205 Chapter 17 The Lord God [-]
Fool, Song Bocheng is such a selfish person.

Even if he really fell in love with you in the end.

How much love is there?

Guilt mixed with love would only cause him pain for a moment. If he hadn't been greedy and wanted to attack the gods, he would be killed in the end.

I'm afraid that after going back, on the surface, she will appear in pain and regret, but in fact, with all the powerful and beautiful women in her hands, she will be forgotten in a few years.

When I think of her, I sigh.

Once, there was a girl who loved me very much, but I didn't cherish it.

Then drink away your sorrows, the beauty is in your arms, so happy.

But she lost her life forever.

Song Bocheng looked at her with a stiff face and displeasure, as if he was dissatisfied with Shen Chen's words.

When did he and Shen Chen discuss their identities?

She actually used her identity to suppress him today.

Shen Chen smiled gently at him: "As a side branch, you are disrespectful to the patriarch. According to the clan rules, I can kill you right now."

Song Bo's face turned green in an ugly way, what the hell is Shen Chen doing today.

Could it be that he found out about the matter between him and Qingtang?
So she's jealous?
Oh, women, that's all.

As long as he lowered his head to coax her a little, she would immediately crawl to his side three times and four times.

She cannot do without him.

Song Bocheng is still very confident about this.

If you say, he used to treat Shen Chen as his little sister with some sincerity.

Later, after knowing his own life experience.

He just used her as a tool to use.

If it wasn't for her Shen family.

How could his parents die tragically.

He nodded slightly, and said in a very bad tone: "I have met the patriarch."

Shen Chen looked at him with a smile, and picked up the lilies on the ground.

It slapped him in the face.

"Is that what Shen Chuan taught you?"

As soon as Song Bocheng came into contact with the lily pollen, his face immediately turned red and swollen.

Shen Chuan was the driver of the former patriarch of the Shen family, Shen Qingtang's father and Song Bocheng's adoptive father.

Hearing that she not only insulted him, but also called her adoptive father by name, he glared at Shen Chen: "Enough, Shen Chen, don't go too far."

Seeing his slowly swollen face, Shen Chen suddenly sneered.

She feels that she is not the head of the clan now, but like a vicious female supporting role in a brain-dead drama.

She had a mean smile on her face.

He squeezed Song Bocheng's pig-headed face with his hands.

Suddenly a little nausea.

"Song Bocheng, is the blood of the gods offered by my Shen family good?"

He grabbed Shen Chen's hand: "What are you doing?"

Shen Chen smiled grimly at him, revealing his white teeth.

Pulled off the lily flower, stuffed it all into his mouth, covered his mouth with his hand, and forced him to swallow it all.

Song Bocheng was choked up with physiological tears.

Is Shen Chen crazy?

He is allergic to lilies, and if he gets a little bit of it, his whole body will itch unbearably and become swollen like a pig's head.

After violently stuffing the flowers, Shen Chen looked at the flower juice in his hands, all of which were smeared on Song Bocheng's body.

Then he was tied up, kicked off the hospital bed, and ordered to be taken back to the Shen family's ancestral house.

This hospital is also the property of the Shen family.

The original heroine only said that she wanted him to die, but she didn't say what kind of death she wanted.

She quickly destroyed Song Bocheng's hard-earned power over the past few years, and imprisoned him in the Shen family's ancestral house.

Every day, a wound was cut on his body and a bowl of blood was poured out.

He was weak and couldn't bleed, so he stuffed a pill into his mouth.

Anyway, this is a lot of business for her Shen family.

They were all pills after some disciples failed, and she didn't know any side effects.

Although feeding the dog is indeed a waste.

But Shen Chen was still very relieved to see him living worse than death and weakening day by day.

In fact, as long as you don't love him.

As the head of the Shen family, Shen Chen crushed him to death as easily as crushing an ant.

But what she didn't expect was.

One day he disappeared without anyone noticing, not only that, Shen Qingtang also disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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