Chapter 167 Delayed Affection 20
The girl didn't wear a suit, but a very simple and wide white T, with her hair loosened behind her head, she just looked like an ordinary college student.

She rested her fingertips on her forehead, and from time to time offered her sharp opinions.

after an hour.

Shen Chen finally ended the online meeting.

She looked away and glanced at the documents Ji Zihe put on the table.

"This plan won't work."

"Cloud technology has no obvious advantages, and it is not worth our cooperation with them."

Ji Zihe picked up the information: "Okay, President."

Seeing that he hadn't left yet, Shen Chen glanced at him.

Ji Zihe quickly said, "President, Song Song and other media want to interview you next Sunday."

"They said they wanted to know some opinions about our company and you."

Shen Chen's slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, she frowned: "I have work next Sunday, I don't have time."

"The specific matters of the company will be explained at the press conference half a month later."

"I will not accept separate interviews from the media in the future"

"Got it, I'll do it now."

After Shen Chen finished the work in hand, she realized that it was already sunset. She stood up, stretched her muscles and bones, stood in front of the huge French window, overlooking the bustling traffic below, feasting and feasting.

She took out her phone.

Checked the time.

She has been busy these days, and she hasn't opened WeChat for a long time.

Lu Wu's message box is 99+ again. She sat on the sofa and clicked in to reply to her message.

Sure enough, it's all useless nonsense literature.

There are also some sharing of health care, short videos and TV series.

Flipping through, I saw that she asked her out for dinner yesterday afternoon.

She sighed, called Ji Zihe and asked him to make an appointment for a restaurant, and only then did she reply to Lu Wu.

[I've been too busy these days, so I didn't see it. 】

[Do you have time in the evening? I invite you to dinner to make up for our eldest lady. 】

Lu Wu replied instantly.

Send an angry emoji package.

【Boss Shen finally got back to me. 】

Shen Chen smiled.

[Six o'clock, Qingheyuan, I have ordered your favorite dish. 】

Lu Wu sent a voice: "Okay, then I will forgive you mercifully."

Shen Chen put down his phone, stood up, picked up the car keys, and got off the elevator.

As she wishes.

She is rich now.

Even in the next few years.

She will get richer.

Things that were once out of reach are now within reach for her, and she is now a newcomer in the business world, proud of herself.

But in her heart, she was not as excited as she imagined.

Plain and indifferent, it seems that she should be like this, she should be like this by nature.

She picked up the jacket in the car and put it on casually, thinking about the old companies who wanted to get a share of the profits while driving.

Naturally, she couldn't swallow such a large piece of fat by herself.

So she immediately sought the government's cooperation.

At the same time, it also offended many companies.

She has triggered technological changes. If other companies cannot keep up with technology, they will soon be eliminated by history.

You can't force people to death, things will be reversed in extremes.

So she still decided to share some soup with them, otherwise it would be bad for the dog to jump over the wall in a hurry.

But who to give to whom, still have to think about it.

After arriving at the restaurant.

She turned the key in her hand and walked towards the private room.

She suddenly paused.

A familiar figure was found in the corner. He was wearing a waiter's clothes, holding a plate in his hand, and had a very sunny smile on his face.

But his hair is not black, but dyed golden yellow, and his eyes are not narrow and cold phoenix eyes, but peach blossom eyes that look very affectionate. When looking at people, there are tiny gleams in them.

See Shen Chen looking at him.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he soon gave Shen Chen a big smile.

Shen Chen smiled back at him.

(End of this chapter)

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