203 Chapter 15 The Lord God [-]
Shen Chen wiped his hands clean with a white handkerchief: "It's not this kind of electricity. Almost all things that emit light and heat in modern times need electricity, but they need electricity that has been processed by humans."

She pulled the god into her room.

Pointing to the charging port.

"Electricity is available from here."

Seeing that the god was about to insert his hand in, Shen Chen quickly stopped it.

"No, this electricity is dangerous."

"In modern society, many things are dangerous."

"Don't touch it, it will hurt."

Who knew that this god was going to die so quickly, a leaf could cut a hole in his face if he died, and she would have been working in vain for so long.

She felt like she was teaching a child.

She sent two new mobile phones and handed one of them to the god.

Lord Shenming took it proudly.

Then she found out.

Lord Shenming refused to leave.

She even suspected that he just wanted to occupy her house, so he deliberately blew up two houses.

He put his phone aside now, and found that after Shen Chen took out the food from the refrigerator, he had been fiddled with the refrigerator.

Turn on the switch, turn it off.

His face was full of interest.

The gods don't need to sleep, but Shen Chen does.

Looking at the house I just renovated, I really don't want to give it to him.

The Shen family's ancestral house is very large, but because the previous patriarch didn't like the appearance of these incompatible things, the style of the whole old house is still antique, and Shen Chen rarely touched electronic products since he was a child.

The former patriarch felt that these things would destroy people's minds and make people unable to practice meditation.

So she was never allowed to play these.

Shen Chen lay straight on his bed and closed the door of the room.

Early the next morning.

I found that Lord Shenming was still sitting on her milky white sofa, holding a pillow in her arms, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and the charging cable of the mobile phone was connected to the mobile phone and the power supply.

When Shen Chen saw him, he greeted lazily: "Morning, my lord."

The god raised his eyes to look at her, and quickly lowered his head again.

Looks like an Internet addicted teenager.

After Shen Chen finished his breakfast, he left the ancestral house.

The ancestral house is quite far from the urban area, and it takes half an hour to arrive in the downtown area.

The original owner rarely comes out.

When she usually leaves the ancestral house, many strong members of the Shen family will accompany her to protect her safety.

So growing up, she never came out alone like a normal girl.

But Shen Chen is not the original owner.

She is very used to going outside, the Shen family's ancestral house is too depressing and boring.

She wandered around outside.

I saw many monsters hiding in the crowd.

Most of them are the same as ordinary office workers, holding coffee, walking fast, squeezing the bus and subway.

If you accidentally step on others, you will say sorry. A demon with a low cultivation level can be seen at a glance by a real person.

The air around them is different from that of ordinary people.

The monsters in Shen's jurisdiction are all registered in the register, except that they are not under the control of the government, and their daily life is no different from that of ordinary people.

Instead, stricter demon laws must be followed.

If they violate the regulations, the Shen family will immediately send someone to arrest them.

As Shen Chen walked, he arrived at the hospital where the hero was.

She felt that, as the heroine, she must go to see him.

In the past few days, he has been texting and calling her.

But Qu didn't take the initiative to go to the ancestral house to find her.

I guess I still can't save face.

After all, the heroine had always liked him and chased him. As long as he gave Shen Chen a smile, she would be crazy for him, crazy for him, and banged against the wall for him.

She looked at the people coming and going in the hospital, and bought lilies in flower shops around the hospital.

After asking which ward the male lead was in, she quickly found out where he was.

Was bitten by a monster, why should he be in the hospital.

The doctor couldn't cure it again.

(End of this chapter)

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