Chapter 309
But she found that Shen Chen's eyes were indifferent, and the end of her eyes swept over Gu Beizhuo.

Gu Beizhuo turned off the fire in an instant, and retreated to Shen Chen's side. When Shen Chen looked at him, his face was full of grievances.

When Shen Chen looked away, Gu Beizhuo looked at Yan Qi with a gloomy gaze, as if looking at a dead person.

Yan Qi saw the tacit understanding between the two.

He lowered his eyes and looked hurt, he took out a knife out of nowhere.

Seeing the knife with a cold light, everyone present gasped.

Yan Qi is really crazy.

Gu Beizhuo's pupils constricted, he suddenly pulled Shen Chen behind him, and looked at Yan Qi vigilantly.

The voice was cold and frosty: "What are you doing!"

Yan Qi curled his lips sarcastically, and he looked at Shen Chen with resentful and painful eyes, and he put the knife on his neck.

"Chen'er, I know you have no feelings for me."

Even if it's not love, even if it's just mother-child love.

"Don't marry him, okay?"

The system shouted in Shen Chen's head: [This male protagonist is threatening you, host, ignore him. 】

God, let him die.

Shen Chen smiled and just watched his performance quietly.

If it was the kind original owner, he would indeed be able to grasp it.

But she is not.

Yan Qi looked at Shen Chen unmoved.

For a moment, his heart was ashamed.

She really didn't care about him at all, and this realization made him very uncomfortable.

He looked at Gu Beizhuo fiercely.

It's all because of him, if it wasn't for his appearance, how could Shen Chen be so indifferent to him, and even no longer cared about his life or death.

If they are together today.

Then what's the point of his rebirth?

Yan Qi's blood rushed to his head, he stared at Gu Beizhuo firmly, as long as he died, Shen Chen would definitely stay by his side.

As long as he dies, everything will return to how it was before.

The knife in his hand stabbed at Gu Beizhuo unexpectedly.

The three of them were so close that the people around them had no time to stop them.

Gu Beizhuo did not expect that Yan Qi, a lunatic, would dare to fight in front of so many people.

He can dodge.

However, behind him is Shen Chen.

If he escaped, Shen Chen would be the one who was injured.

He stood there, letting Yan Qi's knife stab at him.

In the nick of time.

He suddenly felt dizzy, and his and Shen Chen's positions were changed.

The sound of a sharp knife piercing into flesh came to his ears, and Gu Beizhuo's pupils trembled as he watched the knife that was supposed to kill him stab into Shen Chen's chest.

He opened his mouth wide silently, but couldn't make a sound.

Shen Chen's body fell limply into his arms.

Blood dripped slowly from the corner of her mouth.

She looked at Gu Beizhuo with apologetic eyes.

She opened her mouth to say something, but the blood foam drowned her voice.

Shen Chen smiled.

He raised his blood-stained hand and wiped his tear-stained face, but he didn't want to wipe it more and more dirty.

He heard the shape of her mouth saying: Don't cry.

Gu Beizhuo was pulled closer by her, Shen Chen's voice was as soft as the wind blowing away.

she says.

Gu Beizhuo, if there is another life, I will give you another wedding.

In the next life, he doesn't want the next life.

He only wants the current Shen Chen.

She can't die, their wedding isn't over yet.

But her smiling eyes suddenly lost their spirits, and her blood-stained hands also fell heavily to the ground, the blood staining the white wedding dress red.

Gu Beizhuo knelt on the ground, covered her bleeding chest with both hands, and shouted her name like crazy.

But she was as quiet as if she was asleep.

Gu Beizhuo couldn't bear it any longer, buried his head in her hair, and sobbed.

(End of this chapter)

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