236 Chapter 48 The Lord God [-]
He just wanted her to coax him more, but he forgot that Shen Chen was an impatient person, and his reserve and pretended indifference would only push her further away.

Shen Chen still felt a little troublesome.

But no problem.

The people under her have basically found out the itinerary of Song Bocheng and Shen Qingtang.

She thought that if they could be solved secretly, it would be better not to disturb the other nine families.

The gods agreed.

He didn't want to miss Shen Chen once in ten days and half a month.

He took the initiative to lower his noble head and chatted with her.

She obviously smiled back at him, but he always felt that something had changed.

Shen Chen brought not many people to the Wen family this time.

It is quite satisfactory.

When the Shen family's plane arrived in Tianling City, the Wen family had already sent someone to wait there.

He is a junior of the Wen family.

After Shen Chen got off the plane, she had a lazy expression.

Looking at the Wen family who was walking towards him, there was no expression on his face.

The man looked about the same age as Shen Chen, and he looked at it for a long time before confirming that Shen Chen was the new head of the Shen family.

I heard that she has excellent talent and high cultivation base.

He smiled respectfully at Shen Chen: "Patriarch Shen, this way please, our Patriarch has long wanted to drink tea with you."

At the same time, there were Hakkas and the heads of the Long family.

In this meeting, there are four families who are not the heads of the family, but the representatives of the faction.

The Patriarch of the Hakka and the Patriarch of the Long Family greeted each other, but they ignored Shen Chen together.

Shen Chen didn't pay much attention.

After all, their Shen family and the Hakka Long family are basically completely enmity.

Many Hakka people died beside the Shen family's land.

And the members of the Long family were also driven out of City A by Shen Chen mercilessly.

Under Wen's arrangement, everyone checked into the hotel under Wen's family.

The next day, the Patriarch of the Wen family appeared in person and led them to visit Cangwen City.

Among the top ten families.

Only the Shen family is different from other families.

Because the Shen family has worshiped the gods for generations.

Therefore, the Shen family's hierarchy is also the strictest, and there are many more rules than ordinary families.

That day, Shen Chen did not see Song Bocheng and Shen Qingtang beside the Patriarch of the Wen family.

I heard that Song Bocheng's status in Wen's family is relatively high now.

She never found the right opportunity to kill them both.

Just at this time, the mother of the Wen Family's Patriarch celebrated her 200th birthday, and invited the Patriarchs and their representatives.

The dinner party is set for three days later.

Shen Chen also met many other Patriarchs in the past few days.

Their attitude towards Shen Chen was somewhat contemptuous.

After all, the youngest among them is over 100 years old, while Shen Chen is just a doll in his 20s.

Acting too unsteadily.

The confrontation between the major families is secretly, you come and go behind your back.

No one ever brought things to light.

Only Shen Chen didn't give the Long family and the Hakka any face at all.

Still too young after all.

Three days later.

Shen Chen was wearing a black dress, with a suit and tie on his shoulders, and appeared at Wen's dinner party.

The head of the Wen family came out to greet him in person.

After all, in terms of status, they belong to the same level.

And the Shen family is much stronger than the Wen family.

As for whether it will be defeated by Shen Chen, it is still unknown.

Now, he still can't afford to offend.

With no more than twenty wives under his arms, he circled around the big families with a smile.

Shen Chen looked at his wife and suddenly grinned.

His wife is Shen Qingtang.

Shen Qingtang pretended not to know her, and nodded slightly to her.

Brother Song said.

Don't be afraid of her, she dare not take them out.

If she exposes them, the secrets of the gods will be revealed.

The Shen family will fall into a predicament beyond redemption.

 The chapter published yesterday has been changed, so you can read it again.

(End of this chapter)

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