241 Chapter 53 The Lord God [-]
"Patriarch Wen heard it too. She is a traitor from the Shen family who stole my Shen family's treasures and fled. Is there any problem with how I deal with my own traitor?"

Wen Jiutian's eyes were red, and he cried into tears while hugging Shen Qingtang.

"She is not Shen Qingtang, she is my wife."

The people around also looked at Shen Chen with apprehension.

The new head of the Shen family is too crazy to attack her like this.

Isn't she afraid of Wen's crazy revenge?
Now she has only inherited the position of Patriarch for a few years, and she has already offended the three major families.

And this appearance of killing people in public is too crazy.

They have already branded Shen Chen as a young, crazy and reckless lunatic.

The old lady of the Wen family also frowned.

Although she didn't like this Shen Qingtang.

But now she is also the daughter-in-law of her Wen family.

If it was in secret, it would be fine for Shen Chen to deal with her no matter what, but if he did it in front of the public, or murdered her at her birthday banquet, wouldn't that be embarrassing to Wen's family?

She was about to have a seizure.

Shen Chen walked up to her with a very sincere attitude.

"Mrs. Wen, I'm very sorry for ruining your birthday banquet."

"It's just that the two traitors, Shen Qingtang and Song Bocheng, stole the very important treasures of the Shen family, and I have no choice but to deal with them."

"In order to make up for the Wen family, the Shen family is willing to give the Lingshi mine in the northwest of City S to the Wen family to make amends."

Shen Chen had a faint smile on his face.

Everyone was stunned.

Does she know what she's talking about?

That's not a gold mine or a silver mine, it's a spirit stone mine.

Although it is only a low-grade spirit stone mine, in this era when spiritual power is scarce, spirit stones are the most important way for them to cultivate and become powerful.

She actually handed over the mine directly to others.

What a loser.

Although the Shen family has a great career, it's not like she lost like this.

Mrs. Shen's expression also froze, she was stunned by the pie that fell from the sky.

In the face of huge interests, it doesn't matter whether you are ashamed or not.

They Wen family, because they were established at the end and the spiritual mines were scarce, they could only buy them from other families, and they were restrained everywhere, so they became the bottom line of the major families.

Her distorted face suddenly turned from anger to a smile.

The voice was trembling with excitement: "Patriarch Shen, what are you talking about?"

"Patriarch Shen punished the traitor, and I, the Wen family, didn't have time to cooperate, so how could I blame you."

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "That's good, don't bother the old lady."

The old lady of the Wen family also smiled: "Don't bother."

Wen Jiutian looked at the old lady of the Wen family in confusion: "Mother!"

Old Madam Wen hit him with a cane: "Shut up."

Wen Jiutian naturally knew what the spirit mine meant. He looked at Shen Qingtang who was still dying, and then at Mrs. Wen who was immersed in joy.

Finally shut up.

Shen Chen really gave too much.

It seems that Wen Tianci, that is, Song Bocheng, was also killed by Shen Chen.

But the Wen family didn't pursue it.

It's not good for others to say anything.

The rest of the major families also saw Shen Chen's wealth and wealth, and changed from his usual cold and warm manner.

She is really like the silly son of the landlord's family.

You can give away the top-grade spiritual weapon, and the low-grade zero ore.

The Wen family can benefit from her, so what about them.

But Shen Chen doesn't look like he's always been stupid.

The deeper the contact, the more like a cunning old fox. Until Shen Chen left, he didn't get any benefit from her, but was tricked out of a lot of good things.

Before leaving Wen's house, all the masters spat in the direction of Shen's plane.

"Shen's son, you have a lot of eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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