Chapter 324 Tyrant 14
Shen Chen's eyes were pure and bright without any impurities, Xuanqin found that she had a pair of very beautiful pupils.

Shen Chen raised his eyelids, with a careless expression on his face.

"Your Majesty said yes, that is."

Xuan Qin gripped the edge of the table.

"Hahahahaha..." He looked at Shen Chen and suddenly laughed wildly.

Fun, really fun.

He had never seen such an interesting woman.

Shen Chen looked at his smile trembling, the already messy pajamas were completely loosened, revealing his fair skin like jade.

There were still traces of Shen Chen remaining on it.

Xuanqin lowered his head, just touching Shen Chen's shoulder, and buried his whole head into her neck.

The cold fragrance of her body entered his nose with the breath.

"What's your name."

Seeing that the imperial physician had arrived, Shen Chen stood up slowly and patted Xuanqin's head.

"Shen Chen."

Noticing Shen Chen's movements, the palace servants and imperial physicians who had just entered all knelt tremblingly, and the blood on their faces faded away in an instant.

This concubine is so bold that she dared to touch His Majesty's head.

Xuan Qin glanced at them coldly, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Shen Chen~" Her name was extremely pleasant in his mouth, and the ending sound was spinning like a hook.

Seeing that he didn't get angry, the imperial physician and the palace's hearts all set off a shocking wave.

They watched their Majesty approach Shen Chen: "Then how about I call you Chen'er?"

Shen Chen signaled the imperial physician to show Xuan Qin's feet quickly.

A little perfunctory back: "Okay."

Xuanqin's feet were wrapped into a rice dumpling by the imperial physician. After the imperial physician left, he rejected the thousands of eunuchs who wanted to carry him, so he extended his hand to Shen Chen.

"Hug me."

Shen Chen glanced at him helplessly, picked him up horizontally, and sent him to the bed that had been washed by the palace servants.

But Xuan Qin hooked Shen Chen's neck, but he was unwilling to let go. His sparkling eyes just looked at Shen Chen quietly.

"Do you know the art of witchcraft and cast a worm on me?"

Shen Chen tore off his arms and straightened up.

"The concubine does not know the art of witchcraft, Your Majesty is too worried."

Xuanqin didn't know why, but after meeting her, he felt a very strange feeling in his chest.

It was like the candied haws that his mother and concubine brought him back from outside the palace when he was a child, sweet with a hint of sourness.

And when hugged by her, the empty feeling in his chest will be completely filled.

He pulled Shen Chen onto the bed, and tightly held her waist.

"You offend me so much, aren't you afraid that I will punish your nine clans?"

Shen Chen casually said, "Will Your Majesty do it?"

Xuan Qin didn't speak, looked at her red lips, leaned over and kissed her.

He tried to imitate Shen Chen's appearance yesterday, gently licking and biting Shen Chen's lips.

But for some reason, it was him who was breathing disorderly in the end.

When he came back to his senses again, it was already time for dinner. Xuanqin tasted it for the first time, and gradually became addicted to it, haunting Shen Chen for several days.

In the past few days, because of his foot injury, he has not gone to court.

Shen Chen also never left his bedroom for five consecutive days.

It wasn't until the sixth day that Xuanqin had to get up from bed to deal with those old men in the court.

His eyes were black and blue, and he looked even more gloomy and ruthless.

In the court hall, Xuanqin kept his air-conditioning on, which scared all the ministers to kneel down and shiver.

I don't know where this evil star was provoked, but the government couldn't delay, and a few people still reported to His Majesty the border matter under low pressure.

 The temperature has dropped, everyone pay attention to keep warm.

  The temperature in the north was zero at the beginning of October. It was really scary. I even put on a big padded jacket.

(End of this chapter)

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