193 Chapter 5 The Lord God [-]
A beautiful girl looked at Shen Chen anxiously.

If it wasn't for the fear of arousing Shen Chen's suspicion, she would even have wanted to grab the box in Shen Chen's hand.

In fact, after drinking a few drops of divine blood a few days ago, her brother's life was no longer in danger.

However, that is divine blood and divine bone.

Although his brother's talent is not bad, it is still not enough compared to Shen Chen and the others.

Shen Chen is an idiot.

She actually really helped her brother to be so bold as to do this.

It's a pity that my brother won't like her.

The elder brother was so disgusted that he wanted to kill her.

She took advantage of the weakness of the god to hurt the god.

In this way, even if Lord Shenming recovers in the future, if you want to find someone to settle accounts, you will not be able to find them.

It's best that the gods have rejected Shen Chen.

Pull her down from the position of patriarch.

Shen Chen glanced at her.

Looking at the anxious and faintly excited girl.

Kick her into the lotus pond next to the rockery.

She thrashed around in horror.

Some servants didn't see Shen Chen's movements clearly, thinking that Miss Shen Qingtang accidentally fell into the water.

They all wanted to go down to rescue her.

But Shen Chen stopped him.

She hugged the box and looked at her who made the clear pool water muddy.

The water was as deep as her chest, and she looked like she was about to drown.

She said coldly: "Look at her, don't let her come up without my permission."

The servants all looked at Shen Chen in shock. Although some people usually received Shen Qingtang's favor and wanted to save her, but Shen Chen, the patriarch's order, was not something they, the domestic slaves raised by the Shen family, could do. For resistance.

Shen Chen glanced at Shen Nanning.

"You stay here."

"If someone wants to save her, let him go down with her."

Shen Nanning's complexion did not change at all: "Yes."

Holding the box in his arms, Shen Chen found the dark room in the ancestral hall where the god was imprisoned based on his memory.

She opened the box and saw a small piece of bone and a piece of flesh that was shining without a drop of blood inside. She stood silently outside the ancestral hall.


Love brain is really scary.

She sighed and walked in anyway.

Instruct the people outside the ancestral hall not to let others in without her order.

The Shen family's ancestral hall is so huge that you can even play football in it. The building is also extremely simple and luxurious, and the walls are densely packed with memorial tablets.

All the patriarchs for thousands of years are enshrined here.

It's a pity that after Shen Chen's death, there is no place for her here.

Long before she died.

The Shen's ancestral hall was completely burned down by Song Bocheng.

He grabbed Shen Chen and forced her to watch the flames engulfing her Shen family's tens of thousands of years of inheritance and glory.

The Shen family was destroyed in her hands.

In the middle of the ancestral hall, there is another huge shrine, but it is empty now.

There is only one time a year to worship the gods.

The people of the Shen family would carefully move out the sleeping god's body and put it in the shrine.

For everyone to bow down.

For the rest of the time, they are placed in a dark room with hidden caves in the ancestral hall.

Shen Chen twisted the twin lotus flowers inside the shrine, and the huge shrine made a rumbling sound and moved inside.

It was pitch black inside, with no light at all.

She stepped in.

After she walked in, the shrine quickly returned to its original position.

She hugged the box, and the box glowed faintly because of the black velvet cloth on the outside.

It made Shen Chen a little curious.

The bones and flesh of the gods glowed.

What about the gods?

Through the long secret passage, Shen Chen hid dozens of traps according to his memory, and finally came to a door. On the door was engraved with a ferocious ancient beast. A man with closed eyes was holding a lotus in his hand, riding On the body of the beast, his long hair is wrapped around the body of the beast.

The beast seemed to be howling in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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