Chapter 323 Tyrant 13
Shen Chen's voice was soft: "Be good."

At the same time, the other hand slowly moved down, pinching his narrow waist.

That position is extremely sensitive, Xuanqin couldn't help snorting.

He looked at Shen Chen in disbelief, how dare she.

Xuanqin's white jade face was instantly stained with crimson, he struggled a bit, but was firmly pressed down by Shen Chen.

"Presumptuous, do you know what you are doing?"

"I want to kill your nine clans."

Shen Chen's fingertips touched Xuan Qin's lips.

She looked at him condescendingly: "You know I'm impatient. If you're not good, I won't let you go."

For some reason, upon hearing her words, Xuan Qin felt sour and bitter in his heart.

It was as if she had often abandoned him.


He had never met her before, so where did this feeling come from.

For a moment, anger occupied Xuanqin's heart, he looked at her with serious eyes, and threatened in a low voice: "Let go of me."

"I will..."

Before he could speak, his lips were sealed with a kiss stuffed with plum blossoms.

The strong aroma of wine made him a little drunk, and the domineering hand made his whole body go limp, and his fingertips scratched the silk on the bed.

The long hair of the two is intertwined and intertwined, making it impossible to tell you and me apart.

The night is cold as water.

The little maids who were keeping watch outside the palace all had red ears.

They have never heard such a beautiful voice from His Majesty.

Like a piece of music one after another, sometimes high and sometimes low.

Until the next day, Xuanqin opened his eyes, the corners of his eyes were still slightly stained with tears, and red plums were dotted on his snow-white collarbone.

The absurd scene last night flashed across his mind instantly.

He gritted his teeth and looked to the side. The woman's long hair covered her face, sleeping as if she was dead.

Xuan Qin stretched out his hand, but caught nothing, he was startled suddenly.

He actually found out that it was his head hanging on the gate of her palace a few days ago.

But found that the woman had left long ago, and her place was icy cold.

A surge of anger rose in Xuanqin's heart.

He slammed the jade pillow she had used on the ground.


She is taking revenge on him.

He dared to put the corpse on his dragon bed, and he would punish her nine clans and kill her if he offended her.

The jade pillow fell to the ground with a bang.

The splashed broken jade reminded him of what she did last night, and what she forced him to say, the majesty of his emperor is like the wreckage all over the place.

He got off the dragon bed and stepped on the broken jade with bare feet, even though the blood flowed all over the ground, he didn't seem to feel the pain.

He put on his coat and strode outside.

"Come on!"

But as soon as she walked out of the inner room, she saw those smiling eyes, and she was sitting on the couch.

The corpses of wolves outside and the blood everywhere had already been cleaned up.

Thinking of what the two of them did on that couch last night, Xuan Qin's ears warmed up, a shameless woman.

Shen Chen said lazily, "Your Majesty, what's the matter."

"Zhen..." Before Xuanqin's harsh words came out, the woman frowned.

Suddenly picked him up and put him on the table, and found that the blood all over the ground came from a small wound on his fair foot.

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

Every world is like this, does he have self-abuse tendencies?

Shen Chen pinched his ankle, Xuan Qin suddenly slammed into her clear eyes, and he found a trace of his own existence in her eyes.

Although very small, there is only a trace of it.

But his anger seemed to be extinguished suddenly.

He withdrew his feet indifferently, but his eyes couldn't help falling on Shen Chen.

Shen Chen sent someone to call the imperial doctor, her voice was soft like catkins: "Does it hurt?"

Xuan Qin lowered his eyes.

No one ever asked him if he was in pain.

He glanced at Shen Chen awkwardly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his strange eyes.

"Are you caring about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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