Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 247 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 4

Chapter 247 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 4
The kind Shen Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

Three years in prison hadn't desensitized her.

In fact, she was still the naive eldest lady, but with a little more suffering and maturity.

She secretly took care of Zhou Yiyan.

After being discovered by Zhou Yibai.

Instigated by the nanny, Zhou Yibai beat Shen Chen half to death with a whip.

The young Zhou Yiyan stretched out her two arms to block Shen Chen.

Shen Chen hugged his small body and was so moved.

Later, after a series of maids framed, the two misunderstood.

When Zhou Yiyan was five years old, the truth finally came to light.

It turned out that Zhou Yiyan couldn't speak at first, and it wasn't Shen Chen's instigation to not get close to Zhou Yibai.

It's because of the nanny's abuse.

And Shen Chen is the only one who sincerely treats his son well.

Zhou Yibai suddenly felt guilty towards Shen Chen and his son.

He stopped spending time and drinking outside, he started to take care of Zhou Yiyan together with Shen Chen, and the relationship between him and Shen Chen became more and more ambiguous.

In the end, the two reconciled.

But Yan Sisi's death was still a thorn between the two of them.

As long as the two quarrel, Yan Sisi will be pulled out by Zhou Yibai to provoke Shen Chen.

Shen Chen was hugged by Zhou Yiyan and wept secretly.

The two are just like this, misunderstanding, reconciliation, misunderstanding, reconciliation...

Experienced numerous large and small incidents.

Shen Chen was abused in this way until he was in his 30s.

Because of Zhou Yibai's kick, she lost her fertility forever after the miscarriage.

Shen Chen took care of Zhou Yiyan as if he was his own child and grew up.

On Zhou Yiyan's 15th birthday.

Zhou Yibai finally let go of all the grievances in his heart, and completely accepted Shen Chen.

And bought an island for her.

It's called Aichen Island.

But just when the Dzogchen was about to come, accidents happened.

Yan Sisi, who had been dead for many years, came back.

Yan Sisi, who still had a charm, was no longer cute and pitiful, but she was full of beauty at the beginning.

Zhou Yibai cheated again.

Zhou Yiyan showed Shen Chen the photos of them together.

Shen Chen was stunned.

Yan Sisi is not dead, so what is the torture she has suffered for so many years?
When she was heartbroken.

15-year-old Zhou Yiyan hugged Shen Chen, saying that he would always be by Shen Chen's side.

He actually kissed Shen Chen.

Shen Chen slapped him across the face, looking at him with tears on his face: "I'm your mother!"

Zhou Yiyan looked at her with a smile that was very similar to Yan Sisi.

She was not his biological mother, he said, and he had known it since childhood.

His biological parents will soon be together.

In fact, his mother was not dead at all.

It was just Zhou Yibai's plot to annex the Shen family, and Shen Chen's parents were actually killed by Zhou Yibai.

Shen Chen only felt that her own world had collapsed, her whole body was cooked in a frying pan, why did God treat her so cruelly.

It turned out that she had been living in a lie, and the person she loved was a liar.

The child she raised as her own son has always harbored ill intentions towards her.

She wants to die.

But Zhou Yiyan stopped her, saying that he could help her take revenge on them.

Shen Chen was dazzled by hatred, and she wanted to avenge her parents.

But for so many years, she has been kept in a deep house by Zhou Yibai, and she doesn't understand anything.

She believed in Zhou Yiyan.

Under Zhou Yiyan's scheming, Shen Chen and Zhou Yi Baixu and the snake.

When Zhou Yiyan was just full.

Shen Chen gave Zhou Yiyan all the shares in the Shen family.

Sure enough, Zhou Yiyan didn't break her promise, he planned to ruin his biological parents.

They were even imprisoned in the basement as pigs and dogs, where they were whipped and abused every day.

(End of this chapter)

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