237 Chapter 49 The Lord God [-]
Seeing Shen Chen's leaving back, she was a little nervous, her palms were sweaty, and the head of the Wen family pinched her buttocks.

Asked lovingly: "What's the matter?"

Shen Qingtang smiled gently at him: "I'm fine, it's just that I'm a little nervous to attend such a banquet for the first time."

A trace of disgust flashed in her lowered eyes.

If it wasn't for Brother Song, she wouldn't have seduced this old man who was older than her father.

Although he looks only in his 30s, but because of his cultivation, he is actually over 100 years old.

At that time, Brother Song was seriously injured, and they fled here together, unable to afford food.

Because there is no identity.

She works in a coffee shop to support Brother Song and herself.

But he didn't expect to be taken by that old man.

He obviously has a wife, but he wanted to support her.

She used to be a servant of the Shen family, so how could she be willing to do three things to an old man.

But Brother Song didn't know why, but he fell seriously ill at this time, and he had a high fever for three consecutive days.

Ordinary medicines don't work at all.

Seeing Song Bocheng lying in the rental house and vomiting blood, she cried heartbreakingly.

She had never hated Shen Chen so much.

In the past, he just hated her, but now, he wanted her to die.

If she hadn't gone mad suddenly, she and Song Bocheng would be imprisoned and even killed.

How could they leave Tianxuan City and come to this unfamiliar place.

Looking at the dying Song Bocheng.

She could only go to Wen Jiutian and be his lover.

Brother Song also received treatment.

She only said that he was her own brother.

Wen Jiutian seemed to really like her, and even kicked his wife who had been with him for decades in her ear, and married her.

Later, Song Bocheng woke up.

Raw rice is cooked rice.

And his cultivation base also began to improve by leaps and bounds, he suspected that it might be caused by something stuffed into his mouth by a long-haired man.

That thing is a piece of raw meat.

Possibly the flesh of the gods.

And now, he is no longer what he used to be.

The two of them have fully gained Wen Jiutian's trust.

He has almost mastered half of the Wen family.

Song Bocheng said that he would not dislike her until they took Wen's family into their own hands.

will marry her.

Then go to Shen Chen for revenge.

Song Bocheng is very selfish.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to reveal the efficacy of Lord God's flesh and blood.

He wanted, to devour him alone.

Song Qingtang looked at the man next to Shen Chen, and felt more and more familiar.

The moment he turned his head, he saw his face that looked like a celestial being.

She covered her mouth in horror.

Her legs went limp.

It's my lord.

She was born in the Shen family since she was a child, so she naturally has a natural awe of the gods.

Wen Jiutian looked at her with an increasingly concerned expression: "Ma'am, I think your complexion is not good, why don't you go and take a rest first."

Shen Qingtang couldn't hold it anymore, she nodded.

Let the servant help her down.

She went to Song Bocheng in a panic, wanting to tell him the news.

But Song Bocheng was not there at this time.

As soon as Shen Chen came out of the bathroom, he saw a man leaning against the wall, gently blowing smoke rings.

The system's black cat experience skin has already expired, and it is now speaking in Shen Chen's mind.

"The host is Song Bocheng."

Shen Chen curled the corner of his mouth.

Just didn't know how to approach him, so he sent it to his door by himself.

Song Bocheng extinguished the cigarette, leaked his extremely affectionate eyes, and looked at Shen Chen quietly.

Because he ate the flesh and blood of the gods, his skin glowed and he looked extremely handsome.

He looked at Shen Chen.

She has grown up.

In the past few years, when she looked at him, she was no longer so innocent and warm.

(End of this chapter)

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