240 Chapter 52 The Lord God [-]
But her silly son looked fascinated by this vixen.

Protect her in the palm of his hand like a baby, for fear of bumping into her.

They even handed over half of the Wen family's property to their brothers and sisters. If she hadn't stopped him, he would have sent the entire Wen family out to please his wife.

People who are over 100 years old have smooth reflections in their brains, and their minds are not long at all.

If it was really the Shen family's initiative.

She wants to worship Buddha and thank God to thank Patriarch Shen.

Removed such a scourge.

Shen Qingtang was taken aback by the beating.

She raised her head, the old lady is also a strong practitioner, she confiscated her strength this time.

Shen Qingtang only felt that his head was in a daze.

Wen Jiutian held Shen Qingtang's red and swollen face distressedly, and looked at the old lady with accusation: "Mother, how could you beat Qingtang?"

Old Madam Wen looked at the dutiful son in front of her, her hands trembling while leaning on the cane.

If it weren't for her being such a son, how could the position of Patriarch be passed on to this idiot.

Shen Qingtang was hugged by Wen Jiutian, crying.

Wen Jiutian gently touched her face, and suddenly looked at Shen Chen who was late.

"Patriarch Shen, don't you explain it?"

Shen Chen looked at him innocently.

"Patriarch Wen, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"I have no grievances with Mrs. Another and her brother, why should I kill her brother?"

Shen Qingtang had already lost her mind, she looked at Shen Chen's indifferent face angrily.

"Shen Chen, what are you pretending, you and I grew up together, we..."

Wen Jiutian also realized that something was wrong.

The old lady clattered her sandalwood cane with a hammer: "Song Qingtang, didn't you say that you and your brother both died of their parents and grew up in an orphanage?"

Shen Qingtang's face turned pale.

But she knew that Shen Chen even killed Brother Song's, and he would definitely not let her go in the future.

Then it's better to blow everything out here.

Shen Qingtang stood up and staggered to Shen Chen's side.

"My name is not Song Qingtang, but I am Shen Qingtang, Shen's servant."

She pulled a sinister smile from the corner of her mouth: "Patriarch, you don't know me, do you?"

She wants to reveal the secrets of the gods to the public, and let the greedy immortal cultivators tear Shen Shi apart.

Everyone looked like they were watching a good show.

Shen Qingtang, isn't he the one who defected from the Shen family?

Shen Chen smiled slightly at her: "Of course I remember."

Under Shen Qingtang's shocked gaze, Shen Chen's hand directly penetrated her chest, looking at her and Song Bo in the same unrepentant manner.

Shen Chen hooked the corner of his mouth.

Just don't know how to kill her.

As a result, she blew herself up.

What is wrong with her Shen family punishing her own traitor?

Although the method is a bit cruel, so what, what to do with outsiders.

Wen Jiutian's eyes widened in shock.

It seemed that Shen Chen didn't expect that Shen Chen would dare to make a move in public.

He ran forward anxiously and launched an attack on Shen Chen, but before the attack touched Shen Chen, it was resolved by the god.

Lord Shen Ming looked at a man and a woman lying on the ground.

He gave a wry smile.

The fate line he calculated was completely broken.

And he, who was supposed to stay out of the matter, was completely entangled with her and could not be separated.

Everyone looked at Lord Shenming in amazement, they had always thought that he was a handsome male favorite who grew up beside the Patriarch of the Shen family.

This cultivation is immeasurable.

Even they couldn't easily defuse Wen Jiutian's blow by raising their hands.

"Shen Chen, how dare you make a move in front of my family!"

Shen Chen tilted his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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