200 Chapter 12 The Lord God [-]
Then, he saw Shen Chen fiddle with the square called a tablet a few times, and a real person appeared on it.

Those people were wearing white gauze clothes, holding swords in their hands, and flying around in the air.

It looks like it should be a cultivator.

But why do they call each other this god and that god? They don't use spiritual power, but emit colorful and strange lights in their hands.

It even has golden wings.

How could a monster become a god.

Looking at the picture in the box, the god frowned slightly.

Strangely, he couldn't see their cultivation clearly.

He saw a man in white pointing at him with a sword inside, and said that he had robbed his wife.

Then he rushed towards him with a sword in his hand.

The god's face turned cold, and he raised his hands, and the tablet was instantly sent flying, and even the wall protected by the spiritual power shield was pierced.


Shen Chen raised his head, chewed the candy in his mouth and swallowed it.

On the one hand, he looked at Lord Shenming inexplicably.

"what are you doing."

Lord Shenming stood up, with his hands in his hands, his voice was still gentle.

"The God whose cultivation level I can't see clearly on the tablet is going to attack me."

Shen Chen was taken aback for a moment.

It was only then that she realized that she had just played a fairy tale drama for Lord Shenming.

The current Xianxia dramas are all kinds of gods and ancient gods falling in love.

And Lord Shenming has only started to touch the tablet in the past few days, and all he watches are the parenting cartoons that Shen Chen found for him.

Every time Master Shenming finishes studying, he sits obediently at the table and watches the cartoon curiously.

Shen Chen comforted him to sit down.

Start explaining to him that those are all fake.

Tablets and mobile phones are not photo stones.

Nor is it a communication stone.

The people inside are called actors, just like the actors who sang operas in the past, they are just performing.

Shen Chen began to teach Lord Shenming how to play with the mobile phone.

But after teaching for an hour, I didn't learn it.

Shen Chen supported her forehead, which was harder than teaching her 60-year-old grandma.

At this moment, a video call popped up on Shen Chen's phone, and it was from Shen Nanning.

Shen Chen clicked to answer.

It was the S city under the Shen family's jurisdiction that a monster maliciously wounded people, resulting in numerous casualties, which had already aroused the attention of the society.

Generally, such non-scientific things are managed by the major families.

Shen Chen sent her to investigate.

After hanging up.

The god looked at Shen Chen with an expression on his face that you were lying to me.

Shen Chen sighed.

"It's really not a communication stone, there's no spiritual power in it, you see."

"That's the science I told you about."

Shen Chen started to explain to him again.

After teaching for a long time, Lord Shenming finally learned how to use the mobile phone, but he was still not very familiar with it.

He directly occupied Shen Chen's cell phone.

Shen Chen sighed, and changed the house for the god.

But he insisted on following her.

He didn't like the incense-filled room full of spirit wood furniture at all.

He wants Shen Chen's new house.

Her house is clean and bright, and the things inside are like rooms in cartoons.

Call electrical.

There is no need for candles, no spiritual power, and no need for night pearls.

Just press the strange protrusion lightly, Shen Chen tells it to switch, and the whole room will light up.

Her bed is also very different, very big, warm and comfortable, and there are many strange clothes in her closet.

When Shen Chen was not around, he sneaked in, no, he floated in openly.

Her house is full of the "science" in her mouth.

very funny.

But Shen Chen was obviously unwilling.

He threw him in another antique room full of aura and left by himself.

Didn't leave him a cell phone or tablet either.

Sitting on the couch, the god sighed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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