218 Chapter 30 The Lord God [-]
"Father, father, help me."

He pointed at Shen Chen: "She dared to pretend to be the head of the family."

"Little bastard." Shen Xiyin's father kicked him.

A small smile flashed in Shen Chen's eyes.

As expected of a father and son, he kicked his sister, and his father kicked him.

Shen Xiyin's eyelids twitched non-stop when he heard that the Servant of God came over suddenly.

In the past few days, there has been a big incident at the ancestral house.

He also heard some rumors that the patriarch had dealt with many people, and everyone was living with their tails tucked these days.

He had warned his troublesome children long ago.

But they didn't expect them to ignore his words.

He panicked and knelt down in front of Shen Chen, and bowed to her: "I have met the Patriarch."

He buried his head on the ground.

Dare not to intercede with this pair of rebellious sons.

He didn't only have such a pair of children, it would be bad to lose himself for them.

"Father, what do you call her?"

"Is she really the patriarch?"

Shen Xiyin still couldn't believe that he actually offended the patriarch.

He knelt down with a bang, his face pale.

The girl was also stunned.

The words she said were like hot slaps, all slapped on her own face.

She stared blankly at Shen Chen.

He glanced at his father kneeling on the ground again.

It’s over.

It's all over.

There was a pungent smell in the air, and the floor under the girl was wet.

She was trembling and unable to speak.

Lord Shenming covered his nose in disgust.

"It's disgusting."

Shen Chen glanced at them shallowly, the Shen family was strictly hierarchical, and many rules of the royal family have been passed down to this day.

Shen Nanning hurriedly sent someone to take them down.

Shen Chen went to City A and didn't want others to know.

Now many people are staring at the Shen family.

Therefore, instead of taking Shen's private plane, she took the passenger plane with Lord Shenming and went there quietly.

Shen Nanning stayed in his ancestral home to manage Tianxuan City.

Lord Shenming seems to be quite afraid of this plane.

When he first saw it.

He remembered that he was blown to pieces by Shen Chen's big birds.

He was unwilling to go up.

It was Shen Chen who grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the plane.

When he came to his place, he slowly calmed down seeing many people sitting on it safe and sound.

He looked at Shen Chen who was sitting next to him with his eyes closed, and looked around curiously.

Soon, the plane flew into the sky.

He looked out through the window curiously, they shuttled through the clouds without spiritual power.

He wanted to ask Shen Chen how it flew.

But she closed her eyes, obviously because she didn't want to talk to him.

He could only shut his mouth and look out the window.


The plane jolted.

He grabbed something subconsciously, but accidentally held Shen Chen's finger.

Her fingertips have no temperature, they are icy and cold, like fine jade, warm and cool.

Unlike her palm, warm as spring.

Shen Chen opened his eyes and glanced at him lightly.

She clasped his fingers with her backhand, palms touching.

Her warmth passed to each other along their clasped hands.

Shen Chen quickly closed his eyes again.

Tuliu Shenming-sama looked down at the tightly held hands of the two.

He suddenly felt a ripple in his chest. Where she touched his skin, there seemed to be countless small electric currents, which spread along his arm and spread throughout his body.

He raised his head and saw Shen Chen's exquisite side face, a strand of black hair slid lazily by her ear, her eyes were closed, her brows were dark like distant mountains, her nose bridge was straight and her lips were untouched. And Zhu.

It turned out to be so pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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