Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 248 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 5

Chapter 248 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 5
Shen Chen couldn't bear it.

She wants to let them go.

But they learned from them that the truth of the matter is not what Zhou Yiyan said.

Zhou Yibai didn't kill her parents, Yan Sisi did fake her death, but Zhou Yibai didn't know.

Yan Sisi originally wanted to come back to Zhou Yibai after a year of suspended animation.

Unexpectedly, she met her true love abroad.

She came back to look for Zhou Yibai only after her true love died.

There was no affair between the two after that.

Everything was designed by that little pervert Zhou Yiyan.

Shen Chen didn't know who to trust.

She finally regained her mind and found a private detective to find out the truth of the year.

What made her a bolt from the blue was.

What Zhou Yibai said turned out to be true.

She didn't understand why Zhou Yiyan, who grew up watching and loving her, became like this.

He was so beastly that even his biological parents would not let him go.

How could she have played too much with Zhou Yiyan, who was wise and close to a demon?

He soon found out that she sent someone to check on him.

He stopped pretending completely and showed his fangs to Shen Chen.

Zhou Yiyan broke into her room that night, pushed her to the foot of the bed, and forced her.

Zhou Yiyan likes her very much, and takes her with her wherever she goes.

But Shen Chen hated him very much.

To her, he was a beast.

She resisted Zhou Yiyan, and Zhou Yiyan abused Zhou Yibai and Yan Sisi.

Seeing them with gray hair before they were 40 years old, Shen Chen compromised.

However, how could Zai Zai's son be really affectionate?

He even refuses to let go of his biological parents, how much love does he have for her.

He also cheated.

He hooks up with his befuddled little secretary.

But even so, he refused to let Shen Chen go.

He wanted to marry that little secretary, let Shen Chen be his lover, and enjoy the blessings of everyone.

How could Shen Chen agree.

In a fit of rage, he killed Zhou Yibai and Yan Sisi.

On a rainy night, Shen Chen held Zhou Yibai's body and cried until he was in tears.

Before dying, Zhou Yibai said he was sorry to Shen Chen, and confessed his love to her.

The moment he closed his eyes.

Shen Chen forgave all the hurt he caused her.

Through his cold body, she seemed to see Brother Yi Bai who was sweating profusely on the playground. He was grinning at her in the sun, showing his big white teeth, like a fool.

That was her purest love.

For so many years, even if she deceived herself, she never changed.

They also have fond memories.

And Shen Chen also fell ill in this heavy rain.

When she died, Zhou Yiyan was still in bed with that little secretary.

Shen Chen had a high fever, and left her last tear on the unattended cold floor.

Zhou Yiyan got off the bed and saw countless missed calls from the secretary.

He frowned and called.



"Ma'am, she..."

"Is it wrong?"

"No, Madam's body is already completely cold."

Zhou Yiyan dropped her phone and looked up, her face was already covered in tears.

He never had her, but he lost her completely.

He has no home.

The system looked at the plot of this small world, and wept.

[Woooooooo, host, this small world is so cruel, people are crying so hard that they can't breathe. 】

Shen Chen only felt that the sky was thundering, stupid and unlucky.

Everyone in this small world seems to have that serious illness.

Now she traveled back to the time point.

It was when her parents had just died and she was blackmailed by Yan Sisi.

Shen Chen just forced an apology in front of the media.

Before he could speak, Shen Chen came.

After apologizing, it will be a more serious Internet explosion, just like a typhoon passing through. The fierce and domineering rainstorm will hit her, drag her into the bottom of the sea, and completely suffocate her.

(End of this chapter)

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