219 Chapter 31 The Lord God [-]
He suddenly remembered that kiss.

Her lips were soft, with her unique light fragrance.

He approached Shen Chen's pretty face by mistake.

After realizing what he was doing, he was startled and quickly moved away.

The violent movement woke Shen Chen up.

She lazily raised her eyelids.

Looking at his snow-like skin showing a little redness, I thought it was his first time flying by plane and he was not used to it.

She said reassuringly: "Persist for a while, it will be here soon."

Her voice was hoarse, like a crumpled cirrus cloud in the sky.

Lord Shenming didn't speak, but turned his head to look out of the window.

As she spoke, he seemed to have a mad rabbit in his chest.

He felt that he must be sick.

Did Shen Chen impose some taboos on him? Why is he so strange now?

He is burning hot now.

But he still didn't let go of Shen Chen's hand holding him, instead it became tighter and tighter.

Where Shen Chen couldn't see, the corner of his mouth curled up extremely shallowly.

Soon, the two arrived in City A.

As soon as they got off the plane, someone was waiting for them for a long time.

Shen Nanning had specifically instructed that Shen Chen would go there secretly, so there were not many people there, only a few persons in charge of City A.

Shen Beiyi slightly nodded at Shen Chen: "Patriarch, I am the general manager of City A."

"Master God Attendant has already made arrangements, Patriarch, I will take you to rest first."

Shen Bei glanced at the man beside Shen Chen, thinking that he was also from the Shen family.

I don't know which side branch was suddenly promoted to the Patriarch's side.

In order to better understand the handover work.

He stretched out his hand to God, wanting to shake his hand.

He smiled, and said to him, "Hi, I'm Shen Beiyi, what's my name?"

Except for Shen Chen, Shen Qingtang, and Shen Nanning, no one in the Shen family has ever seen Lord Shenming.

Every year when offering sacrifices.

The two Shens dare not touch Lord Shenming, they will move him out together with the ice hall that sealed him.

When placed in the shrine, there will be something covering it.

What's more, during the sacrifice, no one dared to look up at the gods.

This is disrespectful, and at the same time violates the family rules.

Lord Shenming's slightly pursed arc revealed an aura of indifference.

When Shen Bei saw that he was extremely cold and unwilling to talk to him, it seemed that this man had a high status in front of the patriarch.

It's just that I'm a little bit arrogant.

He withdrew his hand in a little embarrassment.

"His name is Shen Xiaoming."

Lord Shenming said stubbornly: "My name is not Shen Xiaoming."

Seeing that he was disrespectful to Shen Chen, but Shen Chen didn't look angry at all.

Shen Bei lowered his head.

No wonder he is so crazy.

The man who turned out to be the patriarch doesn't look like he is in charge. This time, he may be fully responsible for all the affairs of the patriarch in City A.

They rested for half a day, and in the evening, Shen Chen took His Excellency to wander around City A, which was not as prosperous as Tianxuan City.

But also tasteless.

In the evening, Shen Chen took him to a barbecue stand, which was not big and stood on the side of the road.

The boss is a plump woman in her 30s. She is not particularly beautiful, but her smile is contagious. Two small dimples appear on her cheeks, which makes people feel very kind.

Lord Shenming frowned, and sat on the small bench with Shen Chen, watching Shen Chen sitting there without any pretensions or image, making skewers.

He wished he could shrink himself into a ball and not touch the table that had just been wiped by the boss.

Shen Chen also ignored him, just smiled and looked at the busy proprietress.

(End of this chapter)

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