204 Chapter 16 The Lord God [-]
Shen Qingtang gave him a lot of elixir, and Shen Chen also gave him the blood of the gods. He was obviously fine and was still lying in the hospital.

Just to lie to Shen Qingtang together with Shen Qingtang.

A scheming bitch.

She put lilies beside the man's bed.

The man frowned slightly when he saw her.

When he noticed the flowers Shen Chen put beside his bed, his expression changed completely, and he swept the flowers aside with a cold voice.


Didn't she know he was allergic to lilies?

Of course Shen Chen knew, otherwise she wouldn't have bought it.

She slowly sat down beside him.

"You shouldn't be so mean to me."

"You are just an offshoot of the Shen family, and I am the head of the Shen family. When you see me, you should salute and greet me."

Song Bocheng's face froze.

What happened to Shen Chen today?

Thinking that he has been unable to contact Shen Qingtang for a long time.

He asked the Shen family, and the Shen family said that she was sent out by Shen Chen to complete an important task.

Shen Chen also couldn't get in touch for three months in a row, maybe something happened.

For the past three months, he has been refining and absorbing the blood of the gods.

It really is the blood of the gods that can bring the dead back to life.

Now his dantian has been completely restored.

Shen Chen curled his lips, and she could tell that the hero is a selfish person.

This responsibility in the plot, that can't bear.

As a result, in reality, he obviously didn't care about anyone, and the only one who really cared about him was himself.

Shen Qingtang had been imprisoned by her for so long, yet he didn't realize anything was wrong.

Shen killed his parents.

He didn't want to practice hard by himself and use his strength to avenge his parents.

But still want to rely on women to climb up.

Becoming a bitch but still erecting a torii.

I have no choice but to accept pretending that it was all forced on me by you, but even so, there is a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred between us. No matter how kind you are to me, I will never fall in love with you.

Later, after having the ability.

He didn't do any big things, and he kept dealing with the two women, indulging in love and hatred.

Has been rushing to the crown n anger to become a confidante.

Today, Shen Qingtang was bullied by Shen Chen again.

He stepped forward to punish Shen Chen.

Tomorrow, Shen Qingtang was ridiculed by members of the other nine major families, he stood up and slapped her in the face and went back to protect his wife forcefully.

The day after tomorrow, Shen Chen was designed by Shen Qingtang to smash the relic of the hero's mother.

He whipped Shen Chen until his body was bruised, put her in a cage and put her in the yard, humiliated her and tortured her.

It's just misunderstandings.

But the hero must choose to trust others without thinking.

No matter how the hostess explains, she won't listen.

The one who is wrong must be the heroine, the one who is vicious must be the heroine, and the one who does it must be the heroine.

All he had to do was to abuse the heroine, both physically and mentally.

In order to revenge the hostess.

He was intimate with other women in front of the hostess, and tied the hostess by the bed to watch.

Or tuck her under the bed and listen to them fuck.

All the abuse suffered by the heroine in the early stage was for the heroine's last moment of repentance, which was heart-wrenching.

Shen Chen looked at Song Bocheng.

Wow, it's really crazy.

What a disgusting bloody plot.

The original heroine just wanted Song Bocheng to die.

The previous torture and the pain of extermination did not wipe out the last trace of love in the original heroine's heart. She loved and hated him at the same time.

Until her eyes were gouged out.

He still wouldn't believe her.

She was completely disheartened.

Only then did she realize that the indifferent and powerful man in front of her was no longer the gentle brother who brought her candy back then.

Hate completely swallowed love.

She stood in front of the Nine Great Families and died in front of him in the most tragic way.

Except for atonement to the gods.

It was also for revenge on him.

(End of this chapter)

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