194 Chapter 6 The Lord God [-]
Shen Chen pricked his fingertip, and a drop of bright red blood spilled out.

She dotted the blood on the man's forehead.

Blood seeped in, and a red light flashed. The ancient beast on the door seemed to come to life in an instant, with scarlet eyes.

The giant gate roared like a beast and moved aside.

The inside is as bright as day, with a pair of golden crane incense burners at the entrance, slowly exhaling wisps of white smoke, and the whole room is filled with an elegant and cool fragrance.

It shouldn't be called an interior, it's more like a big yard.

Large yard built in indoors.

There are all kinds of flowers, plants and trees, and there is even an extremely luxurious Lingquan pool.

Shen Chen took a deep breath,

It's full of aura.

It turns out that the best place in the Shen family is actually here.

There is also a huge luminous pearl hanging in the sky, and the light here is emitted from the luminous pearl.

Even, the pavement here is not ordinary pebbles, but a piece of spiritual stone worth thousands of gold. She stepped on the spiritual stone, walked inside, and pushed open the exquisitely carved Nanling wooden lattice door.

Behind the landscape screen, there is a bed of ice and jade thousands of years old. A man in white clothes sits on the bed. Golden shackles climb his slender neck like jade, and his limbs are wrapped with golden chains made of top-quality spiritual stones.

He opened his eyes, just for a moment, like an elegant spring breeze blowing across Shen Chen's face.

His eyes without sadness or joy are like an ancient well without waves, long and deep, under the bridge of his straight nose, there are thin lips, Shen Chen has never seen such a handsome man.

Is this the god worshiped by the Shen family in the past?
It seems that his own snow-like skin will not shine, only after leaving the body.

God's eyes fell on Shen Chen.

He didn't speak, just looked at Shen Chen quietly.

Shen Chen took a step forward.

Open the box in your hand and look into his eyes.

"Can you put the meat and bones I cut off by yourself?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the gods, and he gently shook his head at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen sighed.

She also doesn't know how to serve the gods.

What's more, she came a bit late, and the original owner had already done the blood, flesh, and bones.

Shen Chen took out the bone and shook it in front of the god.

"If I eat your meat and bones, can I improve my cultivation?"

The god shook his head at her again.

Shen Chen looked at him.

He looked at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen suddenly didn't know what to do with the things in the box in his hand.

"Then if you eat your own bones and meat, will you recover faster?"

God smiled.

He looked at Shen Chen, and the spirit chain on his body made a sound, but he didn't seem to care at all, he just looked at Shen Chen.

Her destiny has changed.

It became so confusing that even he couldn't see clearly.

The god said: "You can give it to your sweetheart."

His voice is like Lingling ancient spring, ancient fairy music, gentle and gentle.

Shen Chen finally knew what the Internet said about the sound that could make ears pregnant.

Sweetheart, no sweetheart.

Shen Chen felt that as a believer in the gods, his first step should be to set the gods free.

She stuffed the box into the arms of the god.

Then began to untie the spirit chains of his limbs, because the jade bed was very high, she had to climb up, and tore off the keys around his neck, to unlock him one by one.

She untied his limbs first, and when she was about to undo the shackles around his neck, she lowered her head and found a trace of surprise flashing in his quiet eyes.

She thought he was wondering why she let him go suddenly.

She opened her mouth to explain.

"My lord, I was blinded by the villain and did something that hurt the lord."

"My lord, I deserve death."

(End of this chapter)

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