Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 273 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 31

Chapter 273 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 31
Slowly a few more people came.

Game master Wei Ziyou, showbiz actress Lou Ying, and heavenly king Chu Baiqiu.

The three of them also frowned when they got out of the car, but they didn't say much.

They are all top figures in various industries.

I don't know what name the old man used to deceive me.

The seventh arrived.

It was an unexpected person, Zhou Yibai's older brother Zhou Yimo.

The tall and handsome man got out of the car, and when he saw Shen Chen, he nodded slightly, like a walking hormone, and immediately caught the eyes of the women present.

Shen Chen had to admit it.

The Zhou family's genes are indeed good.

The appearance of Zhou Yimo and Zhou Yibai, in the entertainment industry, they are the existences that kill countless stars in seconds.

Except for these seven people, the rest are all little stars who are not well-known in the entertainment industry. There are more than 50 people in total.

Shen Chen's eyes fell on Old Man Sun, but he didn't notice Shen Chen.

Instead, he looked at the people in the camera with a little obsession, his eyes shining.

The situation is nothing like what he said.

Moreover, it is not that there are more amateurs.

The so-called amateurs are people who are outside the [-]th line of the entertainment industry and have never even had a scene.

Some people are lax and slack, some people are ambitious and want to chat with more famous queens, and some people desperately express themselves in front of the camera.

When everyone arrived, the venue instantly became chaotic.

The chattering gave Shen Chen a headache.

What exactly does old man Sun want to do.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure among the crowd.

He was dragging the suitcase alone, standing outside the crowd, his Qingjuan figure stood like a straight bamboo.

After all the people are here.

The program team quickly issued task cards.

The sumptuous dinner they prepared for them in the cabin.

Tonight they will stay in the wooden house for one night, and the recording will officially start tomorrow.

Those people walked into one of the wooden houses, but found that there was something strange inside.

The dim light is clean and warm, and the inside is not small, elegant and generous, not dilapidated like the outside.

After dinner, the rest of the staff led them into several other cabins.

Everyone has a separate room, and everyone's room is the same without the slightest difference.

All the talents finally believed that this is indeed a tourism variety show.

However, the task card stated that they were not allowed to communicate after dinner and had to go back to their room.

Go to bed before nine o'clock.

Tian Tian and Liang Rou got to know Shen Chen a little better, and the three of them ate dinner together.

Shen Chen also had a preliminary understanding of Tian Tian and Liang Rou's personalities.

Fifty people, almost all in groups of twos and threes, gathered in a pile, each in their own circle.

Tian Tian complained that this variety show scared her when it first started.

Fortunately, it's back to normal.

This Director Sun is not suitable for making variety shows at all, he is suitable for being an actor and evolving.

Shen Chen found that, except for her, all of them had signed an agreement before coming.

Although the requirements of the program group are a bit strange.

But because it was recording a program, everyone still complied.

Shen Chen pulled the suitcase and came to her room.

See that weirdly shaped bed.

She knew what Old Man Sun was going to do.

At eight o'clock, an old voice came from every room: "Please don't come out at midnight!"

In the silence of the night, it looked a little weird.

The sound fell, and the whole room was pitch black.

Standing in front of the window, Shen Chen could clearly see the huge waves crashing against the shore, and a distant and long sound came from the sea.

There were also strange noises from outside the corridor.

It's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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