199 Chapter 11 The Lord God [-]
The line between them is messed up.

The accident happened on the head of the Shen clan.

His eyes fell on Shen Chen, and he said quietly again: "You should have saved his brother."

That is your destiny.

It's the way you should go.

Shen Chen frowned, and suddenly realized that this god was still a slob.

And there's something wrong with my head.

She wanted to use his flesh and blood to save others, but he wasn't angry at all, but instead persuaded her.

The Holy Father came.

She is not giving him a look.

After hearing her words, Shen Qingtang became excited: "No, you can't."

"You like my brother so much, you will definitely save him, right?"

Shen Chen didn't want to mess with her here.

Get someone to drag her down and lock her up.

Now Song Bocheng has drank the blood of the gods, and his flesh and blood have been regenerated.

And the cultivation base has been restored, but it has regressed slightly.

It's not like in the plot, it's advancing by leaps and bounds.

After Shen Qingtang was pulled down.

Shen Chen walked towards another courtyard.

The interior of the Shen family is actually quite rotten now.

A big family, especially a family like theirs that has been passed down for tens of millions of years, but Xu's ancestors were the royal family, so the political power of the Shen family is still quite centralized.

Almost all in the hands of the patriarch alone.

Has absolute power of life and death.

The Shen family has a big business, with industries spread all over the country, with countless side branches, and there are still many places where dirt is hidden.

It took Shen Chen three full months to beat the family up and down, dig out the rotten and bad things, and grow new flesh.

Her nominal father was also the former patriarch, but in fact he was not her biological father. The former patriarch had no heirs.

His wife was born prematurely and died twice.

He never married a wife after that.

She was just a child selected from a side branch and cultivated since childhood.

Since she was ten years old, she was raised by the patriarch.

The life of the previous patriarch is about to expire, and he is now in a semi-retirement state.

In the plot, the patriarch should die next year.

He lived three hundred years.

Immortal cultivators are not as good as one generation after another. When the former patriarch was a hundred years old, his cultivation had already stagnated.

To live to be three hundred years old is already at the end of his strength.

Shen Chen is the root of water spirit.

She raised her hand, and a small water polo slowly took shape in her hand. She clenched her fist, and the water polo immediately turned into a hockey puck, and there was a slight chill in her palm.

Lord Shenming was sitting in front of her, drawing a copybook.

In order not to expose the gods.

She can only teach him in person.

Lord Shenming learns very quickly and is very eager to learn. Now he can read books by himself.

It's just the flamboyant writing, and I don't know how to write with modern pens.

He put the finished copybook in front of Shen Chen.

Shen Chen nodded, and said perfunctorily: "Not bad."

With a slight smile on his face, the god took the copybook back.

"Last time you mentioned that thing that can fly without spiritual power, is it called an airplane?"

Shen Chen held the phone without raising his eyelids: "Yes."

The god put the cap on the pen, and meticulously placed it in the Ultraman pencil case that Shen Chen bought for him.

"I'm done."

Shen Chen: "Well, it's great."

The god slowly floated behind Shen Chen, watching many people appear in the small box in her hand.

They were noisy, chattering, looking for life and death, but Shen Chen watched with relish.

"What kind of spiritual weapon is this? It's similar to the Shadow Transmission Stone."

Only then did Shen Chen raise his head.

Open the tablet on the table, find Peppa Pig and put it in front of the gods.

"It's called a mobile phone, and it's similar to that tablet."

Shenming sat obediently in front of the table, looked at the little pig that looked like a hair dryer, and frowned slightly: "But no one will appear on this tablet."

(End of this chapter)

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