Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 308 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 66

Chapter 308 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 66
In the final analysis, Yan Qi is still a very macho man in his heart.

He is confident in his masculine charm.

After all, in his previous life, as long as he wanted to, countless women would swarm up to please him and flatter him.

Except for Shen Chen, no one does not love him.

Yan Qi subconsciously regarded Shen Ran as those women in his previous life. After all, he didn't use his mind at all, and she took the bait by himself.

He was also so enthusiastic that he felt scared.

Shen Ran saw the phone call from Yan Qi.

She looked at the information in her hand, the 16-year-old murdered her mother and pretended to commit suicide, this Yan Qi is really a ruthless person.

His phone rang for a long time.

Shen Ran no longer wanted to tease him.

She only waited for Shen Chen and Gu Beizhuo's wedding to be over, and then she broke the news, making it impossible for him to recover, and cheating her would definitely cost him blood.

Yan Qi called for a long time, but no one answered.

He angrily smashed his phone against the wall.

This woman is just a pedal for him, and he is still here.

Without her, he could prevent Shen Chen from marrying that man.

Day two.

Gu Beizhuo woke up very early, or he didn't sleep all night.

He always felt as if he was living in a dream, and thinking about it now, there was still a little bit of unreality.

For some reason, there was always some uneasiness in my heart.

Gu Beizhuo actively attributed the strangeness in his heart to his excitement for the wedding.

Everything is going well with the wedding.

When he saw Shen Chen in a white wedding dress slowly walking towards her, a flash of surprise flashed across his face.

Every step he took was like stepping on a cloud, and the arc of the corner of his mouth never fell.

Gu Beizhuo couldn't wait to hold his bride, with an extremely happy smile on his face.

The wedding was held with great fanfare, and all the dignitaries of Hwaseong and celebrities from all walks of life came to visit.

When the two were taking oaths, one of them suddenly stood up and interrupted the wedding.

Shen Chen looked at the expected person with a calm expression.

Yesterday Yan Qi tried every means to contact her, but all failed.

There is no one available by his side.

So, he still came.

Yan Qi took off his mask and glasses, and looked at Shen Chen affectionately: "Chen'er, don't marry him."

The smile on Gu Beizhuo's face gradually disappeared, he looked at Yan Qi vigilantly, and protected Shen Chen behind him.

Seeing Yan Qi's appearance, Shen Ran frowned, how did he get in.

Ghosts linger.

She quickly sent someone to call the security guard to pull him out.

Yan Qi was a little anxious.

He grabbed Shen Chen in front of celebrities from all walks of life.

Telling of his apologies and his love for her.

He said he couldn't live without him.

Gu Beizhuo listened, but his brows became tighter and tighter.

This man is talking nonsense, Shen Chen has known him for less than a year.

And he was very sure that Shen Chen was with him all the time, and never had another man.

And Shen Chen has a cleanliness habit.

How could it be possible to share him with another woman.


He punched Yan Qi in the face, his eyes were cold: "Who sent you to rape my wife here."

Yan Qi staggered when he hit him, he straightened up and covered his face, spitting out the saltiness in his mouth.

He sneered: "Your wife?"

"You are worthy too, she is my woman."

He dared to hit him, Yan Qi was like an enraged lion, his red eyes were about to wrestle with Gu Beizhuo.

Many people at the wedding scene did not expect unexpected changes.

The scene of the two men being a woman is really full of drama.

Their eyes fell on the face of the mistress at the center of the farce.

(End of this chapter)

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