Chapter 168 Delayed Affection 21
Seeing that Shen Chen had already left, the man froze for a moment. He turned on his phone and searched on it.

When he saw the founder of Tianguang Technology, his eyes widened slightly.

When Shen Chen arrived, Lu Wu hadn't come yet. She was sitting on a chair and just wanted to ask where Lu Wu was.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

The blond-haired boy walked in shyly, stood in front of her, mustered up his courage and looked at Shen Chen, his eyes were bright and full of vigor.

It could be seen that he was very nervous, and the hand holding the phone was trembling slightly.

"Sister, can I add a WeChat?"

Shen Chen looked at his very familiar face and smiled, "Okay."

As she spoke, she held out her phone.

The young man looked obviously very happy. He held his phone excitedly and said that he had seen Shen Chen on the Internet.

He adores her very much.

He also wants to work at Skylight Technology after graduation.

Shen Chen encouraged him with a smile, and said a lot of superficial official words.

But the young man didn't seem to notice, he bounced away excitedly.

Another 10 minutes passed.

Lu Wucai came late, she sat down next to Shen Chen, and looked at Shen Chen as if she had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong with you, why are you smiling so, so..."

She thought for a long time, but she didn't know what words to use to describe her.

Finally, he thought of a word randomly and said it: "It's so strange."

Shen Chen propped his chin with his hand, and said lazily: "I found something interesting."

Lu Wu leaned forward and asked curiously, "What's so fun?"

Shen Chen looked at her face and smiled lightly.

"Your lipstick is gone."

"Huh?" Lu Wu took out a small mirror, took a picture, and saw that his mouth was indeed red.

Shen Chen jokingly said, "It's fine to be a man, at least restrain yourself."

Lu Wu blushed, pouted his neck and said, "You single dog, you don't understand."

"Speaking of which, you haven't found a man in the past four years, so you still can't forget Gu Yuan."

Hear her mention that name.

Shen Chen chuckled lightly.

"Men will only affect the speed at which I make money. I don't fall in love just because I am busy making money every day."

"There's no way to make money from being a man."

Lu Wu nodded: "Yes."

She posted Shen Chen: "Eep, rich woman, please take care of me."

Shen Chen raised her chin with a smile in his eyes, and said domineeringly: "Woman, you are not qualified yet."

Lu Wu knocked her hand off.

"You're so greasy."

"Speaking of being able to think of the dignified president of Tianguang Technology, the upstarts in the business world actually like to read novels about the domineering president falling in love with me."

"If it spreads out, people will laugh to death."

Shen Chen was not annoyed either.

The two fought for a while, before Lu Wu complained: "Why haven't the food been served yet, I'm going to starve to death."

After the two finished their meal, Shen Chen sent her back.

After returning home.

Just got a message from that little boy.

【Sister (ω`)】

【Are you there? 】

Shen Chen raised his eyebrows, usually if someone asked if she was there, she would just ignore it.

After thinking about it, she still returned: [Yes. 】

The other side quickly returned: [Sister, my name is Gu Shili. 】

[Poem from Luo Yuan: Etiquette at the age of age, relatives and neighbors go back and forth]

[Let's make a note. 】

Shen Chen saw that he had been typing, then stopped and continued typing.

Nothing came out for 1 minute.

Her slender fingertips quickly typed on the screen: [The name sounds nice. 】

Gu Shili sent an emoji of a panda with its head clasped in fists.

[Thank you sister. 】

[Is my sister's name Shen Chen? 】

Shen Chen returned: [Yes. 】

[My sister's name is also nice. 】

[It is from "Shangshu·Shangshu·Pangeng": Can you move one person with sincerity?】

Shen Chen smiled: [Maybe. 】

(End of this chapter)

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