202 Chapter 14 The Lord God [-]
Shen Chen smiled: "He's just an actor, the God of the Foghorn and the Overlord are both his roles."

See gods do not speak.

She continued: "Actually, they are ordinary people without cultivation. They think that cultivating immortals exists in mythology."

And the god listened to her seriously.

He didn't know what to click, and suddenly the perfect face of the god appeared on the screen.

He curiously changed different angles, and finally found that this thing was like a photo stone.

You can also leave his appearance on it.

No wonder the modern people in Shen Chen's mouth don't need spiritual power anymore, they have technology now.

Very novel.

Shen Chen noticed that Shenming had been taking selfies with her mobile phone.

After taking the selfie, I started to take pictures of her and the house.

Shen Chen looked at him and found this scene very amusing.

Spanning thousands of years.

The collision of old antiques and modern technology.

But she noticed that the god stopped holding her cell phone suddenly.

He held up his mobile phone, and a man's questioning voice came from the mobile phone.

"Shen Chen, why didn't you answer my call?"

The man soon realized that the handsome face on the other side of the phone was not Shen Chen, but a very beautiful man with long hair.

Many cultivators have long hair, but this man's hair is too enchanting.

Could it be that Shen Chen found another little boy behind his back.


She liked him so much that she was willing to betray her beliefs for him.

He is very confident in himself, how could Shen Chen let him go to another man.

The relationship between him and Shen Chen since childhood, no man can match his position in her heart.

Song Bocheng frowned, lying in the hospital and asked in a bad tone: "Who are you, Shen Chen, what's your relationship, why are you holding her cell phone?"

Lord Shenming looked at him, and directly pressed the red dot in the middle with his long finger.

That's how he saw Shen Chen hang up the phone yesterday.

He continued to take pictures with his phone.

It seemed that she didn't intend to tell Shen Chen that someone was looking for her.

Shen Chen didn't care too much, she closed her eyes and began to practice.

Being close to the position of the god, spiritual power surrounded her warmly like a spring breeze.

It is said to be a gift from the gods.

She has practiced near the ancestral hall since she was a child, where the spiritual power is the strongest.

After all, this is still a world where the strong are respected.

Strength is everything.

The god glanced at her lightly, sat on a chair beside her, found the teaching video of the elementary school without a teacher, and began to study.

This phone is indeed a good thing.

After Shen Chen finished training, his phone died.

Lord Shenming was poking the phone with his fingertips.

But the phone turned into a black brick, motionless, and there was no screen anymore.

Surrounded by spiritual power at the fingertips of the gods, it continuously drilled into the phone.

Unexpectedly, the phone exploded with a bang, splashing spiritual energy and ruining the house.

He moved aside in an instant, rolled up his sleeves, his eyes were full of surprise and ignorance.

When Shen Chen looked at him, he had an innocent face.

Shen Chen was speechless.

Why blow up the house if there is a disagreement.

In just two days, he had already destroyed two houses. Although Shen's house is very big, one room per day is not a long-term solution.

The body of the god is still not stained with dust.

He stood at the door: "It's getting dark."

Shen Chen helplessly supported his forehead: "It has no electricity."

"Just charge it up, why blow it up with spiritual power."

God-sama has watched child-rearing animations for a long time, and now he already knows what electricity is.

"I don't know that this mobile phone also needs electricity."

He thought that electricity was needed only when the lights were on.

He picked up the wreckage of the phone, crackling in his hand, flashing with lightning, the phone was completely turned into ashes from his hand, and floated to the ground.

He looked at Shen Chen again with his big ignorant eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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