195 Chapter 7 The Lord God [-]
She took off the golden shackles around his neck.

Half-kneeling in front of him: "Shen Chen, the 320st thousand [-] sixth patriarch of the Shen family, pay homage to the gods."

"My lord, please give me a chance. I will serve you for the rest of my life and never betray you. I will become your most loyal believer."

She drew a dagger from her waist and handed it to the god.

"Please punish me, my lord."

One of the wishes of the original owner was to serve the gods.

The god didn't take the dagger, he reached out to hold the box she stuffed in, and looked at Shen Chen strangely.

Shen Chen saw that he didn't intend to take the dagger.

Put away the dagger.

She regretted her life very much, originally she just wanted to pretend.

He is so awesome, he will never haggle over every detail with an ordinary person like her.

Otherwise, you will lose your style.

She smiled at the god: "My lord, you just woke up, you don't know that thousands of years have passed outside."

The god lowered his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth inappropriately.

"I know."

Shen Chen froze for a moment, pretending not to hear.

"In the past tens of millions of years, earth-shaking changes have taken place outside."

"My lord, let me send you out."

She has never served anyone, and she doesn't know how to serve others.

Neither did the original owner's memory.

Who would have thought that the god who had been sleeping as a mascot would suddenly wake up, and the previous head of the Shen family had never taught her how to serve the god.

She only learned how to manage the Shen family.

Although the Shen family is a family of cultivators.

But now that technology is advanced after all, it is still necessary to manage Nuoda's company on the bright side.

The family business is huge.

She saw that the god was weak and pale, and he was sitting on the jade bed with bare feet.

It's because she didn't think carefully.

Unexpectedly, the gods had no shoes to wear.

If you walk on the ground, you will definitely get your feet dirty.

She glanced at him.

Standing in front of the jade bed.

"My lord, let me carry you out."

Shen Chen felt that he had never bowed his knees so low before, and was reduced to a mount.

I also worked hard for this task.

It's because she lost her memory at this time, her soul was damaged, and the idiot system didn't know that she had lost her memory.

Just thought I was testing it.

She is suspicious by nature, and she is afraid that the stupid system in her mind will betray her after knowing that she has really lost her memory.

So she has to become stronger as soon as possible.

Lord Shenming remained motionless.

Shen Chen saw him and didn't want to leave by himself, nor did she want her to carry him.

Do you want her to crawl on the ground and carry him like that ancient beast?


It is absolutely impossible.

It must be that the gods think that carrying this posture is not elegant, and it destroys his image, and the gods also want to pretend.

Shen Chen bent down and picked him up.

The gods were also taken aback.

Shen Chen turned him upside down, it was really light.

It is lighter than Gu Yuan.

She pursed her lips and strode outside.

The god was held in her arms, holding the shiny box in his hand, his bare feet were white and slender, and the red strings on his feet were tied with a few small bells, which made melodious sounds as Shen Chen walked. .

Shen Chen glanced at it.


Sin, sin, how could she blaspheme.

She carried the god into her room, and generously gave him her room.

Shen Chen never went out to school, and everything she learned was taught by a special teacher from the Shen family.

There are many books in her room, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, everything that one expects to find.

Her room was also decorated in an antique style, and the god stepped on the ground barefoot, curiously touching the unique paper and the strange words on it.

It is the god of Xia.

do not understand English.

Shen Chen saw that he was not wearing shoes again, and brought over the fluffy slippers that he had just bought.

Crouching in front of the gods.

Put shoes on his fair and beautiful feet.

 PK period, two days.

  Six times a day.

  In fact, I can also write sweet articles, don’t want me, woo woo
(End of this chapter)

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