Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 157 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 10

Chapter 157 Delayed affection is cheaper than grass 10
God still favored her.

As soon as she came out of the hospital, a woman dressed in jewels stopped her way.

Shen Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the well-maintained woman who couldn't tell her real age.

She smiled at Shen Chen: "You must be Miss Shen."

The woman didn't hide it at all, she looked down at Shen Chen with a natural sense of superiority.

"I'm Gu Yuan's mother."

Gu Yuan's mother, what does her mother want her for?

It wouldn't be to give her 500 million and let her leave her son.

Did not expect it to be so.

Shen Chen: ...

It's like living in a dream.

It turns out that pies do fall from the sky.

They were sitting in the coffee shop, Gu Yuan's mother cut straight to the point and pushed the card in her hand in front of Shen Chen.

"I've heard about Miss Shen's family situation. It's very pity."

"There are 50 in the card, and the Gu family is willing to sponsor Miss Shen to go to college."

Shen Chen remained unmoved.

She observed that there should be no recording pen and camera.

It seems that Gu Yuan's mother is still quite confident, thinking that she is a little girl, so it is easier to handle.

Or don't pay attention to her at all.

She looked at the elegant and extravagant woman, with a vicious female supporting standard smile on the corner of her mouth.

"50 just wants me to leave Gu Yuan. Ma'am, you are too far-fetched."

Gu Yuan's mother heard her words.

Choked on coffee.

She covered her mouth with a tissue and coughed.

"What did you say?"

Shen Chen said casually: "50 is too little."

She thought that Shen Chen would cry and tell her what they were really in love with, but in the end he left Gu Yuan under the temptation of money.

Unexpectedly, she didn't pretend at all, with a mocking look of disgust that she gave less money, and the way she opened her mouth like a lion made her frown.

But hearing her open and shut is money.

A bit of contempt appeared on Mrs. Gu's face.

"How much do you want?"

Shen Chen stretched out his finger.

Madam Gu frowned: "500 million?"

Shen Chen shook his head: "Five hundred million."

Mrs. Gu put the coffee heavily on the table: "Miss Shen has too much appetite."

A little girl.

Does she know what [-] million is?

Shen Chen glanced at her: "Is it big?"

"If I remember correctly, Gu Yuan's pens are cheap for tens of thousands, and expensive ones cost millions."

"And the watch on his hand costs several million."

As she spoke, she turned on her mobile phone and showed the Gu's Group that she had searched for to Mrs. Gu.

"Gu Yuan is the only child of you and your husband, so he can't be so worthless."

Mrs. Gu resisted the discomfort in her heart when she heard Shen Chen's harsh words.

She didn't expect Shen Chen to investigate their house specifically.

I'm afraid they deliberately got close to their family Yuanyuan.

Just a little girl who just came of age.

Why is the heart so deep.

Last night when Gu Yuan came home, even though he was hiding, she still saw his slightly swollen and broken lips.

She asked the driver to find out.

Yuanyuan actually has a little girlfriend who has been dating for several years.

She sent someone to check her family background.

Her family is really horrible.

How could a child born in such a family be a good one.

She blamed Shen Chen for Gu Yuan's reluctance to study abroad and his reluctance to contact girls from the same family.

Rats like them living in poor gutters, how could they be worthy of her family, Gu Yuan.

But according to the driver.

Gu Yuan likes Shen Chen very much.

She was the only girl who appeared by his side.

The two kissed yesterday, but Gu Yuan not only did not refuse, but also laid hands on the little girl.

There is no such person in her family, Shen Chen must have seduced her son.

Gu Yuan is a stubborn person.

If he was sure of one thing, it was not to hit the south wall and not look back.

(End of this chapter)

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