Shen Chen wiped away the blood-stained silver thread at the corner of his mouth with long fingers.

"so be it."

She took a deep look at Gu Yuan who was absent-minded.

Shuran smiled and said to the driver who was peeking at them through the rearview mirror: "Uncle, stop at the intersection ahead."

"My house is nearby."

Shen Chen got out of the car.

The sound raised several decibels.

"Gu Yuan, goodbye."

Goodbye, the boy who was never mine.

He doesn't like her.

It's a pity, but it's true.

She couldn't see hope in his eyes.

Perhaps, he just regarded her as the one who helped him fend off the mad bees and butterflies.

When she was young, she was powerless and pinned her hopes on others, hoping that others could save her from the fire and water.

She approached Gu Yuan.

She envied him, envied him, and even wanted to be him at one point.

After growing up, I realized that the only one I can really rely on is myself.

No one will remain unchanged, and no one will always wait for someone in place.

Her youth is over, and so is she and Gu Yuan.

She opens her arms.

The sky began to drizzle again, and she walked on the path, quietly feeling the lingering breeze and drizzle.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

She doesn't want to marry into a wealthy family.

She wants to become the most powerful rich generation.

Marry into a wealthy family, how can you become a wealthy family yourself?

Even though it was late at night, there were still pedestrians who had just returned from their busy lives. They were a couple downstairs from Shen Chen, and they saw Shen Chen drenched in the rain alone.

The two of them held an umbrella and handed one to Shen Chen.

"Xiao Chen is back, you didn't have an umbrella."


Shen Chen didn't refuse and took the umbrella.

"Thank you, sister Zhang and brother-in-law."

They looked at each other and smiled: "You are welcome, go home quickly, I will catch a cold in a while."

Shen Chen looked at the two of them embracing each other, and she also smiled.

She admits that in reality there is a happy marriage, and there is also a beautiful and noble love. She used to be willing to be unswerving in the face of love.

However, that kind of fanatical passion will fade away one day, and some kind of desire and reality will eventually have a sword fight, and finally reality will prevail.

Did she ever love Gu Yuan?

In fact, she didn't know in her heart.

Maybe it's just pinning a good expectation for the future on him.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

She feels very free now.

She is like a free bird, about to roam freely in the vast expanse of sky.

Spread your wings.

She is not a bird, but an eagle.

Seeing her brisk pace, the couple behind her looked at each other and smiled, they were still children after all.

Sure enough, it still can't always rain.

From that day on, Shen Chen lay sick in bed for three whole days.

The high fever almost killed her at home.

She got up stiffly and went to the hospital.

After staying in the hospital for two days, he got better gradually after receiving fluid infusion.

Look at the money spent.

She pursed her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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