238 Chapter 50 The Lord God [-]
Why did he and her come to this point? In the past, she was also the little sister he watched growing up.

It's a pity that there is a blood feud between them.

away for so long.

He has been secretly paying attention to Shen Chen.

Watch her every move.

Perhaps, in his heart, she was no longer that innocent younger sister.

He is attracted to her.

However, what made him extremely painful was.

His parents died because of the Shen family, so he must destroy the Shen family.

He raised his head and pushed back his waxed hair, completely revealing his eyes full of love.

He thought that it must have been the Shen family who discovered his relationship with the Shen family's enemies.

He also found out that Shen Chen had stolen the divine blood for him.

Shen Chen loved him so much, how could he betray him.

She must have acted that scene under pressure from the Shen family.

All to confuse the Shen family.

The Shen family is so strict.

Without her permission no.

How could that long-haired man appear suddenly, fed him the meat of the gods, and sent him and the unconscious Shen Qingtang out.

It's a pity that he is destined to disappoint her full of affection.

He and her are destined to be opposites.

He is now powerful, no one can beat him.

In order to contain the Shen family.

He is always looking for opportunities.

The Shen family is too large to be uprooted so easily.

He thought, to capture the thief, first capture the king, and now arrest Shen Chen.

Then use this to slowly disintegrate the Shen family.

He looked at Shen Chen full of guilt, and stretched out his hand that still smelled of cigarettes.


"Well, you!"

Shen Chen quickly walked around behind him, wrapped the silver thread around his neck, and kicked his knee, forcing him to kneel on the ground.

One foot kicked his back, and his hands clenched tightly.

Before he could say anything, Shen Chen wiped his neck.

Blood seeped out from the cut and flowed all over the place, looking violent and bloody.

Shen Chen raised his hand and destroyed the camera with the ice thorn in his hand.

Shen Chen swiftly dragged his body into the women's bathroom and cleaned up the blood.

Locked the door of the women's bathroom.

Fearing that he wasn't dead, Shen Chen slowly formed an ice blade in his hand, which ruthlessly pierced into his dantian, injected spiritual power, and destroyed his golden elixir.

There were two blows in the heart and one in the brain respectively.

Make sure he is completely cool.

Shen Chen stuffed him into one of the compartments, and then locked the compartment.

After cleaning up all traces.

He stood in front of the sink and began to wash off the blood on his hands.

The next one is Shen Qingtang.

Kill her before she tells the secret of Lord God.

But right now.

Shen Chen realized that she was suddenly imprisoned by something, unable to move.

She smiled.

It finally found her.

This is the third time she has come to this world.

It has changed from a high-level world to the low-level small world that is now four different.

It seems that last time, she also hurt it badly.

No wonder the direction of this small world is the destruction of the world.

It turned out that it wanted to re-hatch.

"what are you doing?"

Lord Shenming found that she had been away for a long time and never came back, so he came to look for her specially.

But he found her standing there motionless.

Seeming to have finally discovered something wrong with her, he frowned slightly and looked at Shen Chen: "What's wrong with you?"

He asked about the faint smell of blood on Shen Chen's body: "You killed someone."

It's not an interrogative sentence, it's an affirmative sentence.

It was Song Bocheng who died.

He knew that she was here for Song Bo.

He looked towards the women's bathroom and put his hand on her shoulder.

Shen Chen suddenly found that all the confinement disappeared, and she could move again.

She glanced at Lord Shenming.

He hooked his lips into a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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