242 Chapter 55 The Lord God [-]
Before Shen Chen boarded the plane, he smiled and waved to several Patriarchs.

But the faces of several Patriarchs stink to death.

When the plane was flying to Shen's house, suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Shen Nanning frowned and said, "I checked before I left, and there haven't been any rainy days in recent days."

Chen lazily opened his eyes and looked out the window.

Want to repeat the same trick?

Lord Shenming also realized that something was wrong, he felt the suppression of heaven.

That thundercloud is not an ordinary thundercloud.

It's the thunder cloud that soars through the catastrophe.


As early as after the great battle a hundred years before he cultivated the human form, no one would be able to ascend.

Even him, when his cultivation reached the bottleneck, he just became the god of this world.

Failed to fly out.

His eyelids twitched suddenly.

Suddenly, he saw Shen Chen stretch out his hand and raised his middle finger to the thundercloud in the sky.

Is she provoking heaven?

Lord Shenming was stunned.

Lightning struck the plane violently, and the plane lost control and fell towards the ground.

But Shen Chen didn't have the slightest panic on his expression, nor did he make any movements.

What he didn't know was that it wasn't that Shen Chen didn't want to move, but that he couldn't move.

Lord Shenming hurriedly made a move, the spiritual power surged in his hands, he lifted up the people at the moment when the plane was about to hit the mountain, and put them safely on the ground.

The others bound their legs with spiritual power.

Only Shen Chen was carefully held in his arms.

He looked at him with concern: "Are you okay?"

Shen Chen shook his head.

She found that as soon as she came into contact with the Lord God, she could move, and the guess in her heart was vaguely confirmed.

This heavenly means.

It's very dirty now.

The thunder cloud in the sky that day obviously did not intend to let Shen Chen go.

Seeing that Shen Chen is not dead.

Quickly chased over.

Shen Chen avoided the attack of the Heavenly Dao. In order not to be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao, she tightly held the hand of Lord Shenming.

"Sorry," she said to him.

Lord Shenming didn't know what she meant.

I saw the place where she grabbed his wrist, and there was a sudden sharp pain.

All the cultivations in his body were quickly converging towards her.

He looked at her differently.

Many things flashed through his mind, he opened his eyes suddenly, and held Shen Chen tightly with his backhand.

is her.

It turned out to be her.

He was originally just an ancient divine sword. After she picked it up, he stayed with her for thousands of years. When she died for the first time, he was also sealed under the mountain.

The second time, she died again.

The majestic spiritual power in her body poured into the whole earth, and he gave birth to the sword spirit because of it.

Later he practiced to become a god.

There is no opponent in that world, he is her sword, and Shen Chen is her master.

No wonder, no wonder he was suppressed and sealed by Shen's blood.

No wonder, he felt a little fond of her when he first saw her.

No wonder, he who has always been indifferent and ruthless would fall in love with her so quickly.

She keeps asking his name, and it's not that he doesn't want to tell her.

It was the name of Bibi, which he couldn't say.

He prefers her to call him Lord God.

Her voice was as clear as water, with a touch of warmth, and the words "Master Shenming" sounded very nice in her mouth.

The severe pain in his body made him hold her tighter: "Master."

"You're back."

He suddenly remembered that Shen Chen still didn't know what his doll's name was.

The man she liked before was called Xie Xuan.

Then his name is Xuan Qin.

only hope.

She can remember him forever.

He knew that Shen Chen was no ordinary person.

She has already fought against the Heavenly Dao of this world twice, and he has most of her abilities at that time.

Only when he sacrifices can Shen Chen have the possibility of winning.

He was born for her and died for her, so naturally he was willing to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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