196 Chapter 8 The Lord God [-]
The god lowered his eyes, looking lightly at Shen Chen who was putting on his shoes seriously.

"I don't need shoes."

He felt no cold, no pain.

What's more, this fluffy looking thing called a shoe looks too ugly.

He threw off the slippers that Shen Chen had just put on him.

Continue to step barefoot on the ground.

Shen Chen pursed his lips.

She also felt God's resistance to this shoe.

If you don't wear it, don't wear it.

Who made him a god?

She touched the fur on the shoe and put it aside.

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

The god's joints are as clear as the long fingers of white jade, and he gently pulls out a book from the sandalwood bookshelf.

He opened the book and pointed to the lines on it.

"what is this?"

"The current spell?"

Shen Chen looked at the English book and said patiently: "This is English, and it is the language of another country."

There was no change in expression on the god's face, and he took out another book: "The words in this book look familiar to me."

Shen Chen looked at the Chinese characters in the book. The gods have been asleep for thousands of years, and it is normal not to know the current characters.

She began to explain in detail to the gods that over thousands of years, dynasties have changed, technology has developed, and the current characters have also changed a lot.

And now the spiritual power is exhausted.

There are very few cultivators.

Most of them are concentrated in the top ten families.

The top ten families are no longer what they were thousands of years ago.

Ordinary people are unaware of their existence.

They believe in science.

Finally, there was a wave of wave on his flat expression.

"What is science?"

Shen Chen pursed his lips.

"Science is an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions on the form and organization of objective things, and it is systematized and formulaic knowledge."

The god looked at her with a dazed look.

"Science is the knowledge of ordinary people exploring the laws of nature."

The god frowned slightly: "What is the law of nature?"

Shen Chen looked at him.

The three-year generation ditch is no longer an ordinary ditch between them, it is separated by a Mariana Trench.

So she decided to let the gods find the answer in the book by themselves.

But he couldn't understand the current text.

Shen Chen pursed his lips, suddenly a little irritable.

Seeing the god who was asking questions like a curious baby, she forced herself to answer him in a calm voice.

As if he finally noticed that Shen Chen was getting more perfunctory, he looked at the darkening sky.

Finally, he mercifully let Shen Chen go.

Shen Chen pushed open the door of his room and sighed heavily.

She is not a person who is very patient with others.

She has endured the edge of the limit.

She wants to find someone else to teach the gods to read.

But his current status.

It's still best not to let anyone know.

Fear of trouble.

Now that his divine power has not recovered, he looks like a Tang monk, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

She was stepping on the cold moonlight, Shen Qingtang is still in the lotus pond now, her bubbly face is pale, her wet clothes are tightly attached to her graceful curves, she is hugging her shoulders, her hair is disheveled and messy On the face, it looks so pitiful.

Seeing Shen Chen's figure.

She spoke tremblingly, her voice was crying.

"sister in law."

"Shen Nanning won't let me go up, sister-in-law, I'm so cold."

Shen Nanning stood there with an expressionless face, like a cold sculpture.

Seeing that Shen Qingtang was about to swim towards the pool, he kicked her back again.

Shen Qingtang fell into the water, and flopped for a long time before standing still. She looked at Shen Nanning angrily, her eyes were venomous, and she wished to cut her into pieces.

Shen Nanning, this damned woman, is jealous of her and Shen Chen values ​​her even more.

(End of this chapter)

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